Energies for July 2009 - Reborn in the Diamond Light - AA Miguel through Celia Fenn

Dear Lightworkers, the month of July will be full of the energies of Change and Transformation. The Diamond Light continues to bring Illumination and Awakening to the Planet, and at the same time, there are new Light Codes for the evolution of the Planet that will be activated in the Collective Consciousness on the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on July 7, and the New Moon and Solar Eclipse on July 22, as well as the Lion Gate that opens on July 23.

It will truly be a powerful moment, a time when you will have to hold the Diamond Light in your heart and keep your energy in Peace and Calm while the changes occur, and the energy of the New Earth facilitates the disintegration of the old energy and The birth of the New Earth. In this process, you will discover that your own inner energies are in the process of being reborn in order to be able to take shape at the higher frequencies of the New Earth. This process of Renaissance will affect the energies of the lower chakras, as the frequencies of the Diamond Light are activated within the three lower chakras to allow the luminosity and clarity of the Cosmic Consciousness to become part of the Material Reality in the New Earth.

That's right, Dear Lightworkers, that on the Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse, the Masculine energies of Planet Earth will be reborn in the Higher Frequencies of Light. Collective Consciousness will embrace the softer and Ascended Christ Male energies. This will be facilitated by the activations of the Moon Codes of the Full Moon and Eclipse in Capricorn, assisted by the powerful transforming energy of Pluto in Capricorn. The "Moon Codes" for the masculine energy that has been absent from the Reality of the Earth for so long will be fully restored and activated on the New level of the Cosmic Christ.

At this time, the energy of the Divine Masculine within the Collective Consciousness will begin to express itself in the form, through Co-Creation, the ascended energies of Unconditional Love, Sharing and Empowerment for All. This change within the Collective will bring to the surface a lot of anxiety and stress, as the old is released and the new takes shape. These energies will create an opportunity for the liberation of old patterns and the adoption of new patterns of being and for relationships.

These new Activations of Light Codes will affect the three lower chakras, and there will be an old energy release and an alignment with the Diamond Light energies that are contained within the Heart Diamond and radiate to the lower Chakras to “tune” the frequencies of these chakras with the new frequencies of Diamond Light.

These changes could be felt on the physical level as vibrations and pains in the lower part of the body as the incoming energies restructure and realign the lower chakras. Other sensations could be hyperactivity or extreme fatigue as the chakras recalibrate their frequencies. There could be extreme mood swings and emotions as emotional cleansing and realignment takes place, and some of you may feel very tearful, wanting to cry for no reason, as you release old sorrows and move on to new joy. On a mental level, there could be extreme anxiety as old patterns of fear are released and replaced with new patterns of Love and Sharing.

At this time, Dear Ones, you could also experience the closing and completion of many relationships as the old energy patterns of relationships are replaced with the new Ascended Energy of the Sacred Heart as the basis for relationships and relationships.

This means, dear Lightworkers, that the old energies around Money, Sexuality and Power will be replaced with the new higher energies that you have sustained for the Collective. Instead of the distorted energies of Greed and Fear around Money, the new energies will introduce the higher frequencies of Abundance, Sharing and Enough for All. The Ascended Human Angel will quietly trust that he or she will always be able to manifest exactly what he needs to provide for life, and that he or she will always have enough to share with others who may not yet have perfected the manifestation skills in this Time of transformation and change. These energies will be introduced by a realignment of the energies of the ChakraBase.

The new energy around Sexuality will replace distorted energies of ownership and control through the manipulation of creative and reproductive energies. As the Sacral chakra aligns with the Diamond Light of the Sacred Heart, the new energies will create Sacred Relationships in which each relationship will be considered sacred and will be a reflection of the Divine Union of energies. At the heart of Relationships will be the energy of Unconditional Love, Acceptance and Commitment. Each Relationship will have an energy focus and that will be the Sacred Commitment approach within the Relationship. The energy of Creativity, which is the purpose of the Sacral Chakra, will be used within Sacred Relationships to manifest the energies of the Sacred on the New Earth. And because you are now Co-Creators on the Planet, each of you will decide within your Relationships what is the Sacred purpose and focus of your associations and how you are going to express this in alignment with the Mastery of your Diamond Light energy.

The old energy of Power as a means of control and manipulation will be replaced in the Solar Plexus Chakra by the new Ascended Christic Energy of Personal Empowerment and the ability to maintain the energy of Unconditional Love in the Heart at all times. The frequency of Love transmitted through the Diamond of the Heart will manifest itself as the ability to make your personal energy flow to any situation without the need to exercise control or domination. The Unconditional Love Flow ensures that each being is able to express their needs and desires without fear and that those needs are met in love by those with whom he or she connects. The essence of the New Earth is negotiation and cooperation as a way of manifesting for the greatest good at all times. Dear ones, you will learn the skills of working together as groups to ensure that everyone is able to manifest what they need and want at all times, and that you can support the manifestation process, not just for you. same, but also for others. In this case, learning how to create Harmony through Unicity will be the essential skill that will put the energy of the Solar Plexus in alignment with the Diamond Light of the Heart n.

Thus, Dear Ones, on July 22, the New Moon will be in Cancer and there will be a Solar Eclipse that will also activate New Solar Light Codes. These will be the Activations for the Female Solar energies, the Ascended Female Critical energies that are coding in the Diamond Heart of the Planet and in the Heart. Diamond of each Human Angel Awakened and Ascended on Earth at this time.

At this time, the old energies of the Feminine In that moment, the old energies of the Feminine in the old energies will be replaced in Collective Consciousness with Ascended Energy of Empowerment Creation with the Spirit. The New Human Angel will be open to Receive with Grace and Gratitude the Abundance offered by the Cosmic River of Life. The Base Chakra will be realigned from the consciousness of lack and poverty of the old consciousness and will focus on the frequency of Acceptance and Gratitude, within the knowledge that Abundance is always present and that lack is an illusion. At the level of the Sacral Chakra and the Sexual and Creative energy, the New Code will allow the feminine energy to be empowered to express Passion and Creativity and to receive these energies from the others with Grace and Gratitude. At the level of the Solar Plexus Chakra, the new Light Codes will allow the feminine energy to express its power and empowerment through the energies of Equality and Sharing. Giving and Receiving will remain in balance at this point, and the new Light Codes will allow the Human Angel to make sure that she receives and gives it in a balanced and loving that honors the essence of each individual within the group or community.

Within the Collective Consciousness, Dear Ones, the old energies of Polarity and Duality will be replaced by the Yin and the Yang of Complementarity and Co-Creation.

And then, on July 23, when the Sun enters Leo, the Puerta del Le n will open to introduce the new Evolutionary Codes for the New Earth from the C Portals Semic of Sirius, Alcyon and Arcturus, and to bring the new codes to the Heart of Humanity from the Galactic Center and the Andromedan Consciousness. As the New Earth manifests, the Star, Galactic and Cosmic Codes for the Evolution of the Frequency of Light will also be encoded in Collective Consciousness Human through the Frequencies of the Diamond Light. At this time, those of you who are fully Awakened to your Cosmic Consciousness will begin the process of integrating your Stellar and Cosmic Codes and co-creating with the Galactic and Stellar Consciousness. Initially, this will be through the states of the Dream, and many of you will be called to meetings and councils in your dream states in the new Galactic Council, which includes the New Earth and its Ascended population. But as the Cosmic energy becomes stronger, they will be empowered to participate in Galactic Council meetings in more conscious ways.

Thus, Dear Lightworkers, you can perceive that the energies of the New are very strong at this time, and that the old ways of being and perceiving with their three-dimensional limitations now do not serve you. It is really time to fully embrace your multi-dimensional self and move towards the new consciousness and the new reality as it is born in you through the Language of the Cosmic Soul, which is Light and Sound and Patterns of Consciousness.

The Children of the Diamond Light: Supporting the New Consciousness

At this moment, this powerful change of Light Codes and consciousness is being supported by the arrival of the children of the Diamond Light on the Planet. These are the Cosmic Master souls that have been incarnating on Earth in this year 2009. As more of them arrive, they are facilitating transformation and change, and many of the Crystal Children are “updating” their consciousness in order to enter the energy of Diamond Light of the Full Cosmic Consciousness. Your support is allowing the rest of the Human Collective to make similar changes in the Cosmic Consciousness and fully align with the Diamond Light.

And so, at this moment, the Human Collective is living within two simultaneous realities. The Old Reality with its old energies is disintegrating and falling. The old Light Codes and Energy patterns are becoming increasingly useless as forms of Being on the Planet. This results in deep anxiety and panic in many, and a growing fear of disasters and catastrophes. This energy is perhaps necessary as a means by which the collective can express the transformation and work through the fears and anxieties that arise. Many are reproducing old survival fears and anxieties around the end of Lemuria and Atlantis. But, at the same time, the New Dream and the New Earth are being born in the Collective Consciousness and in each Awakened Human Angel, so that the New Reality can manifest and take shape. Dear ones, each of you now has to choose the reality you are going to inhabit, according to your ability to be aware and awake and to involve your Creative energy and work with the Spirit. The Diamond Children are here to welcome you to the New Reality.

Dear ones, many of you ask how you will know when you have reached the New Consciousness. How will they know when they have opened up to all the energy of the New Earth of Fifth Dimension. Well, we would say that in the first place, you will become aware of your inner Divinity and your Cosmic Consciousness. You will feel the "I AM" energy of the Soul and Spirit that lives in the Diamond within the Heart. Second, they will have absolute confidence in their ability to Co-create and Manifest with the Spirit and to provide them with everything they need on Earth within their Reality and live in comfort and abundance. Third, they will have entered into an awareness of the Infinite nature of Time and Space. They will live fully in the Present Moment, knowing that past and future are illusions, and that Now is the only Reality. They will not be afraid of death since they will feel the absolute confidence to face all transitions and transformations in their existence with grace and peace. And finally, you will feel Masters of your own destiny, knowing that you create your own Reality at all times. And they will know that if they do not feel comfortable within a creation, they can change it at any time and create another Reality.

In truth, Dear Ones, we can only say "Welcome to the New Earth!"

The Energies for July 2009

On July 7, the Full Moon will be in Capricorn with the Sun in Cancer. There will also be a Lunar Eclipse for the Activation of the New Male Moon Light Codes. The energy of Cancer and Capricorn emphasize the energy of the Mother and the Father, or the energies of the Divine Masculine and Feminine. It is a time to celebrate the appearance and rebirth of the Ascended Masculine energies of Christ.

On July 22 there will be a Solar Eclipse in Cancer, in which the Solar Female Codes of the Empowered Female Christic energies will be codified in the Collective Consciousness.

The Lunar Goddess will help the rebirth of the Full Solar Consciousness of the Goddesses of Fire or Solar, which will be expressed more fully in August, when there will be a Lunar Eclipse in Leo and Aquarius on August 6 on the Full Moon, in the middle of the period from the Lion Gate. This will be another powerful link of Cosmic energies and Activations of the Light Codes.

On July 23 the Sun enters Leo, and the portal of the Lion Gate opens for 2009. The Cosmic Energies for the Evolution of Divine Consciousness for the next annual cycle will begin to be received by those in the Earth!

And so, we wish you a trip full of Light, Love and Laughter in July 2009!

Translation: Margarita López

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