The Obstetrician Observer

  • 2016

Just as in quantum physics they tell us about the impossibility of observing an object in a totally detached way, since the observer directly influences the observed, in dowsing this concept is very clear to us, especially in our FEELING, in the “ressenti” that they call in French to the ability of the radiestesistas to feel in their body and energy field the vibrations they are studying.

This poses interesting dilemmas because how can we ensure a maximum degree of objectivity and neutrality when we are precisely being "contaminated" by the vibratory information of what we observe? And what mechanisms can we put into practice to minimize such vibrational contamination and ensure the "cleanest" or "neutral" reading possible?

In our face-to-face and online dowsing courses we address this issue and we will carry out a greater emphasis on this issue in the future because it is an understanding that can benefit us all as dowsing practitioners.

It is not possible to distance one hundred percent from the observed. In fact, the observer observes with his personal filters and these are a complex configuration based on cultural, ancestral, genetic, personal, programmed and learned filters. Thus, the experience of a rose will not be the same for one person or another based on each of those filters. That is why the radiesthetic experience will be different and that will also be the case in the case of radiesthetic healing.

In addition to these filters, the Observer naturally emits negative green, which is a radistatic "color" considered rather as a carrier wave of information. Naturally, by flowing with our attention to the object of our interest, we do so with our energy and with that wave of information that “touches” or “touches” that object as soon as we make visual or sensitive contact with it. Thus, there is already a flow of communication between the two, the Observer and the observed and a process of communication between the frequencies of both either in a harmonizing sense or on the contrary producing a genuine war of frequencies between both energy fields. In both cases, neutrality disappears and we find ourselves influencing and being inexorably influenced by that observation.

However, this should not disappoint or limit us or push us back. On the contrary, we have to work with this variable as part of our process, accepting it and knowing it, because in this way we will be able to put in place the mechanisms that minimize the negative impact of this situation both in our radiesthetic measurements and in the provision of bioenergetic corrections in people, spaces, situations etc.

Just as in vibratory radiestesia we recommend the use of a neutral pendulum that has been depolarized to make measurements as objective as possible, with this phenomenon, we seek to make the Observer as neutral as possible.

Achieving internal neutrality is in itself a spiritual path of personal growth. To reach that point of neutrality is equivalent to knowing oneself so much that one is able to discard everything that one is NOT, to allow its true essence to emerge. She is in itself neutral, untouched, unalterable, not conditioned by external factors. To be in neutral is to be as close as possible to the essence of oneself, in an internal space of inner focus and silence, depersonalized without ceasing to be who we are, but downplaying all those personal filters that more than freeing ourselves Identify us condition us.

To be in neutral is to be at zero, but that is why we do not fall into nihism or the denial of ourselves. On the contrary, we release everything we are not. Then, we can perceive the rose in its essence, because we are already in ours.

Being neutral in this way is a vital path that takes time and practice but can be done. We begin by being aware that there are multiple factors that make interference between us and what we observe, such as those different filters with which we observe, glasses that condition us. To be in neutral is to take off your glasses and filters and be in a state of internal emptiness, empty of everything that we are NOT.

In that state of neutrality, the testajes of non-beneficial vibrations affect us less because we are hollow, empty, and pass through us without touching us ... It is what the wise say when they speak that in that state Karma cannot touch us because there is no point to get hooked, it simply drains from our Being that remains unchanged and untouchable.

On the contrary, as long as we are not fully neutral, the measurements of harmful vibrations can affect us and we must provide solutions and precautions so that the harmful impact of these waves affects us as little as possible. Solutions such as strengthening our immune system, strengthening the aura, taking root, enjoying excellent health, surrounding ourselves with positive green, connecting often with nature, placing our head and arms on a wooden frame of a door to unload, special sprays to eliminate harmful vibrations, various protections and, above all, dosing and minimizing the exposure time to harmful waves, would be the most common solutions for such effects.

Barbara Meneses

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