Ho'oponopono works to heal us in body and spirit

  • 2015

Hooponopono is a very old Hawaiian practice used for problem solving, based primarily on loss and reconciliation . This technique was initiated by the first inhabitants of Hawaii and brought in and although the hooponopono works well, it was modernized here by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona .

The hooponopono is a healing skill practiced by kahuna au or priests of healing among family members of the individual who is physically and emotionally ill. Modern adaptations are carried out in the family by the older member or by the sick person himself.

This practice leads you to mental hygiene where family relationships are corrected through prayer, confession, discussion, mutual compensation, repentance and forgiveness .

This act of Hawaiian healing is born from the premise that everything in the universe is a unity. From here it is possible to make the following reflection : if everything is a unit, then I am part of the universe, and if I am part of the universe, then I have a great responsibility in all things that happen.

Ho'oponopono works for the body and spirit

This practice has evolved in an integral healing that contemplates the body and spirit, taking us on a path that allows us to move forward in life helping our near and even near loved ones. But how does it work?

It is simple when you are in the presence of a painful physical or spiritual situation you must take responsibility for the fact and direct it to the universe ( God ) praying: forgive me and let me heal this situation in me.

When you go to the divine universe it is necessary to do it with simplicity and humility using words such as: forgive me, I love you, I love you, I feel grateful and blessed, the really important thing is to take responsibility for the fact and ask to be healed .

Meet some modern versions of ho'oponopono

Ho'oponopono works very well, but here are some variations:

Traditional application: At the end of the 19th century, in Hawaii, the courts ordered citizens to commit crimes to work with the elderly who conducted a hoax oponopono for their families, as a way to solve their problems . Hoophoneopon was performed in a traditional way.

State of Zero Memory : The goal of the Opponent is to reach a state of zero, where there would be no memory, no identity . To achieve this state, the mantra must be repeated frequently: I am very sorry, please, lose me. I love you Thank you. This mantra is based on the only principle of total responsibility, assuming the commission for the actions not only their own, but that of others.

In order to change our reality, it is necessary to change ourselves first. When we take full responsibility for our life, then everything that is experienced in any way would be our responsibility because it is present in our life . The problem will not be with ourselves, with our external reality.

Negative karma: It is very different from Hawaiian traditions, here the problems are described as negative karma effects, where you are encouraged to experience for yourself what you did to the other person, where only you are the creator of your life and circumstances .

When we commit an incorrect act, it is memorized by us and reflected in the present, since in every living being the cause and effect predominates, the idea is to free ourselves from negative experiences in past reincarnations and eliminate traumas located in memory. Remove karmic bonds and allow us to reach a mental evolution, so a karmic cleaning is necessary for the expansion of consciousness .

Editor: JoT333

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