Immortality and Spirituality Death as an interplanetary journey.

  • 2011
Table of contents hide 1 The rebirth: reincarnation and resurrection. 2 The Art of Dying. 3 The Law of Attraction 4 Processes 5 The Law of Rebirth. 6 The Law of Karma 7 The Incarnation. 8 Meditation: 9 Training in the technique of dying.

Faced with the ascension phase and the events of 2012, many questions arise such as: how many souls will disembodied? how many will remain on the planet? will we lose individuality? I will try to answer these and other questions from the point of view of disembodiment.

Any process of ascending or "raising" automatically produces death which affects the atoms of the organs involved and causes the preliminary stages of ill health, disease and disintegration, because death is nothing other than disintegration and The withdrawal of energy. Because we are at the end of an era, we know that the domain that death exercises over human beings and the terror inspired by the angel of death will soon disappear. They will vanish because we will consider death as another step on the path to light and life, and we will realize that as the Christ life is expressed in all human beings and through them, they will demonstrate for themselves and for the world, the reality of immortality.

The Sun Astro today, is emanating with great force, gigantic waves of 100 thousand kilometers high, made of superheated plasma. These explosions of magnetic plasma are currently arriving (Year 2011) to the planet Earth still in weak form. As of 2014, the explosions will be more intense and far-reaching.

This solar energy is coming to the planet with a specific purpose, when it does, its electromagnetic waves pass through Mercury, Venus and reach Earth. Each time its waves pass through the three planets, it embodies and disembodies millions of souls (high-energy-thoughts).

As of 2014, the Sun's explosions will be of greater intensity, this phenomenon will last the first stage of 333 years of the entrance to the Cosmic Alignment. All the souls that are incarnated at the entrance of the Alignment of the year 2014, will have two to three reincarnations to achieve the spiritualization of Being. Those who want to leave now, will only have the next 200 years to wake up.

The rebirth: reincarnation and resurrection.

The main solutions to the problems of immortality and the survival of the human soul; who aspire to answer the eternal question of the human heart regarding when, why, where and where, they have been of three types: materialist, fundamentalist and spiritualist. The basic foundations of a spiritual origin of the soul, of a descent into matter, of an ascent through constant incarnations in the form, until these forms are perfect expressions of the spiritual consciousness that dwells internally, and of a series of initiations, at the end of the incarnation cycle, are being more quickly accepted and recognized as they never were.

Whether it is about reincarnation or resurrection, the immortality of the soul always comes into play.

To understand the criteria of belief in reincarnation, we must consider six criteria:

1. The soul exists.

2. The soul survives after the death of the physical body and outside of it.

3. There is a kind of purgatory, where the souls that have left the physical body go and where they prepare for a new reincarnation.

4. The same soul reappears in a new body. This phenomenon can even occur numerous times, over the centuries and millennia.

5. The soul memorizes the experiences it has lived during its different reincarnations. Therefore, there is a task, a mission, a destiny for each soul.

6. Successive reincarnations of the same soul in different bodies have an end; For these are only excuses to raise the soul to a higher level of consciousness.

For the Chinese, man possessed two souls: Hun, his celestial principle and Po, his earthly principle. The Egyptians met them with the names of Ba and Ka, after death, the ka returned to physical existence, while the ba flew to the other world.

The Chaldeans believed that the soul of the deceased should pass seven tests in the seven planetary spheres, before accessing eternal life, however they did not believe in the immortality of the soul. The Greeks did believe in it, they made Hades the place where all souls were going to stop. Three feminine aspects will represent the soul, Persone, Euridyce and Psyche.

Peronephone will represent the life of the soul in purgatory, because it is between Heaven (Zeus) and Earth (Ceres).

Eur dice as the female soul that falls in love with the male soul.

Psyque is the soul liberated by love.

From the myth of resurrection, mystery cults were formed. In general the mystery had to do with the life, death and resurrection of a god as illustrated in the teachings of Mithraism.

It was in the temple of Delphi where the inscription appeared C cece yourself and Pitag ras was the first teacher to systematize a discipline to achieve it.

The public life of Jesus is a public confirmation of the Mysteries, but while the mysteries were based on myths, Christianity, as Paul preached, was based on a historical fact. Jesus was the protagonist of the drama in which all humanity participated. The resurrection of Christ in Easter would become one of the foundations of Christianity.




1. Preparation

1. Birth

Body control

2. Purification.

2. Baptism

Emotional control

3. Perfection.


Personality control

4. Epiphany.

4. Renunciation.

Of interest for the greater good.

5. Revelation.

From blindness to the new vision.


From heteronomy to choose.


From the clinging to phenomenal life.

The fifth initiation, as can be seen in the table, has been called “Resurrection” by the Christian creed, highlighting that aspect in the experience of the initiate, which leads to revelation, that is, his “ascension from the ocean of matter to the clear light of day ”.

Renunciation produces the crucifixion and leads to Ascension, or to the total "elevation outside" or "to the highest ascent" that leads to Revelation, which gives the vision, reward of the two previous stages. Christian theologians have thus converted two initiations (the fourth and fifth) into three distinct episodes. The resurrection and ascension are the result of death or destruction of the causal body.

The resurrection essentially teaches the "ascension" of matter to heaven; It teaches the "life experience" and the state of the "Unchanging Being." This unalterable Being constitutes the nature of the monad, and that condition of perception was realized by Christ when he acted as Savior of the world, thus guaranteeing, by the force of His realization as a soul? Personality, the same degree of realization for us, because equal and essentially, we are children of the Father or expressions of the Monad, the One. However, it does not mean the resurrection of any personality in a certain vehicle, used in a particular incarnation.

The key to the defeat of death and the processes to understand the meaning and character of eternity and the continuity of life, can be revealed without danger only when love takes possession of human consciousness and when good for the Everything, and not the selfish well-being of the individual, is considered as supreme. Only by love (and service as an expression of that love) can the true message of Christ be understood, and can men thus continue towards a joyful resurrection.

The Art of Dying

The internal process of DEATH is as follows:

  1. The first stage consists in removing the vital force of the etheric vehicle from the triple physical body ..., and the consequent "corruption", being "dispersed in the elements". The target man disappears and the physical eye no longer sees him even though he is in his etheric body.
  2. The second stage consists in removing the vital force from the etheric body and devitalizing it ...
  3. The third stage consists in withdrawing the vital force from the astral or emotional form, so that it is disintegrated in a similar way and the centralized life ..., anywhere else. It has acquired an increased vitality through the existence on the physical plane, and has given it color through emotional experience.
  4. The final stage for the human being is to be removed from the mental vehicle. The vital forces, after this fourfold abstraction, are centralized totally in the soul.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction governs the processes of death as well as everything else in the manifestation. It constitutes the principle of coherence that, governed by the balanced integration of the whole body, keeps it intact; it stabilizes its rhythm and the cyclical processes of life, and relates its different parts to each other.

In the Law of Attraction there are (as in everything stated) three phases or aspects, linked to the three divine aspects.

  1. It relates life and form, spirit and matter, third aspect.
  2. It governs the coherent process of integration that produces the forms, the second aspect.
  3. It carries out the equilibrium, which results in the act of disintegration, thus dissolving the form -in what concerns the human being-, and it does so in three stages that we call:
  1. Restitution, results in the dissolution of the body and the return of its elements, atoms and cells to its source of origin.
  2. Elimination involves the same basic process in relation to the forces that have constituted the astral body and the mental vehicle.
  3. Absorption, the way in which the human soul is integrated into its source of origin, the influential universal soul. First aspect expression.


The three main processes cover three periods and lead opportunely to other processes governed by the Law of the Renaissance, and are:

  1. The Restitution Process, which governs the period of abstraction of the soul from the physical plane and its two phenomenal aspects, the dense physical body and the etheric body. It concerns the Art of Dying.
  2. The Elimination Process governs the life span of the human soul after death and in the other two worlds of human evolution. It concerns the elimination of the astral-mental body, by the soul, so that it is "prepared to remain free in its own place."
  3. The Integration Process is about the period in which the liberated soul becomes aware that it is the Angel of the Presence and is reabsorbed into the world of souls, then entering a state of reflection. Subsequently, under the impact of the Karmic Need or Debt Law, the soul prepares again for another descent in form.

The Law of Rebirth.

Law of the Renaissance governs the experimental processes of the life of the physical plane, and before the elimination of the bodies kmico (desire), kama-manasic and manasic (mental), they only pass through an interval between incarnations and consequently face two great experiences:

  1. The moment (long or short according to the degree of evolution) where contact will be made with the soul or solar angel.
  2. After that contact there is a relatively violent reorientation towards earthly life, which leads to what is called "the process of descent and calling, " where the human:

a) Prepare again for physical incarnation.

b) It issues its own true note within the substance of the three worlds.

c) Revitalizes permanent atoms, which form a triangle of force in the causal body.

d) Gather the substance necessary to form their future manifestation bodies.

e) Tint your bodies with the qualities and characteristics that you have acquired through the experience of life.

f) Organizes, in the etheric plane, the substance of its vital body, in such a way that the seven centers take shape and can become recipients of internal forces.

g) Deliberately choose your future parents who will provide you with the necessary dense physical envelope, and then wait for the moment of incarnation.

These two critical moments are consciously faced by the disembodied man and he knows what he is doing within the limits established by his degree of evolution.

The Law of Karma

From the moment of total separation of the dense and etheric physical bodies, and as the process of elimination is undertaken, man is aware of the past and the present; when the elimination is total and the time has come to make contact with the soul and the mental vehicle is in the process of destruction, then immediately it is aware of the future, for the prediction is a soul consciousness soul, the man participating in it temporarily. Therefore, the past, the present and the future are seen as one; between one incarnation and another and during the continuous process of rebirth the recognition of the Eternal Now is developing. This constitutes a state of consciousness (characteristic of the normal state of evolved man) that can be called devachonic.

The use of the term `` immortality '' infers infinity, and teaches that this infinity exists in that which is not perishable or is conditioned by time. This is a statement that requires careful reflection. Man reincarnates without time constraint. Incarnated according to the demands of karmic debts, to the attraction of what he initiated as a soul, and because he has felt the need to fulfill established obligations; It also embodies a sense of responsibility and to comply with the requirements imposed by a previous breach of laws that govern the correct human relations. When these requirements, needs of the soul, experiences and responsibilities have been satisfied, it permanently penetrates into the clear and cold light of love and life, and does not need (as far as It concerns) the infantile stage of the experience of the soul on earth. It is free of karmic impositions in the three worlds, but it is still under the impulse of the karmic necessity, demanding the maximum service it is. in a situation of lending to those who are still under the Law of Karmic Debt.

The Incarnation

By incarnating again and again, these souls would awaken consciousness and thereby reach the conception of the spirit. When conceiving the spirit, the minute hand would take them to the north-cone (head of the planet) where these souls would prepare themselves to leave the planet to enter through the second hand (esp ritu) to another reality of existence, which we have always named as: The Inner City.

Today the weight of thought-energies (soul left side of the brain) is mostly in the cone-south. This causes the highest energy volume to be found on the left side of the planetary brain. By purifying the energy-thoughts (souls) and raising their frequency and vibration, the souls will become much milder, leading them towards the north-cone, thus ridding the load of the cone-south.

When this phenomenon happens, the axis of the Earth will be reversed because the greatest number of souls will be found in the north-cone, that is, the right side of the brain. As more souls enter the northern cone, the brain of planet Earth will level up bringing stability and balance. When this happens, the planet's electromagnetism will stabilize by inverting the gravitational force from the left to the right side.

The incarnations will occur in the form of eight (Infinity). For example:

A soul incarnates in Europe, its next incarnation will be in South-America, to climb through North-America, down through Africa or Australia, up through Indonesia, Japan, China, enter the countries: Russia, Greenland, Iceland and enter again through Europe. So you can repeat this journey countless times until you are energetically prepared.

When it reaches the frequency, vibration, rhythm and colors of the elevation, then when passing through the crossing of the number eight it will be defined if it goes to the north or south vortex, it will exit through the umbilical cord that will allow you to leave and travel towards another reality of existence, more subtle or denser.

We say that they have 200 years to achieve the objective and be the first to go to the Internal City, for this they must: Raise the energy-thought, Conceive the spirit and transcend. This implies having two to three more incarnations. Following the form of eight, you will know where you will be born and what route you will be guided by this infinite number.

The same energetic journey of souls that the planet has, you are experiencing in your micro-universe with thought-energies. The two existing Cones in the universe-man are: Procreation Energy Center (Sexual System) and Creativity Energy Center (Right side of the brain). The number eight (infinity) crosses in the solar plexus, that is where the thought-energies are defined or go towards creativity (North) or procreation (South).

In the same way it is repeated in the human's brain, the path of the thought-energies goes from the left to the right side and vice versa. The connection, interaction and union of them takes place at the junction point of the eight (infinite) where exactly the Pineal Gland lies and that is where you will conceive your spirit, as long as the greatest amount of thought-energies are high, which they will nourish the right side of the brain so that it can gestate your baby-spirit.

In the universe the planet-cells are not divided by North, South, East and West. You divided the planet to be able to locate. Actually for us the measures are always by gravity, frequency, rhythm, colors etc. When we find dense frequencies in the universal body, we know that they belong to low energy zones or centers.

For this same reason, when we refer to the North or South Cone, we always refer to the energy-thoughts (souls) of high or very low frequency, although they may be mixed.

When the change of the axis of the planet happens, the same will happen with you. The thought-energies found in the low zones such as 1-2 and 3, which belong to the solar plexus energy centers down, will rise to the elevated zones, that is, 4-5 and 6 which are the centers energy from the solar plexus upwards or towards the head.

It means that thoughts of instinct and sensation, those that are procreative energies, will raise and become part of creativity, that is, on the right side of the brain. The energy polarity in you will also reverse its axis, because the bodies, material and psychic will balance, allowing energy recycling from the left side to the right and when they both come to merge, they will have conceived their spirit.

The meditation:

Meditation is the means that gives the soul in training the ability to acquire the power of:

to. Be abstracted or released from the body.

b. Create.

C. Direct the energy by an act of will.

d. Act constructively in the future.

From 2014, all those who have awakened today and those who will wake up in the next 200 years, will be prepared by their inner guidance, protected by the Conception of the Spirit, to return to Earth and be able to defeat the Reptilian Force .

You will enter the first stage, which is considered the most important. All Positive beings will conceive Spirit in this first stage, through the Enunciation, Definition and Conception of Thought.

The Enunciation ……………… The Knowledge.

The definition…………………. The Understanding

The conception………………. Love.

Through the Enunciation of Thought, the clarity of feeling is given, and emotions begin to be unraveled, so that the soul finds the perfect vibration and the right sound, to join other souls that vibrate on the same frequency. In this way they will be able to move towards the frequency that will attract them: first the Internal City of the planet, then the Internal City of Venus, to move to the Internal City of Mercury and finally the Sun.

As thoughts fluctuate between the left and right side. The left side, are humans who are inclined to Positive-Knowledge and through it, they are getting the Enunciation of their energy-thought-soul, leading it towards the energetic elevation.

Others are getting it through the Definition, rather these beings have Belief of the superior of existence, despite not having the knowledge, but they have the Positive Understanding of their reality. And there are those who have awakened through Positive-Love.

The three will somehow achieve the Awakening and Conception of their Spirit. These humans prepare to belong to the Cosmic Alignment and will head towards Venus, which will receive them with open arms, by the beings that exist there. In these three cases, they will still be 200 years old, and between two to three more lives, which will help them define themselves and awaken the other two qualities that they lack.

All those who possess the sick soul of ambition and distortion will continue to incarnate, fluctuating between Earth and Mars. These souls will continue to be helped, by the positive-special-beings who will return to Tera voluntarily, to continue transmuting and saving the maximum of thoughts.

Training in the technique of dying.

People usually forget that every night, during sleeping hours, we die in regards to the physical plane and live and act elsewhere. They also forget that they have already acquired the ease of leaving the physical body, because they cannot yet preserve the memories of that death and the subsequent interval of active life in the consciousness of the physical brain, and they do not relate death to sleep. After all, death is only a longer interval in the life of action on the physical plane; we go "abroad" for a longer period. But the process of daily sleep and the process of occasional death are identical, with the only difference that in the dream the magnetic thread or current of energy, through which the vital forces run, remains intact, and constitutes the path back to the body. With death, this thread of life is broken or cut. When this has happened, the conscious entity cannot return to the dense physical body, and when that body lacks the principle of coherence, it disintegrates.

The term interplanetary travel refers to both planets and planes.

Just as there has to be a unification between the various aspects of man, a unification must also take place in connection with the different aspects of planetary life.

It is possible to give a series of simple rules to be followed by all those who attempt to establish such a rhythm, and so life will be methodical and constructive, and when it is time to withdraw from the outer envelope there will be no problem or difficulty. I will therefore give four simple rules that will link what many students currently do:

1. Learn to stay focused on the head through visualization, meditation and constant practice of concentration; develop the ability to live intensely as the king sitting on the throne between his eyebrows. This is a rule that can be applied to the affairs of life.

2. Learn to render cordial service and not emotionally insist on the activity aimed at handling the affairs of others. This means, before any activity, answering two questions: Am I rendering this service to an individual as an individual, or as a member of one group to another? Is my mobile an egoic impulse or am I driven by emotion, the ambition to excel and the desire to be loved or admired? These two activities will result in the focus of the energies of life above the diaphragm, and thus the attractive power of the solar plexus will be nullified. Consequently this center will be less and less active and there will be no danger of tearing the plot in that place.

3. Learn, before falling asleep, to withdraw consciousness to the head. This should be practiced definitively as an exercise upon entering the dream. They should not allow you to slip into the dream, but keep your conscience intact until you consciously move to the astral plane. Relaxation, careful attention and constant attraction to the center of the head should be attempted, because as long as the aspirant has not learned to be aware of all the processes of the dream and stay At the same time positive, this work is dangerous. The first steps must be taken intelligently and followed for many years, until the abstraction work is easily done.

4. Write down and monitor all the phenomena related to the withdrawal process, whether during the meditation work or sleeping. It will be found, for example, that many people wake up startled immediately after falling asleep. This is because consciousness does not slip through the plot that is wide open, but rather through a partially closed hole. Others may not violate a snap in the head region. It is caused by the vital airs in the head, which we generally do not perceive, produced by an internal auditory sensibility that causes perception of sounds always present, but not normally recorded. Others will see a light when they are about to fall asleep, clouds of colors or flags and pennants of violet color; These are all ethereal phenomena, without real importance, and they are related to the vital body, the prone emanations and the plot of light.

Performing this practice and following these four rules for years will greatly facilitate the technique of the mortuary bed, because the man who has learned to handle his body when he is about to fall asleep, It has an advantage over who has never paid attention to the process.

In relation to the technique of dying, it is only possible to make one or two suggestions.

First, silence must be kept in the room. When silence and understanding reign in the room of the dying, the departing soul can clearly retain the position of its instrument until the last minute and do Proper preparation.

Second, employ metric phrases that are definitely constructed in the conscience of the dying person by those around them, or that are deliberately and mentally employed by himself. (The one that I keep in my mind is: May the perpetual light N of E. shine on me .)

Extreme Unction has a hidden scientific base. The dying man's head should also symbolically be eastward and his hands and feet crossed. Sandalwood should be burned in the room and no other kind of incense be allowed, because sandalwood is the first ray incense or destroyer, and the soul is in the process of Destroy your abode

A definite science of death (tanatology) has inevitably been developed, but it will only be an innovation when the existence of the soul is recognized and its relationship with the body has been scientifically proven.

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