Interview with Pamela Kribbe By Colin Whitby

  • 2011

This month we have been lucky enough to catch up with Pamela Kribbe who has published what was for me the most inspiring channel I have read this year. Their work is available for free on their website or they can buy a copy of their book The Channels of Jeshua to read in their spare time (my preferred method). I hope you enjoy the interview.


How was your beginning at spiritual awakening, and how were you led to self-expression and a more focused heart centered on life?

My awakening began when my heart broke because of a love story. At 26, I was pursuing an academic career and was writing a doctoral thesis on the philosophy of modern science. I was involved in a very rational approach to life and I married a scientist. At that time I met someone who was a philosopher too and with whom I had amazing conversations about metaphysics and spirituality. I had always been interested in spirituality and the esoteric, but I had suppressed it for a long time. I fell deeply in love with this man and I thought it was the love of my life. However, things went differently.

While I was divorcing, he decided to return with his girlfriend. I felt shattered by this experience and, suddenly, my fascination with academic philosophy disappeared completely. I was so emotionally devastated and so thirsty for real knowledge - the style that speaks to your heart - that I completely ended intellectualism. I finished my thesis in 1997, but I left university and began to read a lot of spiritual and esoteric literature. In 2000, I met a woman who was a spiritual teacher and psychic reader, and meeting her was the beginning of a profound internal transformation. She helped me become aware of the pain of old emotion, pain that derives from my early childhood, as well as multiple past lives that I began to remember. With your help I have relived these painful emotions and I was able to rise above them. I felt liberated and free for the first time in my life. It was as if I had died and been reborn as a new person, but at the same time it felt as if I could finally be myself.

Immediately after I went through this period of catharsis and liberation, I met Gerrit (my husband) in 2001. I came across the Internet with his website on spirituality and reincarnation and we began a lively correspondence. Connecting to him felt miraculous. There was an affinity between us that was inexplicable and yet so familiar. Unlike the devastating love story in the past, our encounter was not surrounded by drama, but by deep joy, calm knowing that we belong. Gerrit had always been very interested in the esoteric and it was very natural for us to start working together as spiritual therapists. After our daughter was born in 2002, we have raised our own practice and I was able to do what my heart most wanted to do: work as an energy reader and teacher and explore the philosophical questions about life in a meaningful, practical way. .

How did you get to learn about channeling and when were you first attracted to this?

I have knowledge of channeling around 1995, reading the work Jane Roberts, channeler of Seth. At that time I was spending a semester at Harvard University in the US, doing research for my thesis. I had become completely disenchanted with academic philosophy, as I mentioned before. I discovered Seth's books in a small bookstore near the university and I was soon fascinated by this "forbidden fruit" (prohibited by academic standards). I felt that these writings were both philosophically deep and very loving and inspiring. Reading these books affected me deeply. Now I feel that it was the way of the universe - or of my soul - to wake me up and show me a new direction in life. In the years after that, I have read a lot of books channeled by other authors as well. But Seth has made the biggest impact, because everything was new to me at the time. Now, I hardly read anything.

When did you get to "notice" that Jeshua was with you and how would you describe his energy?

One afternoon, in 2002, I was doing a personal session with my husband Gerrit, when I realized a presence near me that I had not felt before. I was used to talking to spiritual guides, who often felt around me and who raised me with their loving suggestions and their joy. These were personal guides. But when I felt Jeshua's presence, it was different. It felt like a solemn and deeply conscious energy, very anchored and focused, not like something I knew before. It scared me a little at first. I asked the energy “Who are you? 'And then I saw the name' Jeshua ben Joseph 'written on the front of my inner eye very clearly. I felt instantly that it was true. My mind began to raise skeptical objections at once. But just before that, in an instant, my soul had recognized Jeshua as a very familiar presence. My mind argued that it was very unlikely and presumptuous that he could be by my side in my living room. But my heart assured me that it was very normal for Jeshua to be so close to us.

Jeshua is not really an authority throughout and far above us. What he wants is to be our friend, someone they can trust and be open to, since he never judges you. As I got to know Jeshua, he never judges me, even though he is very direct and frank. He asks me to be really honest with myself, to look for my fears in the eye, and not cover them up for self-service theories or justifications.

So it is severe in a way, but it is a very loving way. It makes you realize what love is all about. Love does not necessarily feel pleasant and comfortable. He often asks you to leave his comfort zone, be brave and vulnerable.

For me, expressing myself publicly as a channel of Jesus, raised a lot of fear and insecurity in me, which have been very difficult to overcome. My instinct (or survival mechanism) has long been withdrawing from the world, which I considered to be a very scary place. Jeshua is teaching me to feel safe in the world, to remain focused and self-conscious while connecting with people instead of fear and fragmentation. I'm still learning how to do this, but I think I've made some progress. I have received so much because of that: through the channeling of Jeshua, I have connected with my soul family through the word. People from all over the world have written to me to tell me how they are touched by Jeshua's messages. I feel more at home on Earth. And most importantly: despite the fears, I feel the deep satisfaction of doing what my soul really wants to do on earth right now.

His messages are very grounded however he explains complex concepts with such clarity. How do you receive Jeshua's messages, do you translate him in any way?

In fact, the messages are very clear and grounded, despite the fact that they are highly metaphysical. I think this is due to a number of factors. First, as I know Jeshua, he is very direct and clear in affirming his messages. He does not walk through the branches and tries to address our heart, not our intellect. This goes against my own nature a bit. I was trained as an academic philosopher and I used to write articles that were not read by normal people, because they were so intellectually complex and abstract. Jeshua is definitely not of that type.

On the other hand, my philosophical training also helped me to develop the ability to break down complex concepts into simple words. In this way, she has proven to be very valuable in my work as a channeler. I think that my own training as a philosopher also counts for the way Jeshua messages are expressed. Thirdly, sometimes I feel that it is simply a human expectation that spiritual masters or "ascended masters" (they don't care much about that phrase!) Express themselves very stately and formally. It adapts to our image of a wise and revered teacher. Jeshua, however, seeks to be close to our hearts, and not create any distance.

By the way, I think that channeling always implies a kind of translation. Each channel has some influence on what comes because of their education, their culture, their specific interests and talents. Something that I became aware of when I was studying philosophy of science is that it is naive to assume that we can come to perceive pure and spotless reality by subjective elements. The ideal of objective perception, the perception that blocks the perceiver together, has become deeply problematic, increasingly with the increase in quantum mechanics. Similarly, channeling is always filtered by the personality and cultural background of the channel. The best thing you can do to deal with it is to be aware of it and, when you listen to the channels, use your discernment and choose what resonates with you.

How would you describe your relationship with Jeshua during the channeling process?

When I sit down to channel, I enter a light trance. This means that I focus my attention inside, let my body relax and become as calm and quiet as possible. And then I feel Jeshua enter my energy field and, often, I feel a little shaken by my back as we connect. It takes a minute or so for our energies to mix and then I hear "Forward" inwardly. I begin to speak and I am aware of what I am saying, however, there is a flow of energy flowing through me, which gives me the words so to speak. I feel enveloped by this very loving and compassionate flow, and I feel elevated above my ordinary daily consciousness. I often have the feeling of great peace and I am aware that there is much more meaning in life than we ordinarily feel and think. I also feel that the enormous energy of love and compassion comes through me “on the other side” it is difficult to put it into words. Words often seem limiting to me while channeling.

My relationship with Jeshua during the channeling process is that of an active receiver, I would say. On the one hand, I am as open as possible to whatever I want to reach. On the other hand I am active and alert, and I need to focus on getting the message and passing it on to human concepts and language. My mind needs to participate to do the translation, and I need to let that happen, without interfering from the level of my personal will or belief systems.

This is a delicate process and they don't claim to be perfect in themselves. I am sure that in the translation of Jeshua's energy into human discourse, I am filtering the message in some way. The problem is that it is very difficult for a human being to know what filters are still in them. The most persistent filters are blind spots, the assumptions they take for granted because they are not aware of them as such. I think that the more we grow and open ourselves to the true reality of love, we get rid of our filters. This is a gradual process in my experience. Instead of regretting the fact that our perception leaks, I think it is much more joyful to look forward to drop the filters more and more on our way. Channeling is a human matter, but it's fine. We are here to experience what it is to be human, and delight in the awakenings we experience as humans.

I have found the "Light Workers Series" so useful placed in the context of my own experiences; Did the material impact your own life and spiritual development?

If he did. It was the first series of channels that I received from Jeshua. He told me that the messages in this series were intended specifically for light workers. He said they were going to be the first on earth to embrace a new consciousness, based on the heart. The material is intended to support them in their awakening, so that they can leave and be the masters of those who follow.

As for me, this series made me better understand who I am and what it means to be a lightworker. I have read many stories in the books and on the Internet about light workers, and I felt a deep resonance with this, but I had never fully understood one thing. The Lightworkers said they have a mission to bring light and awareness to Earth, they said they are natural teachers and healers and have sacrificed a lot to be here and do their job.

The Lightworkers were very much "the good guys." In fact, they almost seemed to be a kind of martyrs: always giving of themselves and carrying the world on their shoulders. Everything sounded a little too sacred to me. I felt enormous resistance to being on Earth myself, carrying a lot of old sadness and inner anger. I wanted to know where that came from and what was my purpose in life and reality.

Jeshua's story in the “Light Workers Series reveals that, in fact, they played very dark roles also in previous lives, some of them in Atlantis and others in times before incarnating on Earth. In that ancient era, we explore ego-based awareness to the fullest. Knowing and understanding the dark parts of our / my story satisfied my sense of justice, my sense of balance. I also feel that it gave me a healthy sense of humility.

What helped me also is that Jeshua stands out in the "Lightworkers Series" that we are not here to save the world. We are here primarily to heal ourselves, to face our dark side, to understand and treat our own emotional wounds with love and compassion. When we do, we become "enlightened" - we enter the heart-based consciousness. We radiate a peaceful and loving energy to others, but this is not something we do (as in a job), it happens naturally because we are what we are. Thus, the notion of light work as "working hard to heal the world" is out of place according to Jeshua when I received it. Luz's work is about you and not about the world, and it is a state of being instead of doing. Realizing this has helped me put aside the need to "save others, " which I believe is a deeply rooted habit of lightworkers. It has helped me to be more focused and focused inside.

Jeshua is very careful to separate himself (his life on earth as Jeshua) from Jesus as depicted in the Bible, what would you say is the key difference between his representations?

I think the biggest difference is with its representation by Church tradition. In the Bible, there are authentic stories of what Jeshua did and said, of course, related and interpreted by human beings with their own cultural and psychological backgrounds. In the interpretation of the Church, Jeshua appears as a divinized figure, being closer and closer to God than to us.

To underline his special position, he says he died for our sins. Jeshua, as he himself presents before me, wants us to know that we are as close to God as he is, that he was a human like us and that he died not to take away our sins, but simply because the ruling authorities opposed him, just as they have opposed throughout the history to freethinkers and teachers of the heart. Our sins do not need to be taken away by another. They are not sins to begin with, but rather they are like areas of ignorance and fear that are part of the human experience. We are here to transcend them with grace and enjoy the trip home. We have been granted to be fully human by Jeshua, and that disagrees with much of what has been taught by the Church.

Pamela, thank you very much for taking the time to talk to us today.

Pamela and Gerrit are married and have a spiritual practice in the Netherlands (Europe). They have been working with Jeshua's energy since 2002. Pamela is Jeshua's channeler and Gerrit is a regression therapist, who always accompanies Pamela in channeling sessions.


“For me, the name of Jeshua does not refer so much to the historical personality of Jesus, but to the universal energy of Christ to which we are all part. When I channel Jeshua, I feel deeply involved in this field of love and compassion and in that state of consciousness I receive Jeshua's messages.

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