Sciatica pain: treatments, tips and natural remedies

  • 2016

The term sciatica pain describes the symptoms of leg pain, tingling, numbness or weakness that begin in the lower back through the buttocks and the major sciatic nerve in the back of the leg.

The sciatic nerve is the longest in the body, extending from the lumbar vertebrae through the back of the thigh and legs to the heel of the foot.

The pain that travels along this route is known as sciatica.

The pain can manifest itself in a different way:

Slight tingling in the feet

General feeling of stiffness and numbness.

Cramp or spasm, and burning from hip to knee

Pain such as electric shock in the legs that can quickly change location

Very intense pain that prevents us from walking well

Some remedies for sciatica pain

Natural remedies for sciatica pain

  • Cut an onion in half and with the inner part of one of the halves, massage the affected area with soft circles for 10 minutes. Repeat the operation, if necessary, at an hour and a half or two hours.
  • Apply several hot cabbage leaves over the affected area. Leave on until you lose heat.
  • Massage the area with a mixture of ground ginger and sesame oil
  • Boil a handful of rosemary in half a liter of water for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and expose a cloth to its vapors. Then soak the cloth in and rub in the sore areas.
  • Pour into 1 cup of water that is boiling 1 teaspoon of mistletoe powder. Cover and macerate overnight and then the next morning, heat again and place, as compresses, in areas affected by pain
  • Mix in a liter of olive oil 100 gr. of plantain, 150 gr. of marigold and 200 gr. of hypericum Boil over low heat for 4 hours. Let cool, strain and store in an airtight glass jar out of the light for a month. After that time, apply a gentle massage on the affected area

  • Mix yarrow, hypoderic, elderflower and mint equally. Remove 1 tablespoon and pour into a cup of water that is boiling. Cover, let stand and strain Drink 1 cup every eight hours.
  • Take a hot bath with magnesium salts.
  • Prepare a bath with a teaspoon of cayenne pepper or with infused nettles.
  • Apply a heated hot water, sand or coarse sea salt bag to the lower back, placed in a cloth bag. It is important (that it is hot at a temperature that is not in danger of damaging the skin. This remedy gives pain relief quickly.
  • Perform massages with an organic tincture and also with valerian or rosemary essence.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of curcuma and 1/2 of cinnamon powder to a cup of milk. Mix and then boil for 5 minutes. Take up to 2 times a day. Add a few drops of honey if desired. This remedy contains curcumin which helps reduce pain and inflammation. However, it should not be consumed if anticoagulants are taken or if you suffer from gallstones.

Homeopathic remedies for sciatic pain

Also some homeopathic remedies are usually very effective in cases of sciatic pain.

Ammonium muriaticum 30CH. Effective if your left leg is affected, you cannot sit and improve if you lie down or walk.

Bryonia 9CH. It works in cases that are aggravated by cold and movement.

Colocynthis 30CH. It helps if the pain goes from the buttock to the back of the knee.

Magnesia phosphorica 30CH. It is advised if the sciatic nerve on the right is affected, with a lot of pain.

Rhustoxicodendron 30CH. For the scientist right that worsens with the cold when time changes.

Recommendations in cases of sciatica pain

Never bend the spine to pick up an object from the ground, the knees should be flexed, because when we bend the spine, the pressure exerted on the vertebrae is 10 times more than its weight.

When cleaning the home, it is advisable to sweep and scrub with an instrument that has a long handle, and that the paths are made vertically. If it is to be cleaned under tables, chairs, or bed, it would be necessary to sit down or bend down bending the knees very carefully. In this way we would avoid making effort on the column.

Recommendations in cases of sciatica pain

Leaning without bending your knees is a very damaging action for this area.

Sleep on a suitable mattress. In order to determine if the mattress is adequate, it is necessary to lie on your back and put your hand between the lumbar spine (above the buttocks) and the mattress. If the hand has difficulty going up or down, the mattress is going well. If you can't move your hand, it's soft, and if you move very easily, it's very hard.

Do not wear tight or tight clothing

Sit with your back straight.

Rest in a firm bed

Avoid the practice of abrupt exercises or certain positions and movements, if you do yoga do it very carefully and taking care of movements that are very slow without forcing the postures, with deep and leisurely breaths and concentrated energy in the painful part, yoga It can be of great help as long as it is done slowly without forcing.

Do not sit in a very hard chair for a long time

Avoid driving the car for a long time, as it can cause a sciatica attack.

We should not confuse sciatica pain with the stiffness or muscle pain that usually appears after performing a strong or continued exercise.

Sciatica pain affects only one leg and has a typical location; on the other hand, the muscular pain that can appear within 24 or 48 hours of performing a violent exercise is more diffuse and is usually located in the muscles that have worked the most.

In kinesiology, we treat the pain of sciatica using TL (location therapy), we locate the pain reflex point, we unlock, and apply the most appropriate therapy in each particular case that the person needs such as: flower essences, tapin, acupuncture, osteopathy colors, trace elements, homeopathy, minerals, medicinal plants, energy therapies etc.

None of these tips replace a professional visit.

Source consulted for this

Carmen Hernández- editor of the Great White Brotherhood

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