The Incoming Equinox - The Guardian of the Earth - The Cosmic Trigger Phase III - Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

  • 2011

The Guardian of the Earth March 13, 2011

The Next Equinox: Cosmic Trigger Phase lll - Arc Channel. Metatron

Translation: Alicia Virelli

Greetings Dear Beings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light!

And so we speak today of the 3rd. Phase of what is called the Cosmic Trigger. Certainly its time is close and will occur on two dates in its linear year of 2011. The initial surge occurs in the Equinox of March 20, 2011, the last in the triple frequency portal of 11-11-11.

Dear Beings, look around. The planet is rebuilding itself now and the inertia of the massive transition is happening rapidly. Everything is accelerating, its resonance is accelerating as the Ascension approaches.

So as your frequency environment redesigns itself, it will also redesign humanity's experience of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself.

This is certainly the third stage of the Cosmic Trigger and its time is here. It takes place at the Equinox on March 20, 2011 and encompasses two main progressions: (1) The continued release of the sleeping coded magnetic energies (2) The transition to the new coding necessary towards the crystalline ascending change through the Grid 144-Crystalline and in turn to the Master Crystals and Solar Disks.

The Earth's magnetic and electros are completing themselves and finding a foothold of balance. Didn't Magnetic Master Kryon of the Lord Michael Family complete the adjustment of magnetism to make way for the crystalline grid? In fact it is.

The electro magnetism of the polarity field now gives way to the Crystalline Emergence within the zero field. It is an opening whose time has come, it is a point of Re-Creation. And that Re-Creation is the return to the Crystalline Essence from which you come. And so many of you are carriers of codes for this transition.

The remaining Equinoxes are from the 12th. Dimension

The remaining equinoxes that remain in the Ascension countdown are not restricted to linear time or through the limitations of dimensional access within their current time-space paradigm.

And while we have told you that many areas on your planet are already in the 5th. Dimension and extend to the 12th, during the four remaining Equinoxes before the Ascension Solstice the threshold to an even larger dimensionality opens much more widely.

As such we tell you that a succinct frequency portal from the 12th. Dimension is enabled through the awakening of the Crystalline Cosmic Trigger that will be manifested on March 20, 2011. It is certainly a mandatory and rigorous prerequisite of the New Earth.

Both humanity and certainly the physical earth need and request this crystalline ascending reform to transcend the dimensional paradigm of duality that would otherwise bury them in the cyclical duplicity of the juxtaposition of descending polarity.

The opening of the twelfth dimension of the March Equinox of 2011 will be the most prolific energy synthesis of the 12th. Dimension that has occurred on Earth since the Golden Age of Atlantis, about 35, 000 years ago, as measured in its current linear time paradigm. It is a great and formidable vicissitude and the resulting amplification of energy is immense and far-reaching.

The Cosmic Trigger III: A Unique Mix of Energies

The next Spring Equinox on March 20, 2011 presents an exceptional and prolific astrological energy resonance… the union of a Full Moon in Perigee on Saturday, March 19 and the Equinox Sun in conjunction with Uranus inside an incredible proximity of influence through the connected energies of the Cosmic Trigger ...

This cocktail in diverse ways forms a potential portal of enormous priority and a foothold of massive change for all mankind in the macro and micro. As humanity chooses to use and get involved in this moment, it will measure its intention and progress towards Ascension. It is a great opportunity and it is being offered to mankind for real!

This embellished astrology surrounding the incoming Equinox combines everything and is further driven by a very special northern lunar node to help humanity to truly understand and complete much of Your personal cleanings. It is a unique opportunity to restart with greater clarity and renewed energy.

All of you are extending your limits and pushing towards greater awareness, new paradigms. There is also a factor of discomfort involved in such changes. Dear Humans, understand the difficulties, adversities, the effort required in these transitions and we are here now to assist and support you. We honor you for choosing to be here at this time, to make the decisions to Ascend.

Using Energy: Participating

The next Equinox is a time to join, a time to receive codes, a time to organize in order of priorities, a time to help each other and align. If you can meet, do it, if you can't, then join together ethically. Take time to meditate, because the Cosmic Trigger is a special energy embellished with codes that can assist you in many ways.

Do you not see everything that is happening around you?

Although the Crystalline Energy is initially accessible in the 5th dimension, the total spectrum of the Quantum Crystalline Field only exists entirely in the Twelve dimension. The awareness of the crystalline aspect of the earth's own mineral kingdom is dynamically processed through the 12th. Dimension through the Crystalline Platinum Ray appropriately.

The 12th. Dimension is the highest resonance of the dimensionality of the earth and it can be said that it is the truly full initial dimension of the crystalline kingdom. It is the dimension of the highest Cosmic Ray, that of the Platinum Ray. The Platinum Ray operates in a crystalline modality and contains within it the components of all 12 Cosmic Rays.

As such, the Crystal Platinum Ray of the Cosmic Trigger of 2011 falls in the form of a waterfall on the Earth Plane in the Equinox of March 20 in forceful spiral-shaped pulsations. These are transduced through the Grid-144 towards a more palpable frequency so that this highly concentrated energy is synergistically integrated into the planetary resonance.

The result is a huge upward shift that incorporates and transfers the Cosmic Code in tandem, for the perfection to come. It is certainly the perfection of the twelfth dimension that guarantees the macro and micro transition of humanity to the Mer-Ka-Na Crystalline ... Ascension ..

The earthly aspect of crystalline energies will be awakened through the reception of the Cosmic Platinum Ray sent through the multidimensional octahedron portals of the triple pyramidal matrices of Giza in the Eastern Hemisphere of the planet and through the Moody Tri-Pyramidal structure on the Gulf of Mexico

Both pyramidal complexes then in axial and tonal alignment, both in the latitudinal vector 29, both emitting the PI energy, become the dissemination engines of the Cosmic Trigger of the year 2011, and this energy is then disseminated globally.

Dear Crystalline Era, it is certainty. It is approaching with great inertia. The separation of duality has been a powerful and respectable experience for humanity at the University of the Linear Earth. Duality has been a prolific teacher, but the linear curriculum is coming to an end for many of you. It is time to receive your polarity diploma and begin work to graduate in the highest realms of the zero field in the Crystalline Omniverse.


Humanity is at a crucial point. Those who have carried the Ascension Light to this point have really done their job, but now more of you is required.

Many of you are special bearers of codes, messages that you chose to be here at this crucial time to help recode the earth. You are here to help navigate the remaining aspects of Ascension. You are here to wake up the masses, to be messengers of the Crystalline Light!

You see that there are many human beings who are still undecided, undecided where to go, and a large number is taking a step back rather than moving forward. And we tell you, you can influence them, because that dead end is not for the highest good. Your energy, your influence is necessary.

And so we speak to those of you who are carrying the light, because many are now in an inopportune pause. And some do not even recognize their immobility. By the way, some of you who are on the path of Mastery are stopping with doubt and indecision.

Teachers, the times of sitting on the fence have long since passed in acceleration. It is not the best choice for those who have heard the clarion touch of the Planetary Ascension.

A question that a Teacher never asks is “How much work is needed most?” And that is why the effort is the natural path to his home, to his destiny within the kingdom of LOVE.

... And in this way why the pause, why the indecision? Let us tell you what may be happening.

It is because there is a final stage of cleansing that is taking place not only on the planet, but within the hearts of many of you. And some of you didn't see it coming, some of you truly thought you were already there and felt confused when the energy tensed around you. .

You observe that 2011 and 2012 enter joyfully into the Crystalline Age of Ascension and with the transformation of the Earth and certainly of Humanity.

And Masters, that ongoing transformation requires that the last imbalance scum be removed.

Cosmic Expansion

As such, every human being on the planet is asked to interact with the incredibly expansive "cosmic" frequencies at this time on earth.

And as we have told you, the mere recognition of this expansion is not enough anyway. It is simply the first step, and it is not the same as integrating optimally with cosmic expansion. More effort, more processing, more focus is still required!

Optimal integration is expansive growth and such acceleration, such rapid changes will inevitably lead again to another sense of growth and self-improvement, will lead us in time to new feelings of intensity, discomfort and confinement, requiring even more focus on an evolution even higher.

So realize, Masters, the growth of adjustment in the transforming energies of the Cosmic Trigger and certainly of all the remaining and ongoing nodes and triggers of the Ascension announced, is a work in progress ... and purification and liberation is a constant part of it. . And it affects each of you. Certainly this energy is an intensity of cosmic expansion and how they treat and cope with it, whether they accept it or ignore it, it is very influential in their ongoing lives and in their energy.

Teachers, if you are perceiving these feelings, we honor and congratulate you, because it is an indelible test of exponential growth. Certainly you are on the true path of personal Ascension ... and we are always with you.

Dear ones, realize that you are not alone. We of the Angelic Kingdom are with you. Know that the Earth itself is being activated to help you in that liberation in the purification process that you call Ascension.

Certain points of the vortices within the earth are now being designed, since the advent of the Cosmic Triggers of the years 2009 and 2010, to allow the release to the crystalline energy. That is what you call the March Equinox of 2011, certainly a crucible of sacred purification as you move beyond duality.


Dear Beings, the living earth is your ally in the graduation to the Ascended Earth and the rise to the non-polarity of the Crystalline Era.

The crystalline aspect of the Violet Flame crucible energies will amplify and boil towards the surface, the remaining vibration frequencies within its energy field to clear the path for the crystalline Mer-Ka-Na.

This is exponentially easier to perform and achieve within certain nodes of conscious energy and frequency dates, such as the equinoxes, solstices, eclipses and Portals of Triple Dates. These are exceptionally decked out through 2011 and 2012, and are tools offered to humanity, amplification tools to be used. But it can be achieved at any time, anywhere with an appropriate intention.

Dear this is a necessary requirement ..

Teachers, as through love and will you project the Crystalline Irradiation of your own Divinity, you change the world, by transforming yourself. Ascension occurs in one heart at a time.

Respect and care for each other and remember to love yourself, because you are the Light of GOD. I am Metatr n and I share to you these TRUTHS.

And so it is. And so it is!

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Sharing the Light: Alicia Virelli,

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