I celebrate your work "by Julio Andr s Pagano

  • 2010

by Julio Andres Pagano, on Saturday, October 9, 2010 at 1:43

“I celebrate your work”

(By Julio Andrés Pagano)

Did you lose the value of so much effort? Appreciate this picture with the eyes of the soul. Let it permeate inside. This illustration summarizes what was experienced in the school of life. It is the clear image of ascension. It is the perfect synthesis of an intense, exciting and bold pilgrimage, full of experiential teachings that facilitated our change of perception and awakened, in the heart, the vibrant sacred flame of the new Human Being. I celebrate your work.

Come on, I opened your senses well! Watch Pay attention. This image represents, in each of its details, what we have come for. It symbolizes, in essence, our mission. All the steps we took, following our wise inner voice, were guided by this noble purpose. We respond to the call, relegating the mundane and the divine, vibrating in love. In our own way, we have complied. We boost the frequency that triggered the great transformation.

Are men and women discussing? Right no? They dance. Celebrate. They transcended the illusion that led them to assume that feminine and masculine were gender issues, rather than energies that both had to experience to feel full. Nor are they seen fighting or seeking revenge: they understood that all the teachings should be blessed, because they help to heal and evolve by making conscious aspects that remained hidden.

This is unity. This is what is finally present when mind and heart are intertwined, creating in the matter threads of light and love that fuse Heaven and Earth. This is when the energies flow in harmony. This is the announced feast to which we were summoned, where other dimensions are presented, to celebrate, through the divine spiral that animates the fire of the great Spirit. Each transcended obstacle gave life to the ladder that today lifts us in the Light.

After the clouds the sun shines and the rainbow emerges. I trusted. We have sown. With great faith and determination we have spread our essence inspiring others to fly. Nothing slows the ascent. Together we broke thick chains. Others will come to continue this fervent work, just as we did with those who walked before this blessed ground. I smile because we already did it. With all my heart I honor you, and through this sense applause I celebrate your work.

Visit: http://www.proyecto-despertar.com.ar/notas9.htm

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