The Seed of Life by María José Bayard

  • 2015

I kept a seed for a long time. At that time I did not know where it was going to be planted, I was only aware that something new was brewing. The seed accumulated in its DNA valuable information so that when it was sown, abundant fruits would grow.

A fractal of that great power moved towards unsuspected corners, and today I find myself becoming aware of the beautiful seed that began to sprout.

For a seed to break the shell, it must make a movement, a force. The love expressed in the beginning is fundamental. Parts of its essence live in many hearts today and I have been afraid to ask the vital energy that I left, to be integrated into me again to take the next step.

Today I meet a friend on Skype and she tells me she sees my eyes sad. I know, they are. After a while he tells me by private message: “I think you left a lot of energy around here (referring to Mexico) and you have to pull it back to you. We truly love you here and you will always be present in our hearts, but it is important that you pull your energy. Pull your energy with love. You sowed and believe me, the harvest will be good ”

It has cost me a lot to undertake the last change, for all that it has meant to give life to that seed, water it and allow it to be.

When you get used to sowing in a fertile land, from which you receive much love, you never want to get out of there; part of your vital energy is suspended there. Pour so many seeds in that fertile land and then leave them, knowing that alone they will grow and that the path of growth is in their DNA, it must be like leaving your children in a moment of life knowing that you already educated them, You gave what you had and now you must allow them to walk alone, in freedom.

Part of our being sometimes wants to stay there, but the energy body is incomplete and you experience a feeling of discomfort, lack of adaptation, which you do not understand where it comes from. Many times we are not aware of all the energies that are still somewhere . The same transferred to the energies that we dump on other people, that they have of you, and vice versa. It is necessary to collect all the essences that we leave to return to integrity. This does not mean stop loving, thinking, missing, etc.

We still have trouble releasing certain things.

God speaks through another friend and tells me: "I just felt, let go and focused again on love"

Love never goes anywhere, we only lose sight of it in the passage from one reality to the other. Sometimes we think that we are alone, that we can no more, or something tempts us to lower our arms, but they keep moving forward, silently waiting for new seeds that will be sown in other spaces.

In order for your energy to be full where you chose to be now, you must first collect all the portions you left in those spaces or people that still cause you nostalgia.
I close my eyes, I see the energy of my Mexican home, I thank you for everything you have given me. My heart keeps beating when I think of him. I take those portions that I left in some parts and that my conscience still did not want to release.

I walk mentally through the park of Spain, I thank the trees for giving me so much joy in each morning, afternoon, evening ...

I walk down the indescribable Amsterdam street, I look at its lush and fresh vegetation. I breathe (in the distance) his blessed air ... I see people running around. So many dogs! So many animals! So many landscapes! I say goodbye to all of them longing to return, without cutting the thread of love that unites us, without forgetting the experiences that were sealed, but I close a GREAT chapter of my life.

I see many things ... people ... friendships ... neighbors ... classes ... the brightness of the eyes ... I hug you with my heart, I thank you for having felt to take the seed of life that has been taking so long to be driven from its warm glow and warm heart. Each person is special in my memory.

I walk silently through the house that sheltered me at that time. I collect the energy that was left. The owner of the place writes to me a few days ago and says: “Mari, your energy is still here. I enter the apartment and it's as if you were ”

I bless every person I met on this path. I feel blessed to have learned from each other and feel that today they are part of my essence. As my friend says: "Everything is perfect and that gives me peace." God speaks through all. The only difference that exists between those who know that they are channels of God and those who are not, is "Being Conscious." The benefit of knowing it enhances the beautiful gift that God gave us to remain connected to its essence in this human scenario.

God follows us everywhere, we cannot separate ourselves from him, even when the illusion of the third dimension wants us to believe that we have separated or that he has abandoned us at times.

Today I allow the energies that remained of me in other places to return to their abode. In this way I achieve the integrity I was looking for.

In human relationships exactly the same happens. We share our energy with another person for a long time. If at some point what we call “separation” occurs on earth, a whole process comes into our life to release some of that energy that was left in us from the other person and vice versa. Especially in couples, with sexual energy.

They are life processes. When someone dies, changes state, the same thing happens. The death of a person is not only the physical disappearance, but of his energy and presence in the field. The emptiness you feel has to do with that energy that is gradually withdrawing until we finish assimilating it.

When I was a child I used to be very afraid of death. Sometimes I was afraid that someone loved would die. With time and inner growth I lost that fear because I understood that the greatest fear was summed up to the void that could remain. I was afraid to live it but finally I ended up living it many times in the same incarnation. We die and resurrect many times in the same life. When we look to the past we can be aware of how many “I's” we have fired to another dimension. Blessed is the human being who can regenerate himself, without fear, without fear, knowing that after each transformation comes something better for our lives! Blessed God and his master plan that allows us to change!

Today I remember that seed of life that took me so long to develop. I collect my energy. I let the seed grow in freedom. You already know how to do it. No presence is necessary because in it the knowledge and wisdom live to bear the fruits and take them to those places that will need that spiritual nourishment.
Prayer to integrate your energy field:

“I integrate my energy field. Everything returns to its natural and divine state. I collect my energy (visualize where you feel to take it or from whom it is) I return to whom the energies that are not mine correspond. I am complete ”

So is.

With infinite love,
By María José Bayard

Source :

The seed of life by María José Bayard

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