Sleep Therapy - Alternative Therapies

  • 2016

The dream therapy.

Dream therapy is one of the alternative therapies with which excellent results are being obtained for the treatment of numerous diseases that are related to insomnia . In this modern world that every day becomes more demanding and the time for rest is less, cases of problems such as depression, anxiety and other similar disorders, are being treated with dream therapy, eliminating the partial or total use of medications such as Prosac and avoiding side effects and intolerance to certain medications, in addition to lowering costs.

Dream therapy - Alternative Therapies

Intensive sleep therapy.

This is an alternative therapy that is used in people who have been exposed to extreme or traumatic situations such as an earthquake or some physical attack such as a violation or any situation where there are serious excesses of adrenaline that can become toxic to the body . Sleep therapy is practiced for approximately 6 to 7 days and medication can be used while the patient sleeps. Sleep therapy is also practiced in which the patient can eat and is taken to the bathroom while being treated.

Sleep is the body's self repair.

The dream therapy .

Depression is one of the most common diseases to be treated with sleep therapy, this is related to insomnia in a high percentage that reaches figures greater than 80%. Of the great advantages that these alternative therapies have is that the treatment is not invasive and can be considered relatively fast, in only four sessions there have been results for the insomnia and in about eight sessions for depression.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy .

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a type of dream therapy with a program configured to determine the thoughts that cause difficulties in sleep, it manages to eliminate the causes that cause insomnia, allowing the necessary rest for the patient without the use of medications that They do not act on the real cause of this. To carry out the alternative therapies of a cognitive type, the patient is explained the importance of fulfilling the sleep cycles and the circumstances that influence. A control over the amount of time that the patient can be in bed before sleeping, the patient should not spend much time in the room if he fails to fall asleep in a period of time no longer than 15 minutes. The person should not try to sleep, if he fails to fall asleep this causes him an alteration that goes against the recovery of sleep.

Alternative therapies

Dream and hope are the two painkillers that nature grants to man.

Sleep hygiene.

In conductive therapy, one of the techniques called sleep hygiene is to change the patient's habits that act directly on him. The practice of exercises, the consumption of liquor or substances that can alter sleep such as caffeine, cigarettes , green tea or other stimulants are eliminated or minimized. A plan for the meditation and relaxation of the individual is established, all these techniques are a complementary part of the treatment of sleep therapy.

Alternative sleep therapies.

Alternative therapies such as sleep therapy have given way to the knowledge of new treatments such as sleep dentistry, a necessary practice since when we sleep the teeth are exposed to a greater degree to the actions of buccal and stomach acids, another condition such as apnea Sleep is caused by a lack of oxygen in the blood due to momentary stopping of breathing while sleeping and when performing sleep therapies, studies are done and formulas are sought to improve these and other diseases that may have interference with sleep.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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