The Beloved Mother Whale (Part 2):

  • 2011


The Beloved Mother Whale and the Cetacean Light Network also work on the healing of our lower bodies.

The ethereal body heals through the colors or flames of cetacean consciousness (these flames are equivalent to the flames we all know, but have different shades, among which you can find the Apple green, turquoise, fuchsia, aquamarine, silver, lilac, etc). These flames communicate directly with our original essence, and they activate the memory of our first memory of when we were pure light, this connection emits vibrations that heal the remembrances of our learning in this life and in past lives.

The sound of dolphins and whales help to heal our astral body, it has already been scientifically proven that these sounds produce alpha waves that help us relax, but beyond what has been demonstrated, these sounds awaken the particles of light or critical emotions that are part of the emotional body. These critical emotions help us control the ego. When listening to the sound of the define or the whales before sleeping, they are recorded in the subconscious and act during the night.

The mental body is favored by the dolphonic vibration, the dolphins help us to wake up the two hemispheres of the brain, which gives us the necessary mental balance so that the lower mental body can communicate with the upper mental body and may the Voz del Alma reach our lives.

In our physical body, healing can occur through the seals of the cetacean symbols that help to awaken DNA fibers, these fibers attract the Ascension Flame and this is He commands us to ascend to divine perfection. A healthy person can use the cetacean symbols to improve and purify his body.

The crystals:

The central Heart-Crystal of the earth, where you find the Akashic records of our beloved Gaia, has been protected by cetacean consciousness.

The Beloved Mother Whale has been specially connected with this crystal and its mission is to preserve and protect it, since this crystal keeps the records of the Divine Plan for the Earth.

Each Earth Light Portal has a crystal and this crystal must be active (radiating energy) before the Portal is opened. One of the missions of the Beloved Mother Whale and the Cetacean Light Network is to wake up (the akashic memory) and activate all the crystals of the earth and have them prepared for when the light portals are opening.

All the Portals of Light will be open, some of them will be opened for the second time since they were closed when Atlantis fell and others will be opened for the first time.

Gaia is covered by crystals and you can ask the Beloved Mother Whale to help you activate them.

When all the crystals are activated, Gaia will become a star of radiant light.

The scientific aspect and its evolution on earth:

In the scientific aspect, the Beloved Mother Whale works with Commander Ashtar Sheran and the beings of light who work with him.

The future of science is to "make peace" with religion and Divinity will be demonstrated through science.

The Beloved Mother Whale protects the scientific knowledge that humanity is not yet ready to use from the Akashic records.

The Beloved Mother Whale and the Cetacean Light Network create a protective shield that prevents retrograde energies that use science for other purposes to keep moving forward. These involuntary energies every day weaken more, so we should no longer call them involutive "forces" because they are no longer.

Although it seems contradictory, after World War II all scientific “discoveries” (have always existed in the akasha and nothing is new) happen in Divine Order, even those that do not seem harmonious to us, since if they have arisen it is because humanity You are already prepared to take responsibility for the use of these discoveries. The "misuse" that we give to these discoveries also teaches us to evolve and become aware of what is best for humanity and for the planet.

There are many Beings of Light that are assisting the Earth in its scientific evolution: The Great Beings of the Green flame, the Intergalactic Confederation, angels, etc., because the time is coming, in which the true religion will be the “Divine Science ”That will understand from sacred geometry to beyond quantum physics… paving the way for true occultist or superman.

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