Turquoise frequency and vibration. Beloved Sananda and Melchisedek.

  • 2015

Beloved child, I am Sanada and Melchisedek We come to tell you, the extension of the turquoise frequency or flame of light as many of you name it She is the highest frequency of the heart, it is the principle of union, of its truth the green flame and the blue flame of its purpose of life You loved to unite with your diamond consciousness, nourish and fill them with love, beginning a process of expanding your being that it consolidates its 7 basic physical chakras, in the process of unification of consciousness and reality, which ends with what you call the unified heart, that is, its seven basic chakras, from the base to the crown, in the same beat, in the same are. Beloved, the great importance of your unified farm, is the alignment of prana, which allows you to flow with the times, and which allows you to be a frequency in harmony.

In his more physical life, it is the frequency of the heart, which opens up the listening to his inner being, what they call higher self, innate, solar being, etc., is the communication No automatic among all their bodies, no loss of consciousness, no rituals, no fatigue, from immediacy.

In other words, you will hear it at every step as a loud, internal voice, which shows you your own knowledge, which happens that many of you do not dialogue with him, just breathe waiting for a signal; and the signal is you, your instincts, your decisions, all of them, are marked by your inner being and your cultural and family patterns and DNA from other lives. Now with the solar frequency and the great opening of consciousness, the inner voice will come out more clearly, because they will feel it; they will feel their whole being, speaking at the same time, without more, they will feel their voice, and their being, in the same heartbeat, when channeling their inner being, their body will show physical changes, almost immediately, more and more synchronously, as long as you unify.

And sleep patterns may sleep less, but rest more. If they are in an opposite process, it really is without doubt that there are still issues to balance, now more than ever it is time to recognize their physical being and their human body, the roots of their current life, fortifies their electromagnetic field and fills them blue vibration that allows them to light the turquoise flame inside.

The universal heartbeat will feel in you, mental realities fall, but notice that you do not despair on the contrary, you are observers, are, really aware of how you would feel, in the same situation a few years ago ...

Acceptance is the key to your truth, if you accept another being in your reality, you accept yourself from your own. You are brothers of light, all of you, the whole planet, by weight, all the kingdoms, vegetable, animal, elven ore, all of you are unity. And the unit resides in the vibration. Until earlier times, light workers were the greatest exponents of change. And some of you did not find a clear reference, for what you were born for, you did not identify with the old or the new, or with anything that the channelers shared with you. You were in the reserve, waiting for your action hall. Now the bridge of light was opened, so that vibration workers can begin to capture their reality.

The vibration : it is to remain in inner silence, being, being living, without comparing yourself to anything or anyone, just being present, in your seemingly silent life, you can feel that palpito and most importantly, you can be that core of vibration, that is really calculated and distributed throughout the planet, in a network of infinite realities that help them support and nurture. Feel the call, but do not look for how to act, since they have been vibration and acting from the heart for years. Now is the time to love their lives, to love their daily things and to be happy in the elections, that happiness is the one that increases Gaia's vibration and the one that will give the massive awakening.

Vibrate, be and love, a great challenge in the current period, decorate your homes at will, decorate them, love them, and that vibration, will be permeating geometries, the entire planet, because each of you, is a strategic point of change, located at a distance, that if you could see from outside the planet, you would understand, the connection and the geometry that you form without knowing it, as pillars of Light.

Keep singing, inside your souls, and you will continue transforming the planet in silence. As true vibration workers they are. Beloved, happy period of mass awakening, as I was willing, even faster than you can appreciate, happy life, beloved Sananda and Melchisedek from the central sun.

Thanks to all, you can freely share the information, respecting the content, for its vibration, I never change a word. You can find more information at



Channeled by Elsa Farrus.

Turquoise frequency and vibration. Beloved Sananda and Melchisedek.

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