Reports Blue Eagle 11: 11…. Where the heart takes you….

  • 2011
Written by Ana Maria Frallicciardi

On Friday 11.11.11 where are you, anywhere? See this number on your computer, on the calendar, on your work clock, in the meditation group that you attend When everyone sees the 11.11 a moment will stop and they will feel the connection, there will be a memory, a hope, a feeling, I am I remember

Enter the silence of your heart and let yourself be carried away. It will begin to lower synchronized energies for the activation of your cosmic memory. It is the call to remember the connection you have with the universe. The memory codes recorded in your DNA will press the information, it can be immediate or arrive later, just listen to the call and see where your heart takes you.

Where you are at 11 in the morning, at 11 at night, at any time of the day, now the time is circular, enter the center of your heart, be silent for a moment, it opens the heart like a lotus of exquisite multicolored petals and receives the frequencies of energy that are coming from the cosmos.

11.11 belongs to everyone and for everyone, in any corner of the planet. You may have read all the messages that circulate on the web, practiced the meditations, find a group to share, tune the meditations online, but that moment is only yours. Prepare within your heart the space to receive all the love of the universe that will spill over you for your own reconnection.

Does a Portal open? Is it important to know if it is a portal or door? I think the most important thing is to feel and integrate into us the new consciousness. A Portal is a strip of new vibrations that reach the planet, we cross that strip and that vibration that permeates our behavior is immersed in our energy field leading us to unity.

It is the passage from one state of consciousness to another, the veils are running and we can see our essence, remember the program of life that we brought to this earth from our home planet. A dimensional portal opens a vortex of energies that simultaneously unifies all dimensional realities. The whole planet is going to be irradiated, all living beings are going to be bathed by the new frequencies from from 11.11. Our Elder Brothers of the Galactic Confederation are here to help us and ensure that the Plan of Love and Light is restored on Earth.

As human servants of the Plan there is a task that we can all do, wherever we are, alone or in a group, in a state of meditation or walking down the street: focus our heart on the Power of Love and hope that Magic happens.

On November 11, an event never seen before will happen, thousands and thousands of human beings throughout the world will be entering spiritual resonance at the same time, in the same sacred space of their hearts. This resonance will generate a wave of love and light that will move the collective consciousness towards the New Reality of 5th dimension.

The energies that each being sends will be amplified in magnitude from the Sacred Portal of the heart, a unified field of consciousness will be generated, all networks in all planes will resonate in the Great Symphony of the Universe. Our beloved planet returns to balance. Light and love embrace duality and we become One to return to the Source.

There will be a Great Galactic Party, all our Brothers of the Cosmos accompany us and celebrate, we will have opened the doors of infinite connection with our spirit.

After November 11, the work of integrating everything received will begin, little by little we will see how reality changes around us.
Now we are the Workers of Love.

Ana Maria Frallicciardi - Aguila Azul

Walk to the Portal of Light and Infinite Love on 11 from 11 to 11 ... where your heart takes you ...

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