The Beauty of Gray: Back to Innocence, January 2010 AD

  • 2010
Table of contents hide 1 We will analyze emotions that we have daily to learn the most difficult: to be better people in everyday life and so we find a small article that talks about balance. 2 “I was recently struck by how penetrating black and white thinking is. It is inherent in American culture, that some attitudes such as the following be accepted with instant reaction without thinking twice: 3 4

We will analyze emotions that we have daily to learn the most difficult: to be better people in the day and so we find a small article that talks about balance.

It has recently struck me how penetrating black and white thinking is. It is inherent in American culture, that some attitudes such as the following are accepted with instant reaction without thinking twice:

  • If you are not with me, you are against me
  • If you say someone is wonderful, it's fine, but to mention mistakes made is to blame and must stop
  • I can't control my fear anymore, I won't listen anymore!

The last two are less obvious than the first, so let's look at them:

In mentioning mistakes, there are definitely a number of ways in which this can happen. It may certainly be for blaming or with the desire to punish. Also for a sincere desire to help others through the friendly way of teaching, just as we do with children naturally. Or simply being the result of wanting to bring people together, to talk about sensitive issues, so that being positive usually leads to the separation of the group over time. It is sincerity and good will that unites people and there are thousands of ways to express this; sometimes in ways that may initially result in conflict.

For the last example, there is an idea that fear is simply an enemy to overcome, all in one step. Of course our fears regularly are not as simple as being afraid of heights. They completely dominate our perception. The funny thing about this is that rarely does anyone claim to have overcome fear, except when they are motivated by fear. I am afraid of fear, then, I will make war on you, it may be the reasoning brought to light.

Mentioning the concept of fear is of course intentional, because it is central to black and white thinking. There is always a crux in the thought process. Within the desire to go to extremes, there is a universe denied in the remnant of the spectrum of life, which clearly has infinite colors more than just two. Even when the gray range can be a swirl of colors, of great beauty, to say the least. There is a little beauty in a black and white world; It is a difficult world of enemies and allies in constant battle.

Everyone is affected by fear. It also affects me daily. And yet, I allow myself to experience them, without refusing or trying to eliminate them, I am finding more and more, that there is perfect satisfaction in it. A fear helps me, it has the purpose of alerting me to threats, pains, problems that need to be solved and that is what it does. It is not necessarily pleasant, but there is a great feeling of vivacity when I provoke it and give up completely.

There is no one on Earth who has no lessons to learn, who never makes mistakes. Nor does anyone who only makes mistakes (if that includes George Bush!). We all have a limited perception and knowing that is nice, because it allows you to see the totality of someone, with everything and warts. It is wise to be aware of the potential, because there is always room for growth, but focusing completely on them and not being present (and thus allowing) with the here and now is a way of limiting and dividing.

Although I rarely refer to the Bible, a section that I like (and I usually found a different interpretation from mine) is the part where Adam and Eve eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The majority ignores that description of the tree - the warning of good and evil. For me, it simply speaks of the fact that there is a division of the perception of "Good" and "Evil, " "White" and "Black" that leads us to "Eden." Letting go of our judgments and filters and simply allowing no matter what happens, without labels instantly brings us back to the primordial state of innocence. ”



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