Kryon by Lee Carroll: "I'm going to turn right, I'm going to turn left

  • 2012

Kryon short channeling by Lee Carroll

Greetings, Dear Ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service.

I never left this place. I never left them. The attribute of God, what you would call family, is in multiple places, multiple times, we are everywhere all the time. They could say: "That is impossible." And we would say: indeed, in your perception it is impossible. But the love of God is like a soup, in which they get in, and as soon as they recognize the soup, they understand that - no matter where they are, inside the closet or on stage - the soup remains the same. That means that it is always there, around you and loving and protecting you because you emit light and there is no dark thing that can invade what the beacon of light produces.

I would like to review a little what we said last night. You are in what we would call the energy of revelation. A planet that slowly begins to pass from a place that you feel normal, a paradigm that you feel is as it always has been and will be, towards a place you did not expect. It is a slow process that takes generations. But there has to be recognition of a change. A place where seeds are being planted, so that the harvest then produces what is new and has never been seen before. You could say that you are planting new foods on the planet that have never been consumed, and that old souls and light workers have a cooperating Gaia, which is providing energy so that finally the seeds you plant grow large, tall and Quick. While the soil sown before was not fertile, the seed sown before dried and remained for some other day, without being visible in his majesty, in his divinity, or in a change on the Earth.

And that is the change! Put in these metaphorical terms, we tell you that the Earth is moving towards a new paradigm.

Last night we talked about the concept of graduation. When you reach the highest level of the study, you do not stay there. The teacher no longer continues to give them the same instructions all his life; instead, they take them out of class and tell them: This is all there is, now they go on their own. The planet has been bogged down in the highest class for eons. In fact, it is even reflected in their own universities and schools for children, because if you look closely, you will realize that many of the textbooks are the ones that you adults used. Different covers, different illustrations; The same concepts and the same words sometimes. Even the books with which they learned to read when children are now used for their grandchildren. "Why rewrite them if human nature is always the same?" They say. "Why change what children are taught if human nature never changes?" They say. And suddenly they begin to see that human nature is changing and humanity is evolving in consciousness.

And that is the teaching of yesterday.

What does that mean for you, now, sitting here? I give them the practical aspect. Those who sit in salons like this, all over the planet, are the workers, the sowers of seeds. You have already heard the term "light worker". That is you.

It is in the culture of everyday events that the seeds are sown. How fast do you get angry ... and judge? When you look in the eyes of someone you don't know, are you interested? Do you see it as part of the human test or do you see it as a stranger? How fast does it matter to your heart that you have sitting next to you, that you just met yesterday? An old soul already knows the answers to these things, because some of these things put old souls in trouble. They are too fast to love, sometimes too open. The problem is that there are some of the old energy that know what light is like and go straight to it. And they cheat them. I tell you that is changing too. The integrity of the light they have and the light they carry is now positioning themselves to sow seeds and, in that process, they will know when the people around them have no thoughts of integrity. In other words, they will have an intuitive detector to identify those who wish to harm them, who wish to lie to them. Some will say, "Well, how do I use that, how do I get it, what are the steps?" And I tell them that they already have it now. Why don't you start using it? As soon as they start exercising the muscle that I tell them they already have, it becomes bigger and stronger, and then they see it and use it. If they are always wondering when they will get it, it will never happen. What I tell you is: claim the things that are new, and start using them as if they had always been there. That is the only way they will know if they exist.

Some in this room, and in the culture in which they live, drive a vehicle and exasperate themselves looking for a place to park because they can't find it, and invoke the parking lot angel. And works. And you are giving your power to a strange entity sitting on top of your car, looking around for you, giving you somehow a signal system, according to which you will know which way to turn. Some of you, against all odds, even close your eyes and do it. And works. As such, a place is vacated, you park and say: "Thank you, parking angel." Now I am going to tell you something that my partner has thought during the last four years: There is no angel in the parking lot. Human beings, what they have done is surrender their power to a mythological figure that you believe is more powerful than you, to guide you to a place you did not know existed. A place to park that was out of sight and reach and they found it for themselves with the power of their intuition. Because as Human Beings do not believe they can do that, they assign it to the parking lot angel. And it's time to assign it to yourself.

It is time for them to use, not the angel of the parking lot, but the angel of life. Because there are dilemmas here, both on stage and off stage, that cannot be resolved in 3D. You cannot have an angel who assumes your responsibility, while you follow him with your eyes closed. With your eyes wide open, straight up, you are going to say: "I will turn to the right, I will turn to the left", because that is where the puzzle is solved. And you will know this, and as you do and make some mistakes, you will understand what are the feelings that guide you to the right place. Here we are talking about intuitive emotional response. Higher than it has ever been, a multidimensional feeling that interacts with the field of its DNA. Tonight we'll talk about it.

It may sound scientific tonight, but it is not. We will talk about the system around you that will allow you to do what I am telling you now. Let them leave here knowing that you can affect your surroundings because you can "feel" things; the potentials of what could happen. It gives you an advantage to solve things that others would believe cannot be solved because they are not capable ... and you can.

When they begin to "get hooked" with a multidimensional energy, they "get hooked" with potentials from humanity, from the Family, even from the parking lot! That's why it works. Can you see what this could mean to you? They plant the seeds of this with their actions and their works. Their light becomes brighter and they feel more comfortable with it.

What brought you here to this chair? Some could hardly wait to come. Others hesitated a little. Some decided at the last moment; A switch was turned on and they said, "I'm going." I will tell you, it is those of the last minute who I want to talk to. You know how this works. They received a signal, a thought about going to a metaphysical meeting. And how about a given signal when they need to turn right or left in life? And do not know what to do. That is what we are trying to tell you: that the new tools that are being given to you will make your life more comfortable because you trust them.

Everything that is being said in this scenario, by all who are saying it, speaks of the same. A change in energy that allows manifestation in the human spirit. And they will see it personally. They will see it in the cultures and they will even see it in the government.

The day will come when you will look back at the way your society works now, as Human Beings on Earth, and say, "What barbarism!" Because it will no longer seem appropriate. There will be a softness, respect, integrity, even in politics! When the cows fly ... they will say (laugh of Kryon). When that starts to happen, I want you to remember this meeting. They will say: “You were right. I never thought it would happen. We are beginning to see the change. ”And it will not be because, suddenly, they are all light workers. It will be because you planted the seeds and showed the way. Your children will plant, and their children will plant, and the Earth will change because Gaia is fertile - for you. Tonight, we will talk again about DNA, in personal ways, giving them information that is both technical and spiritual. Empowering Related to the change they face. For all light workers.

There is only one reason for Kryon's existence. I entered the life of my partner about eighteen years ago. He says he has been doing this for twenty-three years, but it is not. For a while he was only experimenting. It really only started eighteen years ago. That's when I took my hand. Before I only danced. If you look at those around you and the other channelers, who may come and go, and the scientists, who get on a stage like this, how are you going to talk about these things, everything falls into those same areas. Odes: They all woke up about eighteen or twenty years ago. This is the great alignment, the 36-year window we have talked about. They are in the middle. Take a look, look at what has happened to you in the last 18 years. Some of you are sitting here well within that time frame. There is a change of energy on this planet, a decisive point. That's why they are sitting where they are. There are many coincidences here. One of them is synchronization.

And so the day begins. The teaching begins. And come back.

And so it is.


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Melbourne, Australia

Copyright Lee Carroll 2012

Translation: Cristina C ffaro

Edition: Margarita López

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