Mantram Yoga - Conference of Vicente Beltran Anglada

  • 2012

Mantram Yoga Conferences Planetary Organized Magic by Vicente Beltrán Anglada

Barcelona, ​​March 9, 1985

Our conversation today about organized magic will have to be limited to what constitutes the mystical basis of magic, that is, what we technically call: Mántram Yoga. What do you have to understand by Mántram Yoga? It is the union with God through the correct use of the word. When a spiritual disciple has demonstrated in his particular life, and in his contact with the ashrama, that he is prepared for the Initiation, he is subjected to some really difficult tests to endure; The Test of Silence is defined, then, in the same way that God brought forth the Universe from nothing, as mystically said, so also the human being must extract the creative power of the mystical being of silence ...

If we are gradually realizing what we are trying to produce through these talks about organized magic, we will be aware of many truths still hidden today in that world of unknown things that demand to be known ...

However, and also realize that the fact that a person is very attentive and alert indicates that he is approaching that point, to that center of synthesis in his heart that produces silence, emptiness, which must be filled by power of the word, and realize how the human being has become a potential wizard through the long wave of adversities that he has had to face from the moment of his own individualization, when he has had to overcome all environmental oppositions produced in that tremendous chaos that coincides with the arrival of man on Earth.

Then, man is a helpless being who can only pronounce guttural sounds, which is not distinguished from the beast except in a small spark lodged in the incipient, embryonic brain, and which has to arise from that guttural state and reach the joint of the sounds Technically speaking, this comes when man — the human being I always mean — has come to introduce vowels in countless consonants that constitute guttural sounds and, later, as man observes nature, assigns definite sounds to things, and to remember these sounds, and to constitute what will be its own subconscious, its small file, to extract from there the molecular elements that must constitute the organization of the defined language.

Millions of years have had to pass, because the Magician Apprentice realizes the tremendous effort of the divine nature within him, to provoke this state of things that have led him from guttural sound to a properly organized language. There is a stage in which each collective social community, adopting from nature an impressive series of sounds, which are the qualitative values ​​assigned to things, which has managed to organize a language, has particularized it, has imprinted certain conditions, and today day, we have that the particularization of a language constitutes the distinctive element of the nations of the Earth, and this is the current stage, in which each nation has its own language, its own language with which it relates to the people of its own country.

But is this all that nature intends? Is everything that the Planetary Logos intends through Humanity, this process of particularizing language? What the Planetary Logos intends is precisely the universal language, the synthetic language, through which all nations can understand each other, without going through the transcription, without going through the retrospective examination of the language to reach the sources, that is, it does not have need to translate, because it is absent from everything that constitutes this feeling of particularization that gave life to nationalities, or to nationalism.

So, in silence, when the person is very attentive, they are unwittingly working for the language of the future, they are becoming what in ashramic terms are called “musical stones, ” and the Hierarchy gives much importance to musical stones. . What exactly are these stones?

For approximately three decades they have embodied on Earth an impressive series of Egos (Souls) that conquered in a glorious past the power to connect with the devas of the buddhic plane; they are called musical stones because they have a very clear vision of what universal phonetics is, and because they know that the language of the future will be musical, because it will be an interpenetration between men and devas, and all the teaching that is being taught in the ashramas of the Hierarchy and in the small esoteric groups of the world, have to do with the large-scale production of musical stones, or living stones of the language of the future.

This whole process is taking place here and now, it is not a phenomenon that will occur within a few years, it is taking place here. . These Egos are working deeply and harmoniously to produce through their silence a kind of sound that must attract by vibratory sympathy, by sense of invocation, these pure forces of the environment that are to Transform Humanity from its most remote foundations. And when we are very attentive, and when we are silent, do not doubt that we are working for the language of the future, and that in one way or another, without being magicians in conscious expression, we are at least magicians in latency that we are working for the implantation of a new language here on Earth that makes produce the Andr gino, the Perfect Man

We are trying to highlight the Hierarchy Plans, which in turn are constantly trying to interpret the decisions of Sanat Kumara, and when in many of our conversations we talk about Sanat Kumara, we are referring to a Current, present, omnipresent entity; It is not a distant Entity with which we cannot have contact.

Whenever we are silent a small part of ourselves is in contact with the Lord of the World, with the Lord of Opportunity, which encompasses the synthesis itself. of all the sounds of nature, and from here we can already speak of the integrating element of the word as a social function, as a social duty, not as heretofore, as a simple system of approximation n between each other.

The approach naturally constitutes an aspect of what we are trying to educate and develop, but now the time has come for us to properly interpret the signs of the times, which if we are very attentive we will see that they speak of harmony thus, that they are above this that apparently constitutes the morbidity of today's society. For example, the profusion of discordant sounds, which constitute a concern on the part of the Hierarchy, and on the part of the disciples adhered through their ashramas with this Great Fraternity White and that, therefore, the disciple if he is fully warned, if he is aware of the tremendous time we are living, will have to denounce these facts, that there is a multiplicity within humanity of sounds that constitute a return to the guttural sounds of the first sub-terraces of the Lemur Race and that, therefore, if we have musical sensibility we cannot fall into the fallacy of this regression that Humanity almost in its great part is following.

And we all know that these sounds exist, and that these sounds largely condition the psychology of a large part of human beings, and that they constitute by their persistence, by their rhythm, a constant creation of egregores, m It is the vitalization of the egregores existing in those remote planetary times, and they constitute a danger for every germ of decomposition of the ideal language of the Earth. We must all become musical stones in one way or another, as the Master assigns to these Egos that have emerged in the last five years to dignify something our little and hapless Earth.

We must also bear in mind that living organized in a world as a social community, being immersed in some of its defined strata, we have a duty to abide by the law, this law that aims to dignify the sounds of words.

In the ashramas, after a period of silence has passed, the rules that govern words are taught, to turn the disciple into a perfect musical stone. For example, there is a rule, which very few follow, which is to speak little, because we use a great expression, a large volume of words to express our thinking, which indicates that our thinking is very complex and that, therefore, if we want to simplify the language or our words, we will have to simplify our thinking, we will have to be attentive to the thoughts that come and go through our mind, and what is more, what is worse, staying inside, constituting focuses of attention that they have nothing to do with the purpose of our Soul regarding their vehicles. In addition to not only talk a little but you have to speak well.

What can it mean for us to speak well if it is not the careful choice of each and every one of the words we speak? Trying to beautify its content, loading them with quality, color, so that it is a perfect geometric structuring in the ether, in the space that surrounds us. In addition, we must speak with knowledge of cause, we must know what is said, we must know the consequences of what is said. The murmuring, criticism and cursing constitute a total ignorance of the Law of Cause and Effect that is at the center of each and every word, and we are trying to attract the Grace of the Creator Word to our small envelopes ...

It will not be enough then that we speak little, that we speak well, with knowledge of cause, with affection, with sincerity, if we lack opportunity. Socrates said that the wise man is wise, not because he knows a lot but because it is opportune when he is speaking, when he says the right word, not the premeditated word. We are always living on premeditation, whether of thoughts, desires and words, so we lack spiritual elasticity, we must become so extremely malleable from the point of view of the creative spirit, that we are like soft mud in hands of the devas, that we allow ourselves to be shaped by the Great Divine Potter, without reacting, because if we define the human being we will always do so in terms of resistance to the law, in terms of opposition, in terms of negativity.

This will have to end if there really is a number of world disciples and intelligent men and women of goodwill in the world, able to clearly see this situation; They will necessarily have to deeply reorient their entire psychological structure. You cannot go from simple stone to a musical stone, because when Master Koot Humi tells us about musical stones, he is referring to precious stones that have emerged from the great quarry of Humanity and that, therefore, all of us have the social duty to become a precious stone within this immense quarry of human blocks, to finally become true and true exponents of the Creator Word ...

For example, the sounds of the words of the Greek philosophers had more value from the point of view of the Hierarchy than the great exhibitions of the creative power of the great artists who constituted through the stone blocks those sculptures that still constitute astonishment of Humanity This culture has not been lost but has been added to the historical content of Humanity, because they constitute musical stones.

That is, the glory of the Renaissance arose as the effect of a series of invocative words pronounced by a series of Egos that had incarnated through the 4th Ray to teach what Creator Art really is, and the Renaissance, the culture of the Renaissance, is not It has never been lost or lost, because it has been added to the historical content of Humanity, as sound, as law and as the basis of the language of the future.

And every country when it bequests a work of art, when it bequests a culture or a type of civilization, it knows from the bottom of its heart that it does not belong to it, that it corresponds to the human community. Therefore, all the sounds, those that engender the great works of art or the great philanthropic works of the beings really lovers of Humanity, all this, are sounds that are added to what will be the sound of the future, because we cannot separate a cultural or artistic content, or any civilization, from the sounds generated by those beings that produced these things, and each nation has a series of things that are available to all nations.

Books, for example, are translated into all languages ​​when they are true works of art; that is, it is not lost, but is added to the historical, psychological and mystical content of the breed. And this we see precisely, that everything that constitutes something really significant in the spiritual world for Humanity, is contained in a certain Shamballa Sphere, constituting the Classroom of Knowledge and sometimes of the Wisdom of the peoples or of the members of the ashramas that they can penetrate there, and they realize that everything is part of Humanity.

That the nations themselves conditioned by their own borders, do not exist there, there are simply works of art, cultural works and works of civilization that arose from sound, and in turn arose from the intention of men, which in turn they arose from the Purpose of the Divinity itself, and thus this immense aura of stillness, of harmony, of synthesis, that makes the esoterists can hopefully see the future, this future that sometimes appears obscured is created on Earth for the stains of this gloomy civilization that constitute those that will never be musical stones, at least in this 4th Round, to finally realize that we are advancing together, as a group, inside and outside the ashramas and that, in one way or another, we are trying to become musical stones, sound stones capable of removing mountains, capable of removing Heaven and Earth, and producing a cultural revolution of incalculable cons Efficiencies for our current mind, limited by time and dimensions ...

Because, while it is true that we must keep our originality, this specific and spiritual originality is not lost when entering a larger set, in the same way that our Planetary Logos does not lose its originality because it is immersed within a Solar System, nor that the Solar Logos loses its own genuine originality or uniqueness when it is immersed with all its original attributes within the Cosmic Logos; But is this how you say from the angle of the Hierarchy? Is this how it is seen from the angle of appreciation of the ashramas or the Great Fraternity?

How does a Master communicate with his disciple? It is not communicated through the language of that person, it is communicated by the power of synthetic thought or abstract thought. The intention of the Master goes through the ethers, and when he reaches the conscience of the disciple, the disciple through his own originality understands the message of the Master, has not lost its originality, but the language of the future, which will be neither Esperanto nor Lido, because Esperanto and Lido are using human phonetics, are not using devonic phonetics and, therefore, will always find the resistance of nations more attached to their own language than to a language of communication with others specifically that be.

To reach the perfection of language, to reach universal language, man will have to become universal and perhaps, then, the feeling of singularity will have been absorbed by the Law of Unity or Synthesis. It is as if we said: "When I reach liberation, by immersing myself in the Absolute I will lose my own originality, my own individuality." The phenomenon is the other way around, because it will not be the individual consciousness that is submerged in the great ocean of Light of the Cosmos, but it will be the ocean of Light of the Cosmos that is submerged within the individual drop, then it will have at the same time, without forgetting one thing of the other, cosmic consciousness and individual consciousness, and so it will happen with language.

The language will become progressively through a series of psychological readjustments of the components of each national group, into a distinctive Verb of spirituality or synthesis. When a person automatically thinks the same as another person about a particular subject, wherever the part of the world where both people are, they have not contacted that idea by virtue of the uniqueness of a language, but by virtue of an elevation of the spirit that at that time has grasped the idea, which after returning to his waking consciousness, each one translates it into his own language.

This is different, it is always based on the fact that when the truth exists - and every man can conquer the truth - there is also a feeling of synthesis within the heart that attracts this truth, makes it his own, and at the moment this truth is made his man feels transfigured, redeemed from the anguish of time. So do not be afraid, that in view of our extensive perspective, this ineffable feeling that constitutes the integrity or the synthesis of all the languages ​​of the Earth, that we are going to lose the conquest of our own originality, but must be taken into account, that part of our own originality as a people, as a nation, has been incorporated into the Universal Language, constituting the countless musical stones that arise from the spirit of investigation of all men, which will create the great gear of the future, this great architecture of the creative language, of the devic language or, at least, of the language through which man can converse with the entities that we now call space dwellers, which constitute the social environment in which we live, move and have the being ...

Interlocutor. - The story of La Torre de Babel, what does this have to do with language?

Vicente - Well, precisely when the individual has not become a musical stone - I mean some words of Master Koot Humi, given recently in his Ashrama -, naturally, it will not be possible to agree with another person, because each one will arise from their own language or their own system of seeing things, of their own opinions, and we cannot separate our deepest convictions from our language.

Why does a person have the ability to extract the mystical force of the Word from space? Because in a way it has become or is becoming a musical stone. But this is available to everyone, it is not the heritage of any individual immersed in no matter what kind of society, it is an experience of contact with the spirit of all things, with the spirit, with the devas, with the spirit of the Divinity itself that has created everything that exists in the life of nature and, therefore, there is, however little we examine it, a great responsibility if we really want to enter into this great ocean of insecurity that constitutes the loss of our own characteristics personal, in a sense of projection of the values ​​of the spirit, that we lose our creative originality in one way or another, but that the feeling of synthesis that we will incorporate will make our own originality grow so much and so much that it is confused with the shores of the cosmic, constitutes part of the Cosmos, and constitutes part of the Cosmos in a conscious way, not like now that we feel disconnected, broken down by r complete of the Tree of Life of the Creator.

Each one follows his own path, and perhaps this own path that each one wants so much, is not the right path to become a social element of integration of psychological values ​​and that, therefore, many of his works are futile and They are part of the karma that you have to endure, because a tremendous part of karma is one that is wasting time, both wasting time in one way and another. Speaking in vain is a sin - the expression is worth it - from the point of view of karma, speaking badly is also in some way a transgression of the law. The lie, for example, is part of our current psychological concepts of life, and each one lies, without realizing that the lie, however pious, sometimes breeds karma. Or the lack of opportunity when we are talking, or the lack of affection in the words, or the minimal conditioning that people must be attended for courtesy and not for affection.

Do you realize if there are things to liquidate just by talking about the word? And how the word is misrepresented according to the deep feeling of the Creator, of turning each human being into a musical jewel, a stone set in the exercise of cosmic functions. Naturally, we are all living in the Tower of Babel, because we do not understand each other, we speak different languages, and not simply different languages ​​as language, but different languages ​​as human beings, each one wants their own views to be the best and that, therefore, they have no discussion, they are above all others, and this is a concept that we will necessarily have to remove from the heart because it does not conform to the cosmic Truth, because it does not conform to the Law of Nature, being this law the principle of fraternity that has to unite men and peoples, creating a collective without struggles or reactions, within which we can all understand each other with only one language, with only one heart and with only one mind, and this is what that the spiritual disciple of the world tries to make, in these moments and in all times ..


Related Bibliography:

Conferences Planetary Organized Magic [1] [2] [3]

Planetary Organized Magic, by Vicente Beltrán Anglada.

White Magic, by Vicente Beltrán Anglada.

Treatise on White Magic, by Alice A. Bailey.

The Seventh Ray, compilation book.

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