The Group - Filling the void of light - A time of hope

  • 2016

Greetings to all, I AM Elrah of Rhythmic Service.

I wanted us to meet for a moment because I also have a birthday. I really have a birthday every month, but I haven't told anyone because you wouldn't have enough numbers for my birthday. No, we have already passed the 200, 000 mark; and since then we have a kind of forgetfulness. However, I wanted to celebrate with all of you because that is what is taking place on Planet Earth; and that is getting pretty beautiful.


Now, we know that you have all these problems that concern you: ISIS, Al Qaeda, in addition to all those things that are happening and that you think you have to control; Dear ones, I will tell you something else. In this there are many different divisions, for you only live one aspect of it. There are other choices that are being made; and some of the most beautiful are happening in another Dimension of time and space adjacent to yours. In the nearest Dimension of yours, if you want to think that way, they just resolved the situation. There they have found peace, discovering a way to neutralize hatred and war on Planet Earth. This could even be extended to others, so have some hope. Why? Because now the vibrating walls are becoming extremely thin and you are going to see some of that seep. Suddenly you will be around thinking: “Oh, the World is a mess! I have nothing to be happy for. ” Then suddenly you will discover that you are laughing. Well, that is a readjustment that we managed to make from this side of the veil. You still have Free Will. We don't impose anything on you, but we set an opportunity for you to see hope, because that is the part that is missing. You don't understand that when you're watching so closely and holding on so tightly, you really project what you want to see on the screen in front of you. Yes, Dear Ones, you create your reality in this way, day after day, day after day.

You are all connected

When you see that the desire of your heart is not reflected in other people and they do not seem to go in the same direction as you, now you will see a small change. That is the difference that can cause you to doubt and wonder what is happening in the World around you. Well Dear, you are all so beautifully connected. We share with you that precisely that connection is becoming stronger. When you begin to discover each other's parts, you will see the ways in which you are connected. That allows you to see the small difference in the energy of your heart, which can make a difference in the people around you. You can even spread to your communities, cities, countries and all over the globe, because without a doubt that is a magical energy.

We want to reassure you that you are never alone. You are never alone! Oh, you all have these challenges moving forward and you are trying to solve the World. That is what you want to do. You want to explain it on a piece of paper and say: This is how it works. This is what will happen . It doesn't always work that way, but you have gotten very close. Now you are reaching a point where you can rediscover your power; and that is beautiful! On Planet Earth you all have new rhythms and many are trying to adjust to them, but we know that many times you have difficulties. Remember, Dear Ones, that you have the strength incorporated; You have a part of us in each one of you.

Filling the Light Vacuum

We want to inform you that during the next few months there will be opportunities to abandon the worries and challenges you experienced, always trying to fix the World. You can start letting go of some of those things and enjoy the trip for a while. Now we tell you that yes, you are part of the World . Yes, these are the problems that everyone has to solve and communicate with them; And you can be part of that. For now we will wait and see, but in the meantime you have the ability to root a huge amount of Light. That Light must take root right now, because in the World there is more emptiness of Light than you can imagine. Dear ones, you can be the vehicles to introduce it. So what we are going to ask you to do, even while you have all these difficulties on your planet, is this: Come out for a moment of the games. Of them all. Do not judge them as good or bad, just pause them for a moment and work with your Light. Enter your Light on Planet Earth. Start introducing some of the energy and do it for 30 days. Every time you see something and your mind says: Oh my God! What is going on? Stop. Pause anything you are doing at that moment, take a breath, enter the energy through you and let it go. In a physical body it feels wonderful to do that. That is the idea. Yes, you have to do it now! First of all we will say that there are some really good people at work. You are already working on this a number of Lightworkers; and we ask that you send energy to collectively fix the Earth. But don't take this as your responsibility. That is the important thing, because once you take as your responsibility to fix the World, you decline in it; And we need you We need you full of energy, full of life and full of rhythms. We are ready to establish the new energies of Planet Earth, so take this and do magic with it. You all wanted to be here in these times. You actually reorganized your entire Cosmic program to be on Earth right now. That was beautiful; and we are really proud of you for being here during these times. Trust that you are making an important difference.

Refresh your Heart: Root your Light on Earth

Be careful with a couple of things. Number 1: When you are watching television or news online or on paper, you often say: “Oh, this is really sad. This is really difficult…! ”Stop for a moment, set it aside, turn off the TV or do what you need; and you have to run some energy to that beautiful planet in which you are. She can really use it right now; and additionally, it will provide the Essence to help solve the problem in some way. So everything is taking a beautiful path. Yes, you still have some difficult turns; It is no surprise to you that we tell you that there are a few rebellious people on Planet Earth and that they are afraid. This is really all that. Now, we could make a number of predictions about it, but let's get away from that just for a moment. Cool your heart and establish a new energy of hope. That's where it comes from; and if you cannot find it in your World, then all you have to do is pay attention to the reality next to yours. Sometimes you will find yourself smiling for no reason, but right there that is a perfect reason. We are tickling you in the bone of laughter to remind you that this is a game in which you are supposed to have some fun. Now you have a little fun.

This is what we are going to ask you to do: Root your Light on Earth. She needs the Light; She can use your balance in a number of ways. That will also put your energy to work in a perfect rooting process, because each of you has a small part of the puzzle that will be necessary to build this New Earth. Each of you has a beautiful unique part, but all have to meet, which means that you have to have enough communication to do so; Well, that will happen. Now that you have the impetus to do it: Do you realize what has happened? Do you realize that this may be the first time that all these countries are talking to each other? That could be magical. You could walk out of here with a beautiful vibrational increase. You can leave here to live in a completely new place; So expect that. Put it like a crystal on the path before you; then when you walk towards him, you will say: “Oh look at that! It has happened precisely as I wanted . What do you know about it? Maybe after all I am a Creator. ” Yes, you are more than you could even imagine. The reality is that you have done quite well; although the first time you came here you didn't want to do any of that. Yes, yes, many of you had panic; and many of you experienced separation, anxiety about being away from Home and being alone as spirits. At least you think you are alone because this is the game you are playing ... Pretend to be separated. We ask you to connect with the Earth, especially during the next 30 days. That will make a lot of difference by sending a full energy of Grace to the entire planet. That is your responsibility, it is what you came to do.

Plan B

Many of you came with unique gifts that you brought for Plan B. Plan A has already ended and it did not end Earth, so you moved to Plan B. Now we are excited to see what you can build and do with this place. You have a beautiful Planet Garden of the Universe, so: What are you going to do with it? Whats Next? That is the question we are going to ask you now. You can wait for feedback and see what is happening in the World as things unfold. It is time for conscious creators to wake up from the dream and enjoy the trip, because it never had to do with destiny; you don't have to get anywhere, you just have to be on the move because that is the trip, which is the specific purpose. So go around there, then take a small detour there. Along the way do not forget to go down here and go up here; Then experiment all over the place. Enjoy each part, because they are all for your pleasure; all this is for you. You are the magicians who set this in motion. We are simply here to help you remember who you are and choose the pieces there.

Holding Hands

Before arriving here on Planet Earth you had a number of dreams, both individual and collective. You came as part of a really large group, Family E. You have already made great impressions and pushed Earth, as well as Humanity, in a direction of sustained growth and evolution. Magical. Now you have to do it again, but this time open your eyes during the process. Realize that you are not alone; you are really holding hands with a group of beautiful people who are around you; Dare to look them in the eye and give them courage. Open those paths and you will begin to move as a collective Humanity, rather than as a group of individuals running around each other trying to find their own path. Now is the time; and you have the motivation to do it. Your leaders are also joining in a common cause. No matter how difficult you think the common cause or the challenges of the Earth are, focus on the positive. Look at some of the things that would not have happened if this were not moving. You are on a beautiful path; and you are truly in charge of it, so enjoy the trip; Take it wherever you want and enjoy the areas of all kinds of discoveries on Planet Earth . Above all else, be certain that you are more loved than you can understand. We observe you every day Dear. We see some of the many struggles you have; and see you taking responsibility for things. We know when your heart hurts and we see that sometimes you cannot draw your energy. All this is changing and you have a part of it deep within you. You may doubt your power and say: “Who am I? Who am I going to be? Am I one of those who save the World with my little part that I brought from Home? ”Well, you can't, unless you let go now. You can? That is what we are asking you to do. Put your piece in its place, now is the time. And above all, enjoy the trip.

As the group you call The Group, we greet you in this way with the greatest respect. We didn't give that name to ourselves, but we found it very funny; and also very beautiful. What is happening here is that you have resonated a part of your heart that reminds us of Home and the reason why you are here. So keep up the great work and know that you are loved. On Earth there is a completely new rhythm; and you are very close to adapting it to your lives. Seek hope Dear ones, no matter where it comes from; accept it. Make room for your heart to reach your reality; and when it does, root it. You are in a beautiful way. Be certain that we are precisely behind you every step of the way.

With the greatest respect, we ask you to treat each other with respect. Take care of each other every time you have; and open the door to one another, for the Love of God ; Because that helps a lot. And play well together.


The group.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Steve Rother


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