I forgive myself, by Jocelyne Ramniceanu

  • 2013

Forgiveness is not that merciful act with the other to free him from guilt, as we believe. The illusion makes us look for a culprit out there. Forgiveness, even if it seems like an outward-directed action, is a release from the bonds with our memories. By forgiving, we free ourselves from the memories of pain and break the invisible cords that bind us to situations, people and things of the past.

When we deny someone's forgiveness for all the damage he has caused us, we are not free, we are burdened, we carry a morale and this weight gradually steals our energy. We believe that with our resentment we are punishing the other, but we only harm ourselves.

There is nothing out there, the other is a projection of our guilt for believing what he told us or did. We do not assume that nobody does anything to us, we allow, we create with our beliefs, we manipulate reality without realizing it. We create ourselves suffering, nobody out there has the power if you don't allow it. Nobody can enter in your inner world.

During life we ​​create invisible bonds with people and join with those who fit exactly into the mental model we need to play our role according to our beliefs.

The situations that are presented to us in life were created by our subconscious, where the information of our entire existence, our ancestors and the collective unconscious lies.

The act of forgiving is not easy because we really believe we are victims, and therefore we project our discomfort in the other or in the situation. It is an illusion to believe that things simply happen to us, because there is no correlation in time from the moment we think something and its manifestation.

When we really assume that we are the creators, resentment vanishes like a soap bubble.

It is difficult and unlikely to believe that we ourselves create so many painful situations. All our thoughts have the power to materialize even those fleeting thoughts that pass through our mind or have passed at some point without even noticing us. We are used to avoiding self-observation, and we don't remember that we put our attention. We go through life evading ourselves and without realizing it, we become what we think and make our lived experiences prove us right then everything we believe happens because we create it. We reap everything we sow.

When we forgive the stuck energy associated with facts related to others is released, our feelings and emotions change and we are the beneficiaries. Our environment is also affected. Everything we do to the other we are doing to us, and everything we do has the power to transform our environment.

Forgiveness transforms everything, raise the vibration of your energy from a state of bitterness and isolation to a level of peace and union, and brings you closer to being in tune with the universe and with the maximum expression of love.

Become aware that you are the creator and allow yourself to choose to live in peace. You can make a review of who has hurt you and decide to cut the cord with the situation, the person or the thing and assume the responsibility that all that pain that is inside you only infringes you and you caused it. It all comes down to beliefs, memories, thoughts ... and all this can be changed.

Do you still have resentments with your family for the way you were raised? Each human being makes the decision of how to react to the same situation, some are affected, and others are not, the experiences of your life you decided to experience ... Have your partner or your relationships caused you pain? You decided to believe and create that situation, and if it still disturbs you, you keep it alive in your memories, because only you decide the experience you want to live.

There is nothing outside. You have the key to that prison. You are the jailer.

You can let out what you created. You can untie the knot and love again you just need to become aware that you only FORGIVE YOU, for having judged, for having suffered, for having believed everything that is within your memories and for forgiving yourself you are taking care of yourself, you are loving and You are healing. It is you who you have to forgive, just assume that responsibility, that all damage caused, it is you who has caused it and let it go ...

I love you

I forgive myself, by Jocelyne Ramniceanu

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