The 100 Magic Plants of Natural Medicine

  • 2010

Believe it or not, much of the modern drugs sold in the pharmacy are made based on substances extracted from a plant. So why don't we turn directly to herbs to relieve our ailments? Because, in some cases, neither we nor the doctors who treat us know that this is possible, since the wonderful knowledge of the herbal pharmacopoeia has been lost in time.

Just to recover some of that knowledge we publish this guide to healing plants. Our intention is that you have an overview of how to harness the power of plants, usually cheap remedies and without side effects.

1) ABRÓTANO: Formerly it was used to facilitate births, today it helps to eliminate parasites and cause menstruation.

2) ACANTO: Opens the appetite and heals the burns.

3) ACEDERA: Its juice is applied on infected ulcers or gangrene before bandaging the wound. The chopped root is macerated for forty-eight hours in white vinegar to use as an acne lotion.

4) ACCELGA: Fight anemia. In addition the cold chard juice spreads on the skin, in case of redness, rashes or insect bites.

5) ACHICORY: Laxative, digestive, purifying. Relieves liver cramps.

6) ADORMIDERA: The seeds are antitumor and its flower, a potent analgesic.

7) AGARIC: Severe purgative (should be used sparingly), expectorant and antiparasitic.

.8) AUGUST: The Athenians put some twigs of this plant in bed to favor sexual abstinence. And, for the same purpose, Paracelsus, the millennial medical M, made an infusion with agnocasto grains.

9) AGRIMONIA: It is used to fight parasites, cure angina, inflammation of the kidneys, bladder disorders and vaginal discharge. As a lotion, in cases of cataracts, dislocations or wounds.

10) ADJUSTMENT : Anti-anemic, healing, is used against menstrual pains, rheumatic, fever and parasites.

11) GARLIC: Wonderful natural antibiotic, prevents and cures all kinds of infections, both when ingested (always raw), and when applied to sores and wounds. Lowers hypertension and prevents heart attacks. It reduces blood sugar levels, prevents and treats cancer, helps eliminate lead and other toxic metals from the body.

12) BASIL: Immune system stimulant, excellent for the intestines when consumed raw. Basil oil fights parasites and cures acne.

13) ARTICHOKE : Aphrodisiac. Root or pimples are used to soothe belly aches and menstrual irregularities.

14) ALCARAVEA : Digestive, antiflatu-slow and natural calming for menstrual cramps.

15) ALOE: It is appetizer and purgative but, above all, its pulp effectively treats burns, wounds, eczema and other skin problems.

16) ANGELICA: Reverses spasms and cramps. The leaves of this plant cure gout.

17) GREEN ANIS: The infusion relieves colic in babies, although who should drink is the mother before breastfeeding.

18) APIO: Its grains are digestive and effective in eliminating gases. The roots are diuretic and whet the appetite. Infusion reduces breast milk.

19) ARISTOLOQUIA: The lotion prepared with wine is used to remove scabies and dry sores. As an infusion it favors lung activity, diuretics and cures uterine flow disorders.

20) ARNICA: Dye diluted in or homeopathic arnica cream is applied locally to relieve bumps caused by falls. The infusion fights lung colds and fluid retention.

21) ARTEMISA: Effective against epilepsy, stimulant and tonic. It causes menstruation and boiled with wine in minimal doses prevents spontaneous abortions


22) ATANASIA: The infusion corrects menstrual disorders.

23) AVELLANO: Better known as the sorceress hazel or witch hazel. Witch hazel tincture is effective for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

24) AVENA: Hot poultices with wine of this grass are used for rheumatism. The seed powder is effective against dropsy and the infusion is diuretic.

25) BARDANA: Relieves ulcers, gout and some venereal diseases. In addition the burdock helps eliminate kidney stones, regularizes the functioning of the bladder and acts against liver colic.

26) BETONIC: Fights varicose ulcers and infected sores.

27) BISTORTA: In gargle strengthens the gums and cures nozzles. As lotion heals wounds.

28) BRIONIA: Cooked in olive oil is used to scrub the throat, chest, belly and legs to reduce inflammation

29) BUGLOSA: A syrup is made with 30 cc of the juice of its leaves and 30 g of sugar for palpitations. Flower tea cures colds and bronchitis.

30) CINNAMON: Its tincture is used against indigestion, emotional shocks and spasms.

31) CANE: Cold tea is taken as a cleanser.

32) CEBADA: Nutritious and refreshing in infusion. Barley poultices are muscle relaxants.

33) ONION: Diuretic, stimulant, antiparasitic, expectorant and aphrodisiac. Its juice on the scalp prevents baldness.

34) CELEDONIA: The juice of its root is applied on the warts. You should never touch your eyes.

35) CILANTRO: The infusion is used against gastric disorders and headache.

36) CYPRESS: The cooking water of its pines is rubbed on the hair to preserve its color and prevent the birth of gray hair.

37) ODOR NAIL: Unique to the heart and stomach. Both infusion and tincture are stimulants. Relieves toothache.

38) COCLEARIA: The infusion heals the scurvy, bronchial colds and lung conditions.

39) COL: The tea with honey calms the colic. The seed is used as an antiparasitic. Poultices relieve rheumatic pain.

40) COMFORTABLE: Its chopped stem is applied in plaster on the fractures, to weld them.

41) CULANTRILLO: This fern is used fresh as an expectorant, to soothe chest pains and promote menstruation. The technique is applied to stop hair loss.

42) DAMIANA: Aphrodisiac and diuretic.

43) LEON TOOTH: Leaf and root juice is taken for coughs, chest irritations and cleanses the blood. Fight fever and allergies.

44) OAK : The infusion of bark is taken for diarrhea, hemorrhages and abundant flows.

45) ENEBRO: Against asthma, bronchitis, kidney or liver stones and dropsy. In excess it irritates the urinary tract. The essence serves to combat chronic rheumatism.

46) CAMPAN ENULA: Ra z and stem are used for bronchial colds, fluid retention and menstrual irregularities. It is expectorant.

47) ESCABIOUS: Its leaves and roots in infusion relieve measles, smallpox and scarlet fever.

48) ESTRAMONIO: Its infusion is very dangerous, but instead the dried leaves can be smoked in cigarettes against asthma.

49) STRAWBERRY: Strawberry syrup is taken for jaundice and stones. Fights diarrhea, intestinal inflammation and mild gonorrhea.

50) GENCIAN: Fights arthritis, gout and intestinal parasites. Depending on the disease, it is taken as infusion, tincture or with wine.

51) GORDOLOBO: It is used for asthma and cough. The infusion with milk serves for the tisis.

52) BEANS: Flour compresses are applied to sunburn or water.

53) MALE HELÉ CHO: Taking the powder mixed with water and then a purgative helps to expel the solitary earthworm. Pregnant women should not drink it.

54) CAT GRASS: Fight bility, scurvy, and nervous headaches.

55) FIG: The dried figs are applied open on calluses or tumors of the mouth until they disappear. The green bark pulp is applied to the nostrils to stop bleeding.

56) Fennel : The fruit of fennel increases breast milk. The root is diuretic and its infused cortex opens the appetite.

57) HISOPO: Its infusion is effective to facilitate deliveries. As lotion is applied on bumps, wounds and cuts. It helps to lose weight.

58) INCENSE: The plasters are applied to sprains, bumps and malignant ulcers.

59) COMMON LAUREL: three or four drinks of its juice in a glass of water causes menstruation, decreases deafness, earache and relieves the stomach.

60) LILY: Your pollen soothes the burns. Bulbs boiled with breadcrumbs ripen abscesses.

61) Hops: Sedative, promotes digestion and helps you fall asleep.

62) PLANT: Crushed leaves are placed on external ulcers and wounds. Gargle infusions are expectorant and serve to deflate the throat and mouth. The lotion is for irritated eyes.

63) APPLE: Infusion of fresh root bark cuts fever. Roasted fruit pulp is used as a poultice on styes.

64) CHAMOMILE: Its infusion calms the nerves and cramps by spasms or gases.

65) MARRUBIO: Prolonged intake of this infusion helps you lose weight. It gives good results in cases of respiratory problems.

66) MELISA: Cuts migraines, fainting, and hypochondria (psychosomatic diseases).

67) MILENRAM: The infusion of leaves and flowers is used against uterine hemorrhages and hemorrhoids. The cooked leaves are applied on wounds.

68) MIRTO: The crushed dried fruit is mixed with egg white and placed on the abdomen to stop vomiting. The powder is applied on sores.

69) MIRRA: In sahumerio it is used to disinfect a patient's room. As powder is applied on cancerous ulcers.

70) BIT: Tea is drunk to control nervous diseases such as epilepsy and seizures. Taken at the end of the menstrual period facilitates conception.

71) MOSS : Strengthens dentures, stops hair loss and bleeding. The powder is given to children as an antiparasitic.

72) NABO: Peeled and cooked in poultices is used on chilblains so that they do not cause itching. In soup it helps deflate the intestines.

73) NARCISO: It is drunk to cause vomiting, placate the fever and as an antispasmodic. The lotion strengthens the breasts.

74) NOGAL: Fresh leaf infusions fight jaundice and abscesses that suppurate.

75) OLIVE: The infusion is used to wash sores The oil is laxative and relieves colic.

76) OLMO: The skin of bare branches is infused against skin conditions, rheumatism, suppuration, sciatica, scurvy.

77) ORTIGA: Its juice is taken to stop general and uterine hemorrhages or the loss of blood in the urine. The root is expectorant. Stops baldness.

78) PALMERA: The infusion of its fruit (dates) counteracts bladder diseases, inflammations and bronchial cold.

79) PINE: The button (nascent pineapple) is cooked in water and drunk as a nervous exciter and to fight impotence. It is also diuretic and sweaty.

80) RICINO: Purgative . The leaves applied on wounds are healing.

81) ROMERO: It is used to cause menstruation, against anemia, bronchitis, tisis and suppurations. Its external applications include eye washes to strengthen eyesight and those intended to clean sores, suppress vaginal discharge or diarrhea.

82) PINK: The infusion of red roses facilitates conception. While the distilled water of white flowers (rose water) is used to wash the eyes and against venereal diseases.

83) ROSA DE JERICO: The infusion cures scurvy.

84) RUDE: The infusion is good against epilepsy and uterine hemorrhages (only when the woman is not pregnant).

85) SAUCO: In infusion, cures angina, bronchitis, colds and scarlet fever. A cotton soaked in the infusion is applied on the boils to make them mature.

86) SERPENTARY: It is used against the bites of poisonous animals (externally), rheumatism, malignant fevers and intestinal parasites (infused).

87) SESAMO: The seeds are slightly purgative and increase the production of breast milk. They prevent osteoporosis. The oil should be used carefully because it favors the formation of hernias.

88) TAMARINDO: Infusion of the pulp of the fruit is indicated against constipation, scurvy, bile problems, inflammation by parasites.

89) TE DE LA CHINA: Diuretic and stimulant.

90) Clover : Clover sprays relieve asthma attacks.

91) WHEAT: A tablespoon of flour mixed with half a glass of water causes diarrhea to pass.

92) CAT NAIL: Opens the appetite and strengthens the stomach. Help in cases of cancer.

93) VALERIANA: It is taken to combat spasms, epilepsy, hysteria and Mal de San Vito. It causes insomnia, palpitations and vertigo to pass. It is also used for diabetes of nervous origin.

94) VERBENA: Relieves fever, activates digestion and externally cleans ulcers and sores. Its liquor, in reduced doses, improves tuberculosis.

95) VERONICA: Increases urine, is expectorant and digestive. It is taken for jaundice, stones, bronchitis and tisis.

96) VINCAPERVINCA: For diarrhea and heavy menstruation. Gargle removes throat inflammation.

97) COMMON YEDRA: Infusion causes menstruation. From the stems a resin is obtained that causes the toothache to pass and prevents tooth decay. The fresh leaves are applied on caustic burn ulcers. The pulp of cooked leaves is applied to ulcers that do not hurt.

98) CARROT: Cooked with milk fights chest colds. The root and the seed are indicated to cause menstruation and against the evil of stones. Drinking carrot broth relieves asthmatics.

99) ZARAGATONA: If a teaspoon of seeds is allowed to rest for half an hour on three fingers of water and you drink on an empty stomach, it cures chronic constipation.

100) ZARZAPARRILLA: Diuretic, purifying. Cures eczema and chronic rheumatism. Root infusion is used to improve venereal and blood diseases.

Health Prevention

Virginia Gaskell Marble

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