The Lighthouses of Light ~ Re-cordatories from Home June 15, 2011 ~ Mirror, Mirror ~ 21 days to Reflect God ~

  • 2011
Table of contents hide 1 A point of no return 2 Changing the Game 3 Mirror, mirror 4 Light mirrors 5 21 Days of reflected light 6 Expanding the light 7 The energy that is missing in the Universe

The Re-cordat Orios from the Home of the Lighthouses of Light are live presentations on the Internet, transcribed and published on the 15th of each month. The next issue of VirtualLight Lightworker will be:

Saturday, July 30, 2011

11 am Pacific time in the USA

~ Re-cordatories from Home ~

From Steve:

At some point in our lives each of us must stop and ask some fundamental questions. As I grew up many of my friends belonged to other religions and that, naturally, made me wonder: "What is the real one?" I studied many of them and discovered that, in the vast majority, there is a sense of tolerance for the others. After accumulating many questions in my mind, I understood that they were stories told by the different tribes, transmitted from generation to generation in different parts of the world. That leads me to ask myself a broader question: "What are the points in common that all these religions have?" "What do they say and how they managed to communicate their message?" I find it interesting to discover that in all there is a supreme being with attributes Similar. In fact, I find it interesting that God, somehow, manages to appear in our reality regardless of where we are living on Earth.

I will also point out that a real need is being covered here and we should not allow the use of the term 'stories' to cause them to lose their strength in some way. People who belong to the different currents often need to see their own reflection and religion has been one of the many ways in which this has been achieved on Earth. In this beautiful message, the Group takes us on a trip so that we can find and use these mirrors in our daily lives. The funny thing is that we rarely understand that it is our own reflection.

Have a great month and stay in the present.

Big hugs and friendly elbows


Note: The following message has been channeled and edited again with the guide of The Group so that it has greater clarity in the text format.


Greetings from Home

A point of no return

All humanity has reached the point where it is no longer possible to go back. There is no turning back in the vibratory state and on this day humans have reached critical mass. You knew that was coming. They knew that they were going in that direction and we told them, recently, that they had reached another level of critical mass on their planet where love would really overcome fear on a collective level. Fear has been used as the only factor to motivate people on their planet. Now, it would be very useful if they found a different stimulus.

Today we would like to go one step further. We would like to share some of our insights about your trip. At first they took small, minimal steps, and now they advance at full speed, making great leaps to cover as much distance as possible in a single movement. Because of these changes, much of what they had established to feel comfortable is beginning to change. It is not that they are going to feel uncomfortable, but simply that what once made them feel good will no longer. They have cleared the space to be able to use their energy to the maximum. You have created a business or way of working, clientele, friends and all the networks that support you; however, they will soon discover that they no longer need that support in the same way. All of humanity has taken a very quiet but extremely effective and gigantic step in terms of its vibration and this has happened very quickly. It will continue that way as long as everyone stays together, as long as they establish some checkpoints that they can use to measure and check their own growth.

Changing the Game

Why is it necessary to observe your own growth in order to move forward? This is a game, dear. It is exactly that, a game. You know how difficult it is for us to directly transmit the information from the Home to the Guardian so that he can download it, translate and convert messages that your world can understand.

There are some very interesting things that are starting to work. Let us ask you some questions that we will develop and that will help you discover several answers or the possibilities before you. Ask yourself: What are the belief systems that sustain and empower you? We have talked many times about the belief systems in your world. Many times we have talked about the belief systems that block their growth. They often build firm, logical and inflexible belief systems, which simply break apart and crumble. Sometimes they fall apart with a lot of pain and difficulties to move to the next level. We ask you to try to create belief systems that are flexible, in which you remain open to new experiences and open to new thoughts and perceptions, because every time you give these gigantic leaps, you begin to consider everything from a different perspective and that It's a great thing. Why?

Mirror Mirror

Dear ones, you are creators. They are the ones who create each and every one of their thoughts. Each of his emotions activates the spark of thought that goes out into the universe to manifest itself. It is generated magnetically through your heart. It is generated in connection with all other creators; however, you are hidden creators - in a way you are God incarnate. In order for them to come here and play the game and pretend to be human, it was necessary that they enter the illusion of time, because it does not work to be infinite on Planet Earth. This is a game in which you pretend to be finite and now you have learned to play it, almost too well, because your true nature is infinite. To create the illusion, each of you creates your own sacred space. Their own reality within their little bubble and works very well until they begin to be aware that they are not the only creators of planet Earth. That's where the challenge comes from, that's what it is if they look at their societies, their businesses, their governments and all the collective vibrations, whether they are religions, churches and organizations of any kind that come together to reflect their magic.

Observe all the good that comes with that. Religions have provided great strength, unity and community based on the awareness of love. They have reinforced concepts and ideas that many people have tried and used effectively. Why is it so wonderful to have something of that nature? Because it is a belief system that can reflect its light. It is something like a mirror. You have many of those mirrors here on Earth and you are not limited to religions. Each one reflects their unique magic in some way and has been designed to help them remember what they really are. In those spaces it is where your inner spirit rejuvenates, the inner god.

So why are there so many religions on planet Earth? That is a new question. The reason for this is very simple, you have different vibratory ranges around the world and need representations of each of them. Regardless of which one they use, they all reflect their light. The challenge arises when one god does not open space for the other gods. Most religions have become exclusive and that has caused many problems and wars. Therefore, we tell you that you are growing and, if you wish to see your real reflection in a mirror, find a mirror that is flexible enough to grow with you.

Light mirrors

Now, what is a light mirror? If we give them a stone - a tiny, tiny stone - and tell them: "Take this beautiful stone with you in your pocket when you leave here and everything will work magically for you from now on." Would it work? If you thought it works, it would work. It is a mirror. When you go to the doctor, he will tell you: “He has something common and I can help him / her solve the problem, which really is not. We have healed many people. Just take this pill and after a restful night it will feel good. ”Would it work? If you think it will work, it will. If in doubt, if you wonder if allopathic medicine will work for you, it will not work the same. It is not something difficult and fast that works for everyone. For that reason, each individual is unique. As they grow, the range of diversity will be greater. What we tell you is that it is the reflection of your own light. They are ways in which little gods have to use their energy on planet Earth. They have to reflect in some way in order to see themselves. That is why we ask you to become aware of your mirrors and ask you to gather many mirrors and get many of them and hang them in your homes and establish all those possibilities to be able to look at each other regularly. No, we don't mean physical mirrors, so relax. It does not mean that you have to fix your hair every time you see yourself in a mirror. What it means is that you have many flexible belief systems that allow you to use your power ... and with which you can reflect your light.

There are many healers and teachers who listen to our words. We have invited many healers and teachers because this is the energy with which we have worked on Earth for many, many of their lives and we are very excited because they are at the point where they begin to discover the veil. You are beginning to hear the sounds, the different parts that are behind the veil and that you had never heard before. It is their growth, it is the changes of their physical bodies that allow them to do that. This shows that you are beginning to be aware. This is the illusion that there is only one truth and that all these parts exist to reflect their own truth. Why are we telling them this? Why are we telling you that each of you has its truth when there really are so many here on the planet? We have mentioned this before. We told you that there are two important things that you need to remember. Number one, you are god and have a responsibility, and it is to use your own creative powers. Number two and probably as important as the first, you are not the only gods. You also have to use your powers in harmony with the other creators around you. That is the part that brings together the whole collective of heaven and that must be created on earth. They are heading there - towards an empowered society - one that had never existed before on Earth. You have always had free will but, as a collective vibration, you have never chosen to fully assume your own power. What does that mean? If you are God, does that mean that as gods, you no longer need to play the game?

Responsibility = The balance of power

You already have the concept and have the opportunity, but most of you have been here life after life as teachers or healers who work so that the planet and all humanity reach the point of being able to take the step that they now have before them. It's happening. The veils are falling and what they see is their own reflection. It is very important that they understand this because, together with their incredible power, they reach the corresponding level of responsibility and their power is only balanced when they assume that level of responsibility. Their power can be increased only if they increase their level of responsibility. It is what awaits each and everyone. It is the area that each of you will begin to understand.

21 Days of reflected light

Now we will imagine that we play in their time of illusion and tell them that, from this moment and for 21 days, we will show them what they are. You will see your own power reflected directly in something you have, be it an idea or a concept that will manifest itself before you. Observe the miracles that will happen during the next 21 days. You will create many in your life but there will be one, at least, that will be irrefutable and will lead you to understand, from the bottom of your essence, that you created it. We do this from time to time to give them confidence, so that they know their true nature. You have built a veil that prevents you from remembering the Home, that prevents you from remembering your past lives, that prevents you from remembering your progress as souls and, what is happening now, is that you are beginning to completely dissolve that veil.

You placed the veil between the two lobes of your brain. It is for that reason that your brain is divided into two parts. Consider that the left contains the illusion of time and that there is no time on the right. In that way, the right brain represents the Home and the left brain represents the Earth. Now, both are unifying in a way that is unprecedented. The spirit is growing and the physical being will now evolve to house the empowered spirit. That is why and, in a way, many of you are beginning to communicate with the spirit. Everyone begins to discover that they have direct connections with the Home from certain parts of their interior. If you trust it, you will learn to internalize that energy and anchor your light. They will root the light, give it a new tour and ask for it with great force.

Each and every one of you is starting to do it your way. If there were something we asked to give everyone just by touching their shoulders, it would be certainty. It would be the certainty of the soul, because his soul has traveled this Earth many times. Many of you have crossed great distances and made great sacrifices so that the next steps on Earth could be taken and here they are. Some are waking up from the dream and say: Now that I'm waking up, what am I supposed to do? That causes us a lot of laughter on this side, because it's about the veil in action. We are not here to teach you anything, we are here to help you remember. We are here to help you discover that part of you that allows you to see the reflection for yourself. It is not about demonstrating it to others to prove their abilities or magic. Then, they take it forward and balance it with responsibility and balance it in harmony with the other gods that surround them and yes, they will learn to permeate everything with the light. Naturally, that will increase your light. That is the point to which they are heading and it is exactly what they are beginning to do right now.

Expanding light

Receive those smiles that you offer from time to time and multiply them around you. Receive those gifts that each of you brings and discover how to use them in some way even if you try to anchor the energy briefly- discover how to use it when the opportunity presents itself and help with your skills to others. Yes, this can discourage them sometimes, because they continue with their belief systems, such as: Oh, that person does this and has the necessary training. If I start doing it, I will have to go through the same stages. I will have to follow the same procedure and it will take me years to achieve it. We tell you that right now, you don't need to do that anymore. The other beings need their energy and we tell them that if they start to sustain themselves in their own energy, in what they are passionate about, in case they need some training of other tools, they can Access them very quickly. You will not need to plan, just simply follow the dictates of your heart and let it tell you the way to go. Allow God to come through you. Allow yourself to reflect that energy in every possible way, be it a religion, a form of healing, a book, a statue or a rock; if they believe in it, no matter what it is, it will work. Actually, you are the center of your own universe and we ask you to begin to take that into account in all your actions.

For many of you it is very difficult, because you have come with an incredible level of sensitivity to be able to fulfill your work. That sensitivity makes them feel everything and they immediately hesitate to show their energy because they reflect: `` Everyone will feel that. I do not have the right to show you my energy because everyone will feel it and will be imposing it on others. We hope you consider the opposite. You hold your energy because you are the only ones who can bring that part of Home to the planet. You are the only ones who can bring that piece of the puzzle from Home and wonder about it: Am I good enough to support it? Everyone in the Home is telling you Let them go ahead and place their chip on the board and play with it, because it is worth it and they have earned it.

The missing energy in the Universe

Many of you stop doing something because you believe that they invade other people or that they affect others, but it's quite the opposite. Your energy is what is missing in the universe and if you keep it inside, you cannot complete heaven on earth. There are gifts that each of you has and sustains, but your feelings of incompetence, your feelings of not being good enough, are momentary limitations and we hope you continue on your way, allowing you to continue and adapt from that point, because those blockages restrict Earth, prevent him from continuing and taking the next step. They will discover that the process is accelerating and next year it will accelerate further. Receive it as an exciting challenge. Take that opportunity. We ask you to paint your energy everywhere. We have suggested to the Guardian an exercise on how to do it, because they are too sensitive and care so much about the way they relate energetically to everything, that we do not want them to be too aggressive, and we ask them to imagine that they use the reverse of Your hand to project it. You do not need to physically paint your energy on someone but when they do, imagine that they are doing it with the back of your hand. It is not something aggressive, it is simply to return to the universe the energy they have had in their charge. They are returning the taste of God that is needed right now. It is not a unique god who opens up and remembers his power. It is a planet of empowered beings who wake up from sleep. Dear ones, you have asked to be there and many of you do not even have contracts that are relevant to you in this life and for this moment, but you did not want this party to take place without your presence and here. They have succeeded. Don't wait Don't wait for the arrival of 2012. Don't wait for the arrival of 11/11. Don't wait for tomorrow to come. Start producing it right now. Act as if it were happening in these moments and allow the mirror to reflect your magic. Watch what happens. Enjoy the next 21 days. Everyone will receive at least one reminder and some of you will receive many reminders of your magic, your gifts and your skills. You have a tone of light that belongs exclusively to you.

There was a time when the Guardian began to channel, as he calls it. He was reading a book of Kryon's energy and asked us: “Do you know Kryon boys?” And we laughed and we found it funny because at Home we are not separated from each other in the way you pretend to be separated from each other. We told him: “We believe that this is wonderful, but we must share with you that the time will come when you will uncover the veil and understand that everyone has been talking to the same entities. They will understand that they have been talking to a part of themselves. ” You will receive good guidance for this journey, as long as you learn to listen, as long as you learn to go beyond the limits. Take each step and submit it to your own filters. Accepting this just because we say it is not a good reason. Like new clothes, new ideas must be tested first to see how they fit. We hope you play with it and we hope you adjust those pieces that fit you well and discard the rest, because there are no messages that reach all hearts. Take what resonates with you and adopt it. They have been doing this with thoughts, with belief systems and with ideas. Now they will begin to discern the light. The light of your planet is changing. It is not really changing, it is you who are changing and beginning to perceive a part of the light that you had not seen before. You believe that the light is composed of photonic particles that you receive from the sun or other devices, but we tell you that the light of the human body is perceived as love and you are about to feel that incredible wave and, when you do, extend your hands and hold those of others. This is how they anchor that energy. This is how the light of others is presented and this allows them to see their own reflection as creator beings that they are. Hold it proudly, dear ones. We are incredibly proud of you. They are the sons and daughters of the king who do not remember their royal heritage but we and you are in the right place and at the right time. Dance with that light. Play with her. Reflect it first to see themselves and then help the other gods to wake up from sleep. That is called an empowered society and, right now, you are heading there at the speed of love. Enjoy the trip.

With the greatest honor we ask you to treat each other with respect. They are seeing each other in the eyes of God when they do. Take care of each other and open all possible doors for your friends, because you are helping the group to take the next step. Understand that you are playing a game and play it well together.


The group


By Barbara Rother


Lately, I have enjoyed the moments that I remain at home. We will not have to travel to a Lightworker event until September, which means we have all summer to enjoy the heat of Las Vegas! I appreciate the swimming pools and the air conditioning! Being at home is not as relaxing as I just described it. We are working from home with our online seminars and conducting different events that keep us very busy. I say working, but anything we do with Lightworker is not really a job, because we really enjoy it. In a way, I miss the monthly trips to the different parts of this world that connect us with many loving people, but I also feel happy to be where I am.

How wonderful is the journey of life! In a way, the beginning of summer makes my playful side emerge, I feel alive. I remember that, as a child, the end of the school year made me dance with emotion because I would have 3 full months to celebrate; a time without programming that allowed me to be myself. I woke up every day open to what he offered me, with all the possibilities of fun and exploration that awaited me. I choose to create that memory in my existence today. Yes, I have more responsibilities in my present life, but I know it is important that I connect with me to be playful. That not only can bring greater happiness to my own life but my joy will be spread to all those with whom I come into contact.

What really matters in life? It is a question that I will ask myself every day. I know we are evolving creatures, so the question will not always be answered in the same way. Every day offers me a new aspect of who I am and who I am becoming.

Life is a search that gives us glorious moments that elevate us and then turns around to give us lessons that sometimes represent challenges. Live and taste the happy moments. Then, when challenges appear, usually unexpected, they will be better prepared to handle them. Life is a rise and fall that needs to be balanced. It really is a game. Enjoy playing.

My favorite words of a song that James Taylor wrote are: "The secret of life is to enjoy the passage of time" Isn't that what really matters?

With love and light


Lightworker is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the conscious diffusion of light through Empowerment


Copyright © 2000 - 2011 Lightworker.

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