Dream Interpretation - Dreaming of Animals

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 "Dream is the luxury of thought" Jules Renard. 2 Interpretation of dreams with animals. 2.1 1. Dreaming of pets. 3 “In the dream the vital problem of an individual is revealed symbolically” Alfred Adler. 3.1 2. Dream about insects. 3.2 3. Dream about wild animals. 3.3 4. Dream about other animals. 4 “Learn as much as you can about symbolism; then forget everything when you are analyzing a dream ”Carl Jung.

Dreaming of animals is quite common because these are part of our world, for the interpretation of dreams it is considered that there are two types or classifications among animals that must be taken into account to unravel the dream, there are those that are considered wild and domestic. Always keep in mind that in dreams the most influential part is the individual, since their environment and needs define their interpretation.

"The dream is the luxury of thought" Jules Renard.

Dreaming about animals shows in the simplest or most intuitive way the true being that lives inside a person, communicates with the primitive instincts that may be submerged in the innermost and that emerge when dreaming of a wild animal or by On the contrary, the maternal or paternal instincts, if applicable, when dreaming of domestic animals (pets).

Interpretation of dreams dreaming about animals

Interpretation of dreams with animals.

1. Dreaming of pets.

Domestic animals are part of the family nucleus, so it is very normal for them to be involved in dreams and make references to emotional ties between family members or in the couple.

Dreaming of a dead pet.

The fact of having a pet and losing it, brings to the person the flowering of very strong bonds that are reflected in dreams.

Dreaming of dogs and cats.

If in the dream the person feeds them and makes them affectionate, in the interpretation of dreams it can mean that they are going through a good emotional moment with

the family or friend, but if on the contrary one dreams that he mistreats the animal, or worse still kills him, that may indicate that bad moments come in the family relationship, even symbolizing misfortunes and infidelity. If the dreamer rejects the signs of affection of dogs and cats, he is going through a situation of complete dissatisfaction with people of the family nucleus or in the near future they will cause him great sadness.

"In the dream the vital problem of an individual is revealed symbolically" Alfred Adler.

Dream about rabbits.

The interpretation of dreams like this is aimed at magic, a rabbit is well-being and abundance. This animal is indicative of fertility.

2. Dream about insects.

When the insect is bees it is indicative of strong and teamwork, the person must be participatory and hardworking to achieve success. If you dream of cockroaches, it is a symbol of dirt and something unpleasant will happen.

3. Dream about wild animals.

Dreaming of wild animals also has the tendency or meaning to show their violent phase and that they must fight for their beliefs. If he dreams of lions, the person will fight for his family and territory, until the last drop of blood. Leopards symbolize the strength, cunning and speed that will be needed for future difficulties.

4. Dream about other animals.

Dream about a horse.

It may mean that you are being announced that you will earn a good sum of money. Dreaming about the horse implies having a physical force and energy that must be controlled. In the case that the horse is black it represents something mysterious related to dark forces, if it is white on the contrary it is good luck.

Dream horses

Dream about rats.

Dreaming of rodent animals can have several meanings, if they are walking around your house it is good luck, if they attack you it symbolizes that the person who owes you money will not pay you or lose money. If he kills the rats then he will fight and defeat his enemies.

“Learn all you can about symbolism; then forget everything when you are analyzing a dream ”Carl Jung.

To dream is to seek the overcoming of life, it is the awakening of the ideas that you have inside, so whoever knows how to interpret dreams, will know what your subconscious tries to communicate to you.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

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