Kryon- Ávila, Spain

  • 2011

Kryon - Ávila - Spain Day 1 March 12, 2011

Discription: Héctor Santos Ramallo

http: //Traduccionesdeinteré

April 22, 2011

Greetings, well loved, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

But let's go back 26000 years. Civilizations on Earth were new, but they were civilizations, and one in particular, were the Lemurians. One of the longest civilizations of all time. One of the first civilizations that had the Creator inside. The earth heart chakra was there and also what was called the Kundalini of the planet. 13, 000 years later he moved because civilization had gone far beyond what was Lemuria and new sacred places on Earth emerged. And the Kundalini and that which was the Earth's farm, moved. And Gaia's collaboration helped move these farms to the places where records were kept in Tibet and India.

13000 years is the middle of the 26000 cycle, which represents what we call the galactic alignment. The Maya were right, because in their calculations something would really happen around the following alignment. Human civilization would have the opportunity to change once more, and if that change was positive, Earth's Kundalini would shift once more. And it is on a 36-year trip, from Tibet and India, to what we call the territory of Patagonia, Chile and Argentina, interesting right? The place where it is headed.

I am going to tell you about something that is going to happen there, that may even happen in our life, but that is not the reason we are here, there is also a great event that will happen on the planet, Gaia knows, the Spirit does He knows, and the ancient souls in this room are feeling it.

Let's look at this window of 36 years. The galactic alignment began in 1994 and the midpoint of the galactic alignment will occur in 2012 and the end of the galactic alignment will occur in 2030. I want them to do the numbers, in each of these years, and I want them to tell me if you think If this is a coincidence, each number adds up 5. Doesn't this tell us anything? This 36-year window is equivalent to 9, three and six. Nine is the number of the completion, the completion of a 26, 000 year cycle, with the ancient energy of humanity in which humanity divides and conquers, divides and conquers. A unit energy, 555. The number five indicates change and if we add them we get a six, which is the highest spiritual number we can have without being the master number. In DNA it means the Higher Self.

Let's look at the energy around this event. And we must celebrate that we are here for this, because we know about unity. I will tell you about the past, the present and even give predictions for the future. All of you in this area have already prepared for this, you are deeply prepared, long before this time began, Europe was preparing.

I will remind you of something. I know perfectly where I am, I am in Spain. Oh, dear humans, this is not a channeling of an American, I am part of Gaia, I am part of you, I am from the family. I know what has happened here. I know of the sorrow that this nation carries, ask your parents, your grandparents, not long ago. How does it feel to have a divided nation? How does it feel to lose thousands and thousands of family members, for a political division? And we add everything.

I want to remind you otherwise, most of the European nations that suffered a civil war ended up being two nations, but this is not the case in Spain. They have gone through the fire. There is an expression that says "iron sharpens iron", and we have the image of the blacksmith hitting with his hammer, shaping the metal on the anvil. And what is shaping, is Spain, to the unified country, which has been unified when others have been divided, and the Spirit knows it, is a lesson that will always be available to others. Spain will not be divided again.

50 years ago something happened here in Europe, I have said these things before, but it is important that being in Spain say them again. The next week I will be sitting in Portugal, and I will say them again, because the things that made a difference happened in these lands. For many years, a thousand years or more, Europe was at war with itself. Have you wondered why there are so many languages ​​in such a small space? Because we have congregated, built walls and separated ourselves from others, because that is what humans did. And as if that wasn't enough, they have made wars to conquer, over and over again.

And if someone had come to earth and had seen history, they would have said, "This is what humans do and the time will never come when humans stop doing it" but yes, they will stop doing it. And it has only happened in the last 50 years, that you have changed an energy and always stopped, for the window of 36 years in which we are now.

Can you imagine a group of men and women, immediately after the Second World War, not long after the end of that division in Spain, who had an idea? An idea that many contemplated and said "this is crazy, it won't work." But the idea was this: “we are going to take many of the nations of Europe, including the one that was responsible for the wars, including the nations that have fought each other in the seas, and all the different languages, and we will bring them together. And we want a system in which we can tear down all borders, and if someone comes to Europe and has to go through customs, they do it only once and can travel throughout Europe. And then we want to have a unique currency ”can you imagine what they said by this vision? Everyone who has had the same coin for centuries would suddenly have to give it up and count things differently. Who would want that and what would the single currency be for? That was said by some of the wisest Europeans, all of them old souls, they saw it coming and today it is here, it is new, it is fresh and full of difficulties, but what we call the European Union is the unification of a Europe that never again He will go to the internal war, because he already has the same currency and trades with each other, and is solid, and now they have the most valuable currency in the entire planet.

What, in our view, would be the difference between the energy of 60 or 50 years ago and today? The unification. Unification The things that come together, come together begin a process, a process of union and if we separate them, and if we separate them, we will return to an ancient energy.

It all started here, the elders in this room know it, their parents know it and they will tell you, dear ones, that everything they have gone through has contributed to a unified Spain, to a unified Europe and to constitute A model for the rest of the planet. Therefore do not be surprised if this model is copied.

What have we thought when the Soviet Union disintegrated on its own? Very recently. And where was that disintegration in the prophecies of Nostradamus? Where was that in the prophecies of what we call sacred scriptures? They are not there.

There was no prophecy that this would never happen, in fact, the prophecies claimed the exact opposite, that humans would continue to be destroyed and that they would arrive to another turning point a little before the 26, 000 year cycle, called the Millennium and the earth would be immersed in another world war of which it might not survive. Those were the prophecies, and nothing happened. Instead the Soviet Union disappeared, and what have you thought of this, Spain, ancient soul? Did you get your head hanged and wonder, what does this mean? Or some of you have said, vaya, this is the beginning of something wonderful .

Can humans change the way human beings are? And if it is the end of a human nature that destroys and conquers? That's what's happening.

There are many signs that things are changing. Changing a lot. Right now something is happening that I told you would happen: the end of dictators on earth. A change of government systems, which is different from what things were in many places. Look around. You can count those who have disappeared.

In the old system, when a dictator abandoned power, another took his place, again and again. Just read the story. But not anymore, what is happening? There are a few dictators left on Earth, and the days of all of them are numbered, and we already said that this would be so.

What is happening right now in Egypt? We told you that you are attentive. Not only has the dictator abandoned power, but it is being done without the appearance of another leader. What can one think of a revolution without a leader? We have given this a name, a Quantum Collective, we have also talked about this. When human beings begin to vibrate higher, when consciousness begins to vibrate higher, the paradigms of the way things worked change. We have just seen it in Egypt, a revolution that was not led by a system behind it, a consensus that it was time for change, and the change took place. There is a lot of fear around it, nobody has ever seen it before and therefore there are problems and the fear that there will be a power vacuum or a new dictatorship. This may not be easy for Egypt, and there are problems to solve and manage, just as there was with the European Union, but they will end up with a country, Egypt, led by Egyptians and do not be surprised if the glory of Egypt is restored by those They live there and not by a dictator. We are seeing it right now in Libya, what do we do? Do we observe or send them energy? This will be repeated again, this will also be repeated in Korea and repeated in South America. Watch

I am going to give you some prophecies of my own harvest. Remember this day. Now, Kryon doesn't read his hands, he doesn't talk about good fortune. Kryon talks about potentials that exist and are strong. 22 years ago I talked about things we are seeing now, I gave information about a potential of a water cycle, a climate change that is taking place right now. And 2 years before the recession began in the US, I said there would be a recession, this is not telling fortune, it is a prophecy based on the energy potentials of all of you, so let me give you a couple of stories to analyze.

Something will happen in Persia, I'm not going to give them the name of a country, and they can interpret that as they want. The restoration of the glory of Persia through unification, with the elimination of dictatorships and the creation of peace in the Middle East. Peace in the Middle East will not come from Israel, it will come out of the enemies of Israel, which will cease to be enemies and perhaps take two generations, my dear ones.

But when it happens, they will know what is happening: Unification. This is the prediction. It is slow, you have to give them time, but watch the young people of Persia, how they build something that is theirs and that includes unification. Do not expect them to copy the western system, but rather to develop a wise Persian system that will lead to peace, because there is a group of wise people, right now, who are thinking in the same terms as the group of wise people thought. here and they are brewing an interesting revelation, "because if we continue doing things as we have done, we will cease to exist, because we will generate hatred and manifestations of war and we will all disappear." But what can happen instead if we unify? It's starting to happen, stay tuned for them.

But there are others. What did your parents and grandparents tell you about China? The great communist regime that would never change. And it is currently in the pocket of Western banking. How did this happen? Sometimes things change very slowly, but you wake up a good day and everything is different. This is another prediction: China will cut ties with North Korea, and when it does, this will enable change in North Korea, it is in the future.

Can you imagine a day when families can reunify in Cuba? That is just around the corner. I am going to give you one last prediction: there is a group of very wise people in South America, who live in Brazil and have an idea. I will tell you about this idea of ​​them, because you are encountering a lot of resistance and a lot of opposition. They look at South America and say: "Well, there really is only one dictator and what will happen when he leaves?" And they say "what would happen if ... what would happen if ... we could cancel the borders and anyone who enters South America, passes customs in a country and can already travel freely? And eventually, maybe in 20 years, just one currency. ” What an idea, and what are they doing? The South American Union, because yours has worked. If they have unified it, they can never make war with each other.

There will come a point on this planet where there will be, potentially, five different currencies in total, because they are beginning to realize that the secret to life on this planet is to combine things, and this is the message that I wanted them to hear, just in case they thought there was nothing that was changing. Just in case you open the newspaper one day and read something that is happening from one day to the next instead of happening over a generation. Just in case you think as Spaniards "well, let's see what we have done".

They have unified and paid a price and now they are part of something bigger, of a system that combines things instead of separating them. They are conquering war, they are conquering hatred and all those things that separate and destroy people. They are part of a multigenerational system that will establish peace on Earth, it is slow, but that is what they do. How do they feel being in the right place at the right time? Listen dear ones, give energy to this, celebrate the things that are changing.

The world is in a process of change at the financial level, in fact it is cleaning the way banks work. Some of the financial systems that have represented the greatest greed of human actions, we have paid the price, the economy is difficult, but it is a global event, right? They have noticed. And when the converted economic cycle returns, it will be a stronger positive cycle globally. All the things that are yours, which you call Human Nature, all this is changing.

Ancient souls, observe the young people of this Earth, who will not accept the hatred they received from their parents towards their neighbors. They will not comply with orders to be destroyed, they will rise, sometimes without leaders, and will make changes that will surprise them. Some will succeed immediately, and others will not. It takes a while, isn't it? It takes time to build something solid that works, and for that reason I can sit here just like 23 years ago and say that a change is taking place. And the result will be a planet that no prophecy could ever give, a land that relates well, in which there is no threat of a great war. When they are on their deathbed, they will know that their children will be safe because they have bequeathed something good.

Spaniards, let there be peace in your souls. For everything that has happened, it has been worth it. Because we think so, blessed are, ancient souls of this planet. What will they do with this? Why not share the enthusiasm? And start feeling that perhaps they are here to suffer, it is an ancient energy. Let the suffering end, and instead let joy be born, the promise of a future. Start looking for the things that are changing towards unity and recognize them for what they are and then, in your meditations, repeat this: “Thank God that I am part of this and that I have been able to come to observe the event of the 26000 years of form deliberate, on time. It is wonderful."

The Spirit is in this room, I do not come alone and the delegation that is here, wants to take you by the hand and congratulate you on what you are building on the planet. And I ask you to look from a larger perspective of what we have done and are doing for humanity. Kryon's message is not a message to the other side of the veil, to do something, if it is not a message from the other side of the veil saying what you have done. They are at your side saying: Well done, well done. Now let's stay together and finish.

I am Kryon, lover of humanity.

And so it is.

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