Natural herbs for health: Blueberries

  • 2015

For reasons that are not well understood, women are more likely than men to develop a urinary tract infection. In fact, one in five women will have such an infection in their life; but, luckily, they can be prevented by a natural ally: the blueberry.

Some women are more prone to urinary infections than others, for example, those who use the intrauterine device are at high risk, and almost 20 percent of women who develop an infection will eventually develop another. Most infections are caused by an overgrowth of E. coli bacteria in the urethra (urethritis) and / or in the bladder (cystitis).

The cranberry prevents bacteria from adhering to the walls of either organ, which makes it difficult for the infection to thrive. However, it does not fight bacteria once they have been established, in which case, only prescription antibiotics can provide relief.

Health professionals recommend drinking at least an eight-ounce glass of cranberry juice a day . You should choose a high quality juice with a high concentration of blueberry. Pure sugarless blueberry juice is usually available in health food stores, but it can be difficult to drink because of its sour taste. The recommended dosage is 15 to 30 milliliters per day, and it can be diluted in water to improve the taste.

There are no known medical precautions to take when taking cranberry juice, but if you suffer from gastroesophageal reflux disease or peptic ulcer, the acidity of the juice can aggravate the symptoms .


Natural herbs for health: Blueberries

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