Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll "Back to the essentials"

  • 2016

Dear Greetings, I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.

The Human Being is beautiful; and the Human Being is becoming more compassionate. Sometimes we ask: What brought you here? ... Isn't it still controversial? Is it really possible for the Spirit to speak to you this way? I say it again: The Spirit has always spoken in this way to Humanity; everything that has been written, each piece and every part of all the Scriptures of this Planet, known and unknown, has been written for eons by men and women under the influence of their Higher Self and the Creative Source . This means that all the Scriptures that exist come from men and women; you say that it is the word of God, but it is the word of men and women under the influence of the Creator; This has a name, it's called 'Channeling'. What you see and hear right now is no different from how it has been. My partner sits in a chair and invokes the influence of the other side of the veil and stands aside. And if I tell you that this same process that you are seeing is the same that has happened throughout the ages? Small groups met and heard what you are hearing, heard a fundamental Truth that has been known for eons.

It is the first time I feel in front of you, it is the first time that my partner has brought me to this place; So what I want to do is sit with you and give you a channel called 'Back to the Essentials' . For me it is nice, I love talking about these things: They are so intrinsic, so beautiful, so full of truth and beauty!… 'Back to the Essentials'. Humans: You love linear lists (Kryon's laugh), so I'm going to give you one. We see the lists in a circle, they have nothing linear because the end always connects with the beginning; this is how Physics works, there really aren't many straight lines in Physics; almost everything is enveloping, it is recreated; it is circular. Humans also have Spiritual Systems and need rules; each of the Spiritual Systems that exist seems to start with the rules: This is the right thing, this is what you should do, this is what you should wear (Kryon's giggle). So I'm going to give you some of that; and I will start with number one.

Number 1: We will describe a beautiful belief; It is not a system but a belief, this belief constitutes a paradigm different from any other on Earth. Number 1: There are no rules! (Kryon laugh) And this is why: It is not a doctrine. Belief draws on an intuitive energy that is inside each Human Being, which says: " In my interior there is Divinity "; when a Human Being sits down and says: " I feel it ... I feel it!" Some love music: What softens your soul when a song is performed in a certain way, that makes you feel God inside, when you know there is more? Music does this; sometimes art does; Sometimes nature does it: What happens to you when you are in the great outdoors and you see the amazing beauty? Inside you feel that there is more for you; something is stirring inside you, you know that God is there.

Dear ones, if you look at the history of Humanity and go back enough to see what were the first intuitive thoughts about God, what was first, what was written, there may be disagreement as to whether the first were the Hindus or the Buddhists; but observe these first intuitions thousands of years ago. More than 80% of the people of the Planet have believed in life after death; there it is for you to examine. Why? ... And what was the first thing the ancients believed? That God is inside. In 2nd place they thought you were coming back; that is to say that you have the ability to return, that a Soul can come again and again. In the third place, that in each life you have the ability to ascend to a higher level of wisdom and existence. In 4th place, you can even reach Ascension if you return enough times.

How does that sound to your modern religions? ... You can discard the 4; according to them, you are born dirty; and then everything else starts ... You are not born dirty! Inside you there is an intuitive rule book (Kryon's smile) that says: God is good, God is inside, God is part of me; Each one of the Masters who have traveled this Planet has spoken of God inside. This is number 1; and how intuitive it is, it is unique to each of the people. There can be no rules because each person has a slightly different set of experiences with the Spirit. My partner has taken me to many cultures with many languages; traditionally in all these places they worshiped God in different ways; Each time there was a room like this one full of Old Souls that have no rules.

The establishment would say: “ That is ridiculous! You have to have rules, you have to have a prophet, you have to have someone who has done something that supports what you believe! ”Dear, I will tell you who it is: It's you! You did something: You came again and again to this Planet; you did something. This is the prophet, it is the Higher Self. Is it possible that you love yourself as much as you would love a prophet? Is this blasphemy? ... Or is it Spiritual Common Sense? It is up to you to determine and decide, to discern. This is number 1: There can be no rules because each of you has a Sacred Design that has the same structure, the same Compassion, the same Love; and now you are beginning to coordinate it. A group like this where there are many many without a plan, without structure, without hierarchy, without a prophet; and even without a book. There are no rules because they are inside. This is the most fundamental.

Number 2. This is about the characteristics of the Spirit; beautiful and essential. The Creative Source of this Universe, of this Galaxy, knows you. Some say it is a system, it is taught to qualify Love as a system. It is only Love! A system has variations and Love does not have them; in Humans Compassion cannot be measured in a certain way, under certain rules. It simply is! Love and Compassion are the Essence of the atomic structure, of the mass, they are pure and they are in you waiting for you to discover their purity, their Essence. That is the Creative Source! People say: “Well: It's so great! What are we little Human Beings? ”I will tell you: You are great little Human Beings! Because you are multidimensional, you are as large as the Galaxy; And you don't even know it. Did you know that Human Consciousness can be sent instantly to extremely distant places? Did you know that it transcends all the Physics that you know? All these things we have talked about before, your greatness, is the Creative Source in love with Humanity.

Number 3. Do not take it wrong, but it must be said, it has to be verbalized. Number 3: God is not an angry, judgmental, punishing, or dysfunctional force. And if you think it is and they have taught you that it is, I will tell you this: You are seeing all your customs. Throughout the ages, they have repeatedly decided that God has Human characteristics: Wars in Heaven, punishment if you do things in a certain way. Do you really believe that the Creator of the Universe would do that? How many times have we given the metaphor of the mother and her son? Mother: If your child does something a little weird or strange, maybe against what you had already said: Do you send him to a horrible place to burn forever? Or do you lift it up and hold it lovingly and tell it that it is beautiful? What do you do mam ? Worse (Kryon's smile)? It's time to have Spiritual Common Sense! God is not a vengeful force. The Spirit is Love. Can you not see and feel it?

In the room some want this to be over soon so they can leave. I know who you are; and I want to tell you something, sir: You are very loved. (Kryon's smile) Can't you feel it? (Kryon's smile) We don't want you to make any decision, we just want you to relax and feel the Love. It would make you some harm knowing only for a moment that here Is there no hidden objective, none? Take a deep breath while you feel it, that's all. And when you leave you will be accompanied by the same number of angels that will accompany the healer, the channeler. This is Love, Beautiful and compassionate Unconditional Love ; This is all there is here.

Number 4, we discuss it this morning: The Purpose of Life, the reason why Humans are here precisely: To see how much you found You are of the Creator within you. We have told you that there is undoubtedly a system of planetary evolutionary graduation; it is hard for you to believe that out there in the Galaxy there is life like yours that you have never seen or found; and yet you have only done it. Many are visited and helped either by the Arthurians, by Ori n, by the Hathors; They are everywhere. There are rules that state that they cannot interfere but they can help; It's like what grandparents do when they get to love their grandchildren. It's hard to imagine such things!

I will say it again: Are you aware of how old the Galaxy is and how young are you still? Have you ever considered this? How is it possible that humanity is so young in such an ancient galaxy? (Kryon's laughter) Is it possible that you are the new children on the block? It is possible that you are the last to be sown on the only Planet with Free Will at the moment, just as others worked before you and before them and before them and before them for billions of years? You have only been here 200, 000 years; you are very new; and this is the reason: Just now you are growing, you passed the score and now you are beginning to feel what we are saying. Is it possible that the characteristics of Compassion and Love are really measurable Physics? The answer is yes; you are going to see it. Is it possible for Consciousness to have Quantum Physics patterns? And the answer is yes; and eventually you will see them too. The Human is here to solve this riddle: Can you or not find God inside with Free Will ? This was number 4.

Number 5: You are in the midst of the greatest change that Humanity has ever witnessed. It is not an accident that you have arrived at this time, even if you are incredulous, even if you do not believe anything about this channel or want to hear more; Still it is not an accident that you are here. There are many Old Souls here who would not claim to be; We have already referred to this case as a 'Light Worker in the Closet' (Kryon's laugh). You would never admit it! But there is a part of you that wants Light, integrity, honesty ... And you lock yourself in your own way. You know what the Light is like, you generate it all for yourself, you don't believe in channeling, you don't believe in past lives, you don't believe in healing; but you have within you your own system of God; and it has to do with integrity, honesty, compassion and love (Kryon's smile) ... And we love you! We will say it again: The fear of Enlightenment is a great fear; and you may never leave the closet; and that does not matter, because the Light you have is strong; and it is both for you and for the Planet. We know who you are ( Kryon's smile ).

This change is deliberate, this change was predicted; you knew about him before coming here; some of you really waited for him to be born, so that you would arrive when he awakened the wisdom that you have as Old Souls, to help this Planet. "Kryon: Are you talking metaphorically?" No. Dear, when you begin to realize who you are and what is happening spiritually inside you, that process is physical and reaches the Reticles of the Planet ; and the planet vibrates higher for this cause. Only your awakening changes the vibration of the Earth; That is physical and it is also esoteric. Do you realize that there is a system here? A system that is not of rules, but of vibration, of energy, of Light; It is a circular system, one thing feeds the other. Did you know that the Earth Grids set the energy tone of newborns when they arrive? If with your awakening you change the Reticles and so do many others, you are changing the future of the Planet; turn around, it is circular and it is beautiful, it is Love. It is beginning to happen on this Planet as it has happened on other planets; and you are precisely in the middle of that and you expected it. You are here on purpose, in no way you would have missed this party ... Difficult? ... Ahh Yes! (Kryon's laugh) It's a change!

Now I want to speak to some who feel that you have lost some spiritual gifts; I know who you are here, I know who you are listening to. I want to tell you that this is an illusion, that energy has changed and that your gifts are simply being recalibrated to be much stronger than ever before; don't throw them away, don't stop using them, don't get discouraged simply because the old energy isn't producing what you really are. Among those who are here, some needed to hear this; you know who you are. Are you one of those who have recently ruled out and discarded many things that were not good for you? Or maybe you have taken them away (Kryon laugh) a consciousness of old energy and maybe you are there feeling empty-handed? (Kryon's smile) I challenge you to celebrate it as the beginning of a new phase of your life, a beginning; You will not have empty hands for a long time, the gifts will return, the things you have desired will return if you look at them compassionately and without fear. Without fear… Without fear!… Why do you fear the Love of God that is recalibrating you? This was Number 5.

Number 6 is the last one for tonight (Kryon's smile): Your Soul is my friend ... Your Soul ... It's my friend! You are timeless and eternal; The spark of who you are inside your conscious brain, the Soul of a Human Being, is eternal. You existed since before the Galaxy and the Universe existed; you have been part of the graduation of other planets; For billions of years you have participated time and again in this scenario of vibratory change; and here you are again and you will continue to do it forever; and you will love it because that changes the vibration of the Galaxy itself, recalibrates Love itself; There is a reason why you do this. God knows your Soul because your Soul is part of God ... Your Soul is my friend! You can slowly remove the waste from that glass that separates us and you call 'the veil'. Whether through it you see fuzzily or not, as a fish sees the environment from a fishbowl, there are many things around you; and the glass is becoming increasingly transparent instead of reflective; and you can start to see what's out there; and then the glass disappears ; and then the fish recalibrates and breathes the air of Love.

You are beginning to realize that there is something more than what you have been told. Everyone wakes up for himself, be it quickly or slowly, believe it or not. There is no prosecution; only Love. This is how it has always been for all of you in all the incarnations on all the planets ... And you wonder why we love you so much! Lightworker: Maybe it's time to breathe and relax about everything, knowing you're in the right place at the right time ... Can you do it ... Can you give yourself that permission right now? No matter what you have brought, no matter what the puzzle was, or the problem, or the issue you brought and that you know we know: Did you know that the solutions are there? There they are, really there they are; They transcend what you think. Maybe it's time for you to just relax for a moment and say, "I'm fine with my Soul because I know who I am" (laughs at Kryon). I will be back.

And so it is.


TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Lee Carroll


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