The Increasing Intensity of Life

  • 2011

The Brotherhood of Light channeled by Edna G. Frankel Translation: María E. Rondón Thank you all for being here tonight. It is always an honor for me to share the energy and laughter of the loving brothers. I will begin with the healing prayer, which is my connection with the Spirit. Change the words "channeling session" to invite the Spirit to any activity you desire. Make your own prayer, tailored to your belief system, but please remember to say it out loud! That will give them permission to physically accompany them in this area of ​​free will. Dear Lord, Father / Mother God, Creator of all that is, was and always will be, Divine Source, Divine Mother, join us in this channeling session. Dear ascended masters, guides and angels, all of the light and within the light, join us in this channeling session. My Brothers, dear Brothers, The Brotherhood of Light, join us in this session of channeling for truth, purpose and clarity. I, my Superior and all those present here, accompany us to guide and direct this channeling session. Greetings, dear! We delight to be here today, sharing this time and space with you, sharing this beautiful weather with you (knock because it's raining). All climates are beautiful for us! Learn to appreciate everything that is around you, no matter what happens, it is wonderful to learn separately, yes? We are also very honored to be in this space and add to the wonderful energies that are already planted here. Any place where you gather to spread love and joy, learning and laughter, is a blessed place. So, instead of this being a book store, for us it is a sacred place, a church of metaphysics. Yes, because the intention of the people who come is to expand, learn and seek growth on a spiritual level. And the love and light that is in the people who work here is also much appreciated. This shows and shines! It certainly shines. Everything that shines has energy, everything that has energy has frequency, and everything that has frequency is alive. Everything in life is based on vibration, so tonight we would like to open a discussion about the intensity of life and how the intensity of the change of the earth and the change of people, all this is increasing. As global energies grow, some channelers have said: "Oh, the Earth is changing and people are doing it with it." Other channelers have said: "No, people are changing and Earth is the one that is changing with them." We say: “It is a group effort. This was planned, not only for this adorable planet, Gaia, but for the people who chose to incarnate and be here at this time. ” There are no accidents, dear ones! So, there is a consensus between the planet and the people for change to happen. In the free will zone, this is the miracle! From the perspective of the Spirit, you have accomplished a lot already! We expected the changes to occur during the last years of the change (2007-2012), but thanks to its high awakening, these changes have begun a smooth acceleration within the last ten years. They will be of a constant increase in the intensity of the millennium change. YOU MUST STOP REPRESENTING THE LESSONS THROUGH DRAMA Not only the energy, dear ones, not only the need to clarify yourself, but the intensity of all life is increasing, certainly, and everyone is in the lessons of learning. You can stop representing those lessons through the drama that you have between each other. Yes, all life is a play, the world is your stage and you are all actors in that scenario. It's amazing to look at actors in your reality, who are real actors on a stage, who choose to be actors on a stage! (Laughs) There is enjoyment and humor at all levels. The more enjoyment and humor they see, the higher the level they reach. That is why we say that the drama will increase, dear ones, everywhere around those who have not been able to wake up and are only reacting to the circumstances, feeling that they are correct regardless of the situation. You will see an escalation of temperament and contrast. They will also see who are learning to separate, people who are stepping back to watch the drama. Very soon they will not even stand staring alone. There is going to be a huge row of you watching! (laughs) You are going to become your own audience, see? Yes, we appreciate every moment and ask them to learn to do the same. There is much courage on the side of the Spirit in watching them come in every life. There were many souls who have wanted to come in this period of life. There were many who could not, the Earth can keep only a few! From the perspective of the Spirit, your Higher Self chose to be part, in the front row, of change. And while you are down here busy in the change in your level, there is much going on in the Spirit. For each one that raises their level, all levels must change. So while you are doing the real, deep and dirty work on Earth, down in the dirty, yes, beloved, living on Earth is this. We are striving in our own way to maintain the Divine plan to rush it, if you wish, make sure that all levels and all parameters are appropriate, so that you do so much. best; you are much later in the plan. You will ask, will the Earth change individually. Some people have changed; Other people will not. Some people will never hear the word or know what it means. Yes, we will say that the basic time line is correct, because there is a lot of sacred science involved, and the change is much larger than just this planet. This has been orchestrated at all levels. Beyond this particular galaxy it expands and will affect the entire body of God, which is all that it is. NOW IS THE TIME TO CLARIFY We tell you, now is the time to clear karma. Now is the time to be patient. Now is the time to forgive, forgive everything. Forgive everything that has happened to you, forgive everything that has happened to you without even noticing. We will explain here that any emotional baggage tied to your past is bound by a cordon of negative energy emotions. This is the energy glue that keeps you carrying that luggage behind you. They cannot let it go until they release it through forgiveness, which dissolves that glue and cuts the ties. Then it will never matter again, and it will not affect them either. You will have learned from this and will move from there. Only the fact that they can forgive will be a beautiful lesson for others, you'll see. And it doesn't matter if the others don't know or find out. It only matters in your heart if you let it go. How? You can go inside your heart through meditation and simply say, it was. It is not anymore. I hug the lesson, pass it through me and set it aside. That way, they move in a much lighter way. This is the easy part, dear ones! (Laughs) Forgiving is a mental exercise that you can draw in your heart, unite your divine flame and use it to create the love you have to send to that situation, person or event to cut that glue of rage and negativity. Yes, transmit it in love, change this vibration and also get away from that burden you have carried. They will be much lighter! It is much harder to clarify the body than to clear the mind, because you are connected to your own thoughts in a perfect way. They are not yet connected to your entire body in that same way, only in the physical center of your multidimensional energy being. In order to clarify all your FEME layers (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) from the physical to the top and out, all to your Higher Self, it is more difficult and time consuming, but it is your reward for forgiveness. It is vital to remember to forgive yourself, or else you will not be able to accumulate total love for yourself, and total love for yourself comes to feel deserving. We say, hands down, that you all are worth it! You are all divine. Everyone has the capacity, ability and information that you need to travel through this life in a beautiful and funny way. MOVING BEYOND SURVIVAL AND SIMPLIFY What is the best way? One step at a time! Walk, do not run, it will not be that you stumble and fall. In our work together, there is much that we can impart to them. We do not require you to believe everything; We do not require you to pay for this, because faith is between you and your own heart. To acclimatize the energies that are expanding and that are now matched with the planet, we offer you this key to better manage the intensification of changes: simplify. Yes, intense simplicity is born from intense complexity. Simplify your lives! Cut anything unnecessary that drains your time, money and energy. Release unnecessary possessions, forgive and move from conditional relationships. All these things in their lives drag their energy vibration down and easily become heavy. Have you noticed, dear? Take a step back and look without passion in your lives. Come, you need changes. All that brings you pain, release it. Everything that brings you joy, keep it. Their personal energy is the most precious comfort they have, and it is becoming scarcer as it rises. How are they spending it? Yes, there are many linear things on this planet that work against enlightenment. We have to say that money is a problem, because this is done through the energy you spend, but this is not a way to judge your own prosperity. Still many people even be rich with being prosperous and this is a shame. Rico means that you are smart and that in the material world you have done well. This is always necessary so that they can survive enough lives and be able to do spiritual work. When you come in a young soul, you are learning to survive. They are learning how to live within a tribe. You are learning to sustain yourself day after day for nature's generosity, learning to trust and there will be what you need. But once they have learned good survival tools, they no longer need to stay in survival mode that is very difficult, because this focuses only on staying alive. We absolutely honor this. We honor him more when someone has gone further and has fallen back to that level, although it is not always his fault. This is very often a lesson for those around that person too. It is an opportunity for each of them to do good. There is much that is good on this planet. There is much more of the good than the negative. We in Spirit do not think in terms of good and bad, positive or negative. For us it is a matter of energy or frequency, and the higher you get on the frequency scale, the more you will get to travel across the dimensions to the heart of God or the Great Central Sun or whatever you want to call it . We tell you that this energy is all around you, there are even some concentrations of it, yes, it is more intense in certain areas than in others, absolutely. Anything that is alive is in a state of fusion. Even the cosmic lattice changes from place to place, depending on sacred science and what is needed in each area (Pauses). Yes, there are some here who want to talk, now we will take their turn. THE TRADE SPEAKS: A NEW LEVEL OF ENERGY ON THE PLANET There is a new level of energy on this planet. We would have to say that it is a new combination of teachers. You have already given us names: The three lords (Laughter). We found all this adorable. We say that this is a change because you have caused it, because you are now at a point where new and higher frequency has been reached. Five years ago, we would not have been able to mix like this, but now we can. We go forward like the Triad. We are Sananda or Jeshua, Maitreya or Buddha and also Miguel or Metatron. Anyway we are honored by all the names you have given us, we tell you, simplify! Just climb the mountain and seek God. There is no need to put 350 divisions between you and God, or eleven dimensions, or thirteen steps or whatever. In the way that you believe in the divine essence, that is the appropriate form for you. We define the names to give them a frame of reference, but we tell them, it is not that we could not come before; it's just that you couldn't hear us before. The more the globe changes, the more people will begin to connect! Also, more people will get sick or die due to all their blockages. Those blockages cannot sustain life in the highest energies. Any form of healing that you choose is blessed. Do what you feel is right, what resonates with you. Make sure you have all your questions answered before you try a new technique, practice, training or type of healing, because there is always more than one person in this equation. It's not just how the customer feels on the table; It also has to do with the therapist. What kind of life does that person have, what kind of weakness he has, what kind of day he had, all these factors count. When we talk about healing, we talk about energy. We highly honor all the scientific wisdom they have accumulated and say yes, it is absolutely essential that they have that, but there is a space and a place where it falls short. Sometimes when nobody really has a good answer. It is when the Triad tells them, this is a special occasion. There is a special distribution here and now. No matter the age, the condition, how long they have been here ... there is too much intensification of everything now, and it is vital that every person on the planet do their part, no matter what it may be. It is all part of a balance. Yes, we work in coordination with the Brothers. We are brothers. All Spirits are brothers, in the sense that we are a fraternity, if they prefer, of many different expressions of life, all at the service of the divine plan. We would like to clarify for you that what a true source requires in this time of forgiveness: is that you do everything you can. That's it. Just do what you can, and if some days are better than others, it's fine. The sun will always rise in the morning. Not only that, but in life after life, dear ones, every time you return you say, “whew. I'm glad it's over! ”(Laughter with the audience). And when we have some good laughs, they will see what happens and what happened, what should have happened and what could have happened. This is the part of your spirit deciding that you can also complete your lessons. We tell you this just to remind you that there is no judgment from the spirit. There is no such thing as a vengeful God. God is only, on varied levels, a vibration of joy. Fortunately for God, He has no religion (Laughter). UNDERSTANDING COMPLETELY WHAT GOD REALLY MEANS The other thing we must say and what is required at this moment is that you fully understand what God really means. This always helps to know the rules of the game before you play it. The will of God is an exchange of love. To go against God's will you have to exchange something that is different from love. While they love well and the more they love each soul will be doing their homework. Giving and receiving love is really the only commandment God gave us. Under that one commandment you can take out the other commandments and other hundreds that you can fix, but they all agree to give and receive only love. There are different roles in the Brotherhood. There are those energies that are more of a healing nature, and those that tend more towards the offices of the sacred sciences of this quadrant. Yes, those that help nature too. There are many different types of actions and reactions that occur in sacred science and determine where and how galaxies dance side by side. Then there are different frequencies of energy in different areas of space. We are at the galactic and planetary level, and we are beginning to interact with humans for the first time. This had never happened before, because humans were not ready. They were not able. It was like wondering what an airplane means over our heads for a plant, the answer would be: nothing more than a passing shadow, a disturbance in the air flow. The more you heal, the more clear. The more they learn, they will be able to do more things and have more effect. We are waiting to be able to work with you, to be able to teach you much more. Yes, when the students are ready, the teacher appears! You already have that phrase in your frame of reference. There are new teachers coming to the planet. We will clarify that they are in the electromagnetic grid of the planet. If any teacher chooses to walk on this Earth, you will not know, because the whole point is that the teacher will choose not to be recognized. Anything other than love, the teacher will not want to give or receive. Pride and ego will fall. Greed, anger and all that must go. And we tell you, in five or six generations from now, oh, the things that you will do! The changes that you will see on this planet will be incredible! And this is the crossroads, there is very little time, this is the moment of a great change. So begin to align with the will of God. What if every thought, every breath, is aligned with the will of God? Can you imagine going through the day? No, you can't. Why? Because you still do not feel the vibration of God within you. That is why this planet is free will, free choice. For those beings who feel the vibration of God within their bodies, killing anything is abominable. The only thought of ending anything is such that each entity would rather die than go against the will of God. Then we tell you, in five or six generations more, you will not recognize the humans that will come. And yet, of course, you will not be part of this. We speak to you here and now and in this time frame, we are not referring to your eternal essences who are with us watching, nor to your future selves who will be participating. You will be the mothers and fathers of this human evolution. You will be the ones who will give birth to this new consciousness, and that is why we are so moved and feel so blessed. It is a miracle to be able to observe. And of course, being able to see as far around this circular time as we can, oh, the children of their children from their children from their children of their children will be magnificent! Yes, they will be. There will be a part of you in them, and in the eternal souls who have kept returning and returning and returning to this difficult planet of lessons. THE EARTH IS A PLANET IN FAST ADJUSTMENT And yet from a spiritual perspective, this planet is a planet of rapid adjustment. You may be going through a difficult time, but you are doing it twice as fast! (Laughs) There is a lot of contrast here, a whole range of possibilities and potential, and you have still exceeded the expectations of the Spirit. Yes, the Triad speaks to them and says thanks. You have brought us, and we will help you move on to the next level. And we ask you to pray, think, speak and feel love directly from the Divine Source. I will only take a thousand reincarnations so that you can reach God if that is what you believe. We offer you a shortcut: just go straight to the Divine Source that is already within you. You are in the microcosm of the macrocosm. You were designed to function in this space and to become something very small, increase the degrees that can be adjusted, altered and healed - yes, by the work of the body. Give it pure food and water, rest in the sunlight - it's like caring for a plant, right? (Laughs) Twenty minutes of sunshine a day will speed up your metabolism, help you absorb nutrients better and help you release pain and stress better. The sun's rays are very healthy in small doses. They are not entirely harmful. You need that sunlight. You need that time to connect with nature. This will make the pressure rises of the millennium change easier. We remind you, as our blessing of farewell, when you pray to God, look in the mirror and pray to yourselves, for you it is the divine walk and there is much honor for each of your efforts. THE BROTHERHOOD RETURNS: WE ALWAYS LOOK AT THE POSITIVE Yes, we are the healing Brothers that we have returned. Even in our ranges there are many differences. There are many different levels of joy, of focus; we feel that we are the most enlightened of heart, yes, because laughing is healing, and we teach them laughter and joy (Laughter). We always, always look at the positive. There will come a time, dear ones, when you reach a point where you will feel that you will fall apart, that something is going to break or something will have to change. It would be better for something to change, or you will not be able to live more in the third dimension, not in the way you were used to. Then we tell you, don't panic. Do not be afraid of changes. Change is the only constant in the universe. Everything changes, second to second, millennium to millennium. Nothing is ever the same. Until his life, he grows, ages and dies, just as he does everything in nature that is based on seasonal changes. And yet, humans spend a lot of effort and energy trying to keep everything the same. As we have said before, bless the flexible ones, for them the twisted will never be deformed (Laughter of the audience). If you cannot change everything at once, which is difficult for many, start small. Simplify! Do a little every time. Some of you have almost died before embracing change. You have decided to change before you die, and that is why you are greatly honored. Lately, there is always a silver line, although you cannot see it immediately. Just know it's there. From your linear perspective, yes, when you reach other dimensions, there is still a need to settle. They are still in bodies. They still need to work. They still have the daily stress, daily jobs and daily things to deal with. But don't let this be everything and the end of your existence. Find time to feed the soul, to expand its frame of reference, to enjoy the beauty of an afternoon or the laughter of a child. There is a lot of beauty and wonders on this planet, we ask you not to close to that. As we finish this section, we will tell you that the intensity of everything is growing: the intensity of life, the intensity of the weather, the intensity of the earth's changes, the intensity of the drama and even the intensity of its diseases. There will be a rush in all that time increases in speed, dear ones. Doesn't it make sense that if everything vibrates faster around you, that people are more upset and therefore creating more drama? This is the time to focus on simplifying their lives. Reduce the drama and increase everything that brings you joy and joy! CREATE A ZONE OF COMFORT, PEACE AND MEDITATION IN YOUR HEART It is vital, very vital to create a comfort zone of peace and meditation in your own heart, to find relief from the heavy drama, by the heavy energy, from the frantic day to day life. As things happen. Clarify your body in a daily practice, or one day yes and another no, whatever you can do. We say that three to four times a week, minimum, so you can survive the change, dear ones. It is vital. Any method, any process, any type of energy work, healing work, spiritual or philosophical work, whatever resonates in you, do it. Take it to your heart, carry it in your hands, carry it right in front of your mind. You will find that this expands rapidly. This will not be a burden at all and will leave you with less load. They spread their loving energy around. Become the lighthouses of the highest vibration you can look for. We leave this to you: each human being is formed with original cells of his own eternal being, who carries the information of all his past lives. Otherwise, how could the reincarnation cycle have an effect? How could you learn lessons from life to life in life if you are not even aware that you have an eternal soul? This has been the case for many, many generations. We tell you, the original cells are your divinity, your piece of God. It is a triad of three cells that are pure etheric matter. When combined with physical matter, they create the body in which you are. Without those original cells, there would be no continuity of life after life. There would be no learning lessons. It would not be necessary to share, as you see, so that the soul would be able to go through progress. Dear ones, wherever you look, you are looking as proof of God. People think, “When we find this, things will change. When we achieve this, things will change. ” That potential for change is already within you. That spark is the basis of your DNA. You are already God. This is cosmic humor: They have already achieved it! Now you are in the process of the final steps. They have crowned this achievement, being able to connect completely and at all levels. This is something that in his past history not even the Spirit was sure could be achieved. LEARN HOW TO DELIVER DELICATELY Everything you are looking for is already within you. They are perfect at that level of the etheric project no matter what life has done to you. Although the body must dress outside, the soul, the essence, the personality, the individuality lives. Learn delicately to part, dear ones. Some people say, “Oh well, if I break loose a lot, I get depressed, because nothing is worth it. There is no point in this. ” They throw the same coin and everything makes sense; Everything has light. There is a point for everything! Ascension has to do with changing your perspective. Until now, your perspective of God has been of an entity with such distance that only certain human beings chosen can be the intermediaries for you. This is not true! You are, each and every one of you, priests and priestesses. Each one of you has divinity in your body. You are the goal you are looking for. For some it is fun, for others extremely depressing, but everything is exactly as it should be. We now give you our goodbye blessing by sending you health, well-being and peace of mind. We tell you that once you have peace of mind, nothing else in the world will matter to you, because finding joy is simply a mental exercise over what happens. But the peace of mind that you hold is also the piece of God that you are. You are already God, and we greet you for all that you have accomplished. We are indebted to you for allowing us to continue our own work in the divine plan, to further help humanity's evolution. For this we thank you and you are well! We are, in all love, the Brotherhood of Light. Edna G. Frankel PO Box 62 Blue Bell, PA 19422 215-653-0339


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