The Emergence of the New Earth: The Solar Grid and the Golden Solar Disks

During the recent Solstice cycle there was a very important celestial alignment that many people perceived and that spontaneously promoted an evolution of mass consciousness. This auspicious alignment is considered the point of change of our planet's movement out of the pattern of duality, as we mark the beginning of a new dimension of true unity consciousness.

To support this quantum leap in frequency in consciousness, a new structure of the grid of cosmic proportion is now available to us that assists us in the mass transfiguration of the human form toward the new original design of the Human-Divine. This new grid, referred to as the Solar Grid, anchors amplified levels of Divine Love frequency and its universal hologram to the earth plane.

Through cosmic rays, the Solar Grid works in synergy through the lens of the planetary Crystal Grid from where we are unifying our efforts. Due to the extremely high frequencies transmitted by the cosmic Solar Grid, the Crystalline Grid acts as a transformer that descends for this solar energy. As part of the Solar Grid, the Golden Spiral Solar Disks, serve as portals and regulators of this highly activating solar energy on the earth plane.

The Solar Grid connects all the Golden Solar Disks that exist around the world. These discs support the codifications of the Great Central Sun to help us return to our original state of multi-dimensional purity and Harmonic Love.

The Golden Solar Disks can be seen as “medallions of the sun” that connect us back to the Great Central Sun, or to the energy of the Source. They resemble a cosmic computer that receives information from Light directly from the Universal Mind. They help create a direct alignment to the Source and cause great changes in consciousness.

Some of us are very familiar with the great Golden Solar Disk inside Lake Titicaca in Peru / Bolivia that has remained active for many thousands of years. Many more around the world are now activating and everyone will be connected through this cosmic Solar Grid and the Planetary Crystal Grid, to which you have access only.

There is a direct correlation to the Golden Solar Disks with our own heart centers. These discs through the Solar Grid help us activate our own “golden solar disk” to facilitate the full expansion and irradiation of our heart in a portal of universal and unconditional love.

Both the Solar Grid and the Golden Solar Disks will help the Earth and its humanity to be in total alignment, being centered at the zero point towards the Great Central Sun. These discs constitute very powerful activation features and part of the superior dimensional technology that is now arriving for our creation of the New Earth. It is perceived that these discs will be a feature of integral support for the cities of light that are emerging and a crystalline portal for the communities as part of the new structure. They contribute greatly and really; regulate the quantum resonant field of unity consciousness.

More technical information about the Solar Grid and the Golden Solar Disks are available through Tyberron, a metaphysicist and geologist at Your article will also be available.

During these transmissions of the new moon planetary grid, we are unifying the Crystalline Grid to receive transmission from the Great Central Sun and planetary Golden Solar Disks. Our intention is a collective activation of our own golden solar disk to allow the full expansion and irradiation of our heart center towards a portal of universal and unconditional love. .

Then we transmit this intention through the activation of the golden solar heart for all mankind.

Please join us on the New Moon on July 3.

It is a solar activation of the Great Central Sun!

From the heart of the Sun,

The son of the sun

sun logo

Children of the Sun Foundation
Website in English:
Community in Spanish:

Translation into Spanish, Alicia Virelli

The Solar Grid and the Golden Solar Disks

As we enter the quantum leap of our levels of consciousness and achieve greater dimensional access to the grid system of our Earth, we can also
have access to the cosmic grids. These grids are, in essence, the galactic server or computer program of higher consciousness and quantum reality. They adhere to the geometries and accelerated light speeds of a higher dimension.

The planetary Crystal Grid from which the Children of the Sun unifies their global efforts is the program that introduces us to ascension. This planetary grid, which encapsulates the Earth is not yet in a full-blown operating mode, is about 2/3 parts there.
The Crystal Grid 144

Now, at this point, let's review the geometry and the activation process of the 144-crystalline grid. The grid is a complex geometry, the double penta-dodecahedron, which by its specific design includes 144 pentagonal and triangular facets in a symmetrical crystalline matrix.

The double penta-dodecahedron has the shape of a star, which means that each of the twelve main faces are built in the center to form five-sided pyramids. Thus there are 12 pentagonal pyramids. Each face is listed both at the base and in the high pyramidal portion. Thus, if you consider that each pentagonal surface contains 5 iscentric triangles and a pentagon, you have 72 faces. In addition, each of the twelve star-shaped aspects has five triangles and a five-sided pyramid, so you combine the surface and the star-shaped portions to achieve the N Master frequency number from 12 squared -144.

Now aspects of triple dates is extremely interesting. After the millennium, there is a unique sequence of dates that occur from 2001 to 2012. Triple dates are numerical frequencies that occur exceptionally in this abbreviated format sequentially for twelve years, namely:

1 January 2001, 1-1-1
February 2, 2002, 2-2-2
March 3, 2003, 3-3-3
April 4, 2004, 4-4-4
May 5, 2005, 5-5-5
June 6, 2006, 6-6-6
July 7, 2007, 7-7-7
August 8, 2008, 8-8-8
September 9, 2009, 9-9-9
October 10, 2010, 10-10-10
November 11, 2011, 11-11-11
12 December 2012, 12-12-12

The importance of the grid is that the frequency of each triple date portal is designed to be the "trigger trigger" of one of the 12 main dodecahedrons at the base of the grid's armor plate. Consequently, this axiom infers that the 144-Crystalline grid is thrown into operation through a twelfth year from January 1, 2001 until December 12, 2012 when it reaches full programming intensity. In the interim between December 13 and December 20, it integrates the total programming and reloads the computer towards a total launch on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012, the proclaimed Ascension and prophesied. Apparently a key piece of what happens on the triple dates of the frequency portal is around the "human-grid" alignment to the 144-Crystalline grid. That is why these dates are being recognized as important dates for spiritual alignment meetings across the planet. By the way it is not a question of specific astrological alignments that are limited to the triple date portals but of the vibration of the numbers themselves that are associated with the grid 144.

This kinetic movement is also propelled to the renewed 12-strand propeller of the Solar Disk to restore a schematic design towards grid 144, which supplies what can be called the DNA programming of pentagonal edges of the double penta-dodecahedron.

Now it is important to understand that the geometry of the higher dimension is based on 12 although man still uses the system based on 10.

It may surprise you to know that the conversion to the mathematical base ten that happened in most societies after the fall of Atlantis, was chosen because humans have their ten fingers! The exceptions were the Sumerians and the Maya who used the base of 60 and base 20 respectively. It is interesting to note that we humans still measure time within the duodecimal remnants of the Atlantean Base of 12. We count the hours in stages of 12, as well as the months of the year.

Metatron tells us that in the future humanity will change to the system based on 12 mathematics to align more closely with changing time cycles. As I mentioned earlier, the time sequence is accelerating due to the altered ratio of the inner center of the rotation of the counter-earth spin. The unit time cycles are happening faster now and are no longer in alignment. The time cycle units are vibrating faster but our unit of measurement has not changed yet.

Now as we have talked about the acceleration of the time cycle and the need to convert it to a mathematical system based on twelve duodecimal, you may have questions about the legitimacy of the triple number dates, since we have told you before that they are numerical portals that activate the main faces of the dodecahedron on grid 144.

The answer is that although we are still on a base of 10, our unit of measure of time is on a base 12 anyway. Our annual solar return measurement is a 12 month system, the triple date count is a 12 count, there are twelve of these correlated to the 12 main faces of the grid 144. So yes, the validity of the activation of The triple date portals are intact.
Solar grid

The Solar Grid is balanced to amplify and increase the frequency of the earth working in synergy with and through the lenses of the 144-Crystalline Grid. The Crystalline Grid acts as a downward transformer for high frequency energy that emits intense light through the Solar Grid. The Solar Grid has a much larger frequency than the Crystal Grid, this is the reason for the need for a downward process. The superior energy emitted through the Grid of the Sun exists in the form of gamma rays. This is a very powerful energy for the frequency of the earth. The transmutation requirement device is at a higher level, the Solar Grid and within the Earth Plane, the Golden Solar Disk.

The Sun itself is a great source of Ascension energies for the Earth. The increase in ejections of the x-class coronal mass (solar storms, sunspots) and the resulting massive solar winds that have been bombing the Earth since the Harmonic Convergence are one of the key mechanisms of the higher energy that is being received to direct the increase in frequency required to create the graduation of energy levels for what we call the "planetary ascension" These are amazing events and more ejections of the X-class coronal mass have occurred since 1992, many more than the total sum of all those previously registered.

The Solar Grid is a magno-geometric highway that introduces these energies to the Crystalline Grid. The Crystalline Grid has a double star-shaped penta-dodecahedron and its 144 pointed faces will correspond in currents to the Golden Solar Disks that are now being activated around the planet. This is a huge circuit of Divine software!

Gamma rays

The Great Central Sun of the Cosmos emits gamma rays that explode in our universe. They are encoded within the photo-light units of the gamma ray is an Unconditional Love frequency. Although unconditional love is more than a frequency, it is actually a language that reverberates. It is the highest form of love. However Unconditional Love is of such a high frequency that it cannot manifest itself in the 3rd. Dimension.

Unconditional Love can be imagined in our current dimensional reality, but not truly captured. This is because the 3rd. Dimension is a conditional dimension. Our existence in the 3rd. Dimension is conditional but, as we enter into higher dimensions, we open ourselves to the potential of the manifestation and experience of Unconditional Love, not only as a feeling but also as a language and a field that surrounds us, which allows us to enter the higher frequency of multi-dimensionality. This will happen within the 5th. Ascension dimension.

So what is the way, what is the mechanism to infuse an acceptable form of these higher energies that will allow us to rise to our destiny, to rise to the level of unconditional love within the Ascension? The magic transformer is a vortex of energy that
it captures one form of energy and interweaves it towards the other. These interweavers that spin light on gold are solar discs. They are many more than we can imagine.

Golden Solar Discs Issue Zero Point Energy

I understand that the Golden Solar Disks were originally placed within the Earth plane during the Golden era of the Mu and the Atlanteans, and that they are Arturians and Pleiadians in
Concept, and Pleiadians and Sirius B in placement and maintenance. There are 12 main Golden Sun Disks, and each of the 12 were converted into satellites by 11 smaller Golden Sun Disks, generating 144 in the global system. These helped in modulating both the sequence of time and space, the field of gravity, and the potential frequency coefficients of the planet.

These began to fall into disorder and confusion in the second fall of Atlantis and the sinking of the Mu around 28, 000 years BC which was the end of the "Golden Age of Atlantis." They are currently being restored and reactivated and will continue to be activated to their full potential as part of the New Earth's energy field.

The reactivation process has been to adjust these discs in a new harmonic and resonance so as to be able to flow into the new geometry of 144, which is the frequency code of the Crystalline Grid. As a consequence, Metatron tells us that there are actually 12 succinct patterns of the 144 Golden Solar Disks.

The Golden Solar Disks are forming the true DNA for the original blue design of the crystalline field and certainly for the planetary Crystal Grid. The Golden Solar discs are now emitting a 12-filament helix, in a spiral energy that will serve as the prototype of the DNA for the planetary grids. They are also emitting a divine energy of the zero field, of pure love, unconditional love, a code of light that can only exist in the highest dimensions.

The Light is received in these swirling whirlpools and emitted by optical cables of an etheric golden fiber, for those who can observe them, the ancients perceived them as such and hence their name. They are both heavenly and earthly. They are golden transformers.

The Golden Solar Discs correspond to the Earth's ability to regenerate and reform itself, similar to the Earth's DNA itself. They are really more spiral than disk, but they look like a disk when viewed.

Each Golden Sun Disk is in effect anchored and tonally attached to its axis to twelve sources of satellite energy that are in harmonic oscillation at the frequency of 144. Each of the twelve are like individual helix-like energies that are tonally attached to the axis. in the integral center of the discs and as such they contribute to the individual energies that make up the 12 filaments.

Imagine its function then as a swirl in a disk similar to movement, something like a miniature hurricane with an eye in the center. A ray of heavenly light of a pillar shape is nestled in the central eye, infusing unconditional love. Infinite golden wires are emitted from the swirling swirl, encompassing the earth and connecting to the crystalline grid. Each of the succinct patterns are fixed to a specific facet of the 12 main pentagonal surfaces of the dodecahedron, and then to the next, in sequence from 1-1-1- to 12-12-12.

The Golden Solar Disks are the foundation, the original blue design that will assist the earth in synergy with the planetary and cosmic grids for the formation of what we call the New Earth.

Solar Disks are really, an aspect of the grid and an aspect of heaven and earth. After the completion of the grid, its function will evolve in the harmonization of the larger dimensional access. They will help reduce what is called duality, decreasing the oscillation of the polarity pendulum.

They will help create a greater sense of peace and well-being on the planet. They will do this by merging the dimensional fields within the crystalline network and the quantum crystalline field. The effect will be a sense of unity. There will be no tangible sense of differentiation between the flat frequencies of the 3rd and 5th. Dimension. Rather it will be a mixture. They will have a greater sense of well-being, a feeling of being more supported and really supportive within the Self. The hemispheres of the mind will also merge more closely. Humanity will not be prone to negativity. The elections will be more evident. Each of you contributes to this process by tuning into the frequency of the crystalline field by emitting and receiving pure love. To do this is to synchronize with the golden weaver of the harmonica, the Golden Solar Disk.

Many people are and will be increasingly attracted to this as the process of activating the Golden Solar Disks intensifies. The Golden Solar Disks are one of the actors in this process, a complex piece of the planet's evolution.

They are the supreme alchemists,

the Philosopher's Stone.

For more information on the activation of the energy of the new planet earth, please visit the Tyberonn website at: E-mail:

Spanish translation: Alicia Virelli,


The Transmissions of the Planetary Grid

New Moon, Thursday, July 3

A 24-hour period of New Earth Energy transmission

With Unified Meditation and / or Ceremony
For 4 hours worldwide: Sydney 8 pm, Paris 8 pm, New York 9 pm,
Buenos Aires 10 pm

Unified Planetary Approach:
Transmission from Planetary Golden Solar Disks
With the Activation of the Solar Heart for all Humanity


For New Participants

The Highest Purpose of the Planetary Grid Project:

Pure human intentionality is combined with a very advanced crystalline energy system that surrounds the entire planet. Referring to the Crystalline Grid, this new structure of the earth serves as a transitory bridge between the paradigms of consciousness.

The combined power of our intention through the field of the crystalline grid gracefully comes to each new and full moon during a 24-hour transmission period. This is called the Planetary Grid Transmissions.

The objective of the massive harmonic resonant field created through our grid unification is to amplify the power of Light on Earth to such an extent that the resulting global change in frequency will help bring a massive awakening, divine peace and order in and between our population

From this unified field of higher consciousness, participants can receive strong infusions of light that can accelerate cleanings, transformation, spiritual activation and progress.

The Planetary Grid Project is helping to give birth to the new world consciousness and bring stabilization to the process. It is also about helping participants develop levels of Self-Mastery and higher awareness skills.

New Moon - Unified Planetary Approach:

Transmission from planetary Golden Solar Disks
With the Activation of the Solar Heart for all Humanity

During the transmissions of the planetary grid of the new moon, we are unifying in the Crystalline Grid to receive the transmission from the planetary Golden Solar Disks.

These are new Earth energies that are emerging and are associated with the Solar Grid. Both the Golden Solar Disks and the Solar Grid are part of the Crystal Grid. They are attending the Earth and Humanity in total alignment, being positioned in the center of the zero point towards the Great Central Sun. The discs also hold encodings to help us return to our original state of multidimensional purity and harmonic love.

Our intention puts our own "golden sun disk" in collective activation to allow the full expansion and irradiation of our heart center towards a portal of universal and unconditional love.

We then convey this intention for "the activation of the golden solar heart" for all mankind.

More information about the Golden Solar Disks and this unification will be available. It can also be located here:
Unified Approach to the Planetary Grid.

Support Links:

World Time Calculator (to make time calculations for Unified Meditation in your time zone)

The Planetary Grid Project - program details

Meet and join the Community of the Children of the Sun
Join the Community of the Children of the Sun in Spanish

For more information, please contact:

Spanish translation: Alicia Virelli

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