The Quantum Awakening A Thought, A Way of Life, February 2012

  • 2012

*** Your design is holy and created with all hope

*** Curve in Space and Time

*** Act from a position of certainty

*** You are a species that is trapped in the whirlwind of healing, fixing, and eliminating

*** Turn left instead of turning right

*** Living on the Edge of Success

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Within the realm of all possibilities is where they are, where they weave, where they sculpt, where they pre-design and re-design. Within the realm of all odds is where they breathe, where they think, where they believe. You have the key to every portal within all stocks. They have the keys to all the gifts that the Gods are eager to bring. They have the key to all the anguish they want to relieve. They have the keys to all difficult learnings, easy learnings, ups and downs and intermediates of the ego ladder. It is you, dear ones, who procreate, recreate, uncreate and create for yourself at all levels of time, thought and experience.

They are the great design they crave, they are the prosperity they seek and they are the love of their life for which they pray. Only when they understand this will they come to the fulfillment of a promise at all levels of themselves, probable, dimensional, past, present and future. Underlining all the design that you have sculpted for yourself are the reasons. Reasons why they create chaotic relationships. Reasons why they limit what they receive and what they spend. Reasons that serve them when creating the offering to be challenged in their health. Until they understand the reasons why what they do is done, they will continue in the cycles of destruction and disruption.

Understand that your design is sacred and created with all hope. They are not designed at the whim of a Creator who does not know what he is drawing, weaving or sewing, like a rag doll armed to carelessness. They are creatively designed and created entirely on purpose, on purpose, on purpose. There is nothing in you that is random. They sat down with the Creator of All That Is and designed this life, this body, this hair color, this face, these organs, this disease, this desire, this love and this sadness.

Upon entering the physical body, born through the tunnel of Love within his Mother, they stayed with their eyes wide open in this conjunction of time and space, looking at everything with delight, without censoring their experience until they were told "NO" and again. They believed in the magic of life until they were told they should not believe. Until they were told that love hurts, that life disappoints and that there was nothing they could do about it. Then they looked at this beautiful world with tears in their eyes and cried. His soul cried and every cell in his body cried. They cried to the heavens: "Why am I here on Earth if I can't do any of these things that I think I can do?"

Then they turned their backs on the world in silence. They lived in their imagination, danced in and out of time through their reveries. They didn't tell anyone about visions, visits, fairies, angels, aliens or giants. Some of you surrendered to the world and lost hope, telling your little brother or sister: “Santa Claus does not exist. Christmas is a lie. Fairies are imaginary. ”Breaking the bubbles of everyone who still believed in the magic of everything. When they talked about these things, they felt a pain in their hearts that had a deep pumpkin in their soul. Each and every one of you remembers the moment when your bubble of belief burst. Deep in his heart they still believe in the magic of life. Do not hold on to what is external, since it is fleeting, and in the blink of an eye it will be gone. One day the news announces a great tragedy and the next day it disappears and is nowhere to be found on paper or in print.

You are beings with such a vast power that goes beyond your ability to remember. Every thought they have represents a supernova of being. Sixteen seconds of thought give you a new creation designed specifically for you. Keep designing and sculpting a world in which you believe, a world that is full of love, a world that is full of medical miracles, a world where everyone tells the truth even if it is incidental. fashion. A world that is full of possibilities and probabilities that go beyond your imagination. That world begins with your thoughts and your faith. When they believe there is a cure for cancer, there is. When they believe there is peace in the world, there is. It doesn't matter if they see it broadcast on their televisions.

A camera is no more than a single point of focus. You can take one photo at a time. But what is happening in the background in the other 59 seconds of that minute of time? There are 359 degrees of events around that camera / cameraman that cannot be seen. All cameras point to a single event and capture that moment, but what is there for the rest of that minute, everything good that is happening that is not captured on the tape or film? Molecule? Does he get it? No. Do you see it? No. It is up to you to believe that every time you observe a dramatic event in your media, something wonderful is happening just around the corner, behind the curve, behind the shrimp. Photographer. Because human nature is intrinsically good and kind; Don't let anyone take that away from you.

They have to keep believing that peace comes from one person at a time, that light is born from one thought at a time, that the heart heals from one love at a time. LOVE only because yes. LOVE only because they can. Dissolve all the chaotic patterns and violence of everything that has been shown to you as world disturbances in each image on each television screen. You have the ability to change the future and focus on the good of the world instead of focusing on the darkness captured by the media. Release all that does not serve Love. Release all that does not fit in the future that you seek from the bottom, the top and the center of your heart, because you must believe to manifest. Begin that belief within yourself and your thought patterns and then, as an ocean that knows no beaches, you will lose your limits, lose your shores and become more .

We are a Council of Light that lives deep within the vastness of the Milky Way. We live on the other side of the super galactic center inside a Black Hole. We pass through these black holes and use them as megaphones to amplify what we know to be true, to transmit this truth through your Milky Way, gradually making its way through its Day Star, its Sun, to the cells and the solar sun that lives within each of you. The names do not describe what our event is because we are an event that believes in itself, just as you are meant to be an event that creates in itself. We leave you at this point and intersection of time and space and thought.

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I am a reflection and light that exists through space and time, not to be chained, not to be cornered or to be fixed at any point. As I peek through the clouds, I ask you to return my wink while you come fully with eyes that go beyond the optics. They were born to get rid. Allow this unraveling to be completed as long as you untangle them from the epics of your being that have long been your truth. New chapters with different endings than they have ever imagined and even considered in the past are rewritten in a continuity of expression.

The Law of Magnetism is self-sufficient, as each person is escorted to the Higher Truths of the Law of Attraction. The energy that is on the threshold of your world awaits your call, awaits your instructions, awaits your recognition. The light that shines behind the light peeks through its reflection, initiating those who are willing to see what is to come. Gifts are displayed as old wrappers, layer by layer. What you see is not real. What is real can only be felt with the senses and cannot be seen as a solid object. There is much that goes around invisible in his day. There is much that goes around in their skies, but they do not see it with the marked blue background.

I exist in a place where the light curves. I have the ability to help them see what's around the corner of their experience, just around the corner of their thinking, just around the corner of their day. Look ahead, because the world as you know it curves to the right or to the left of itself. It is at this stretch point that history can be repeated or not. It is around this curve of life that everyone is a planet. Perception influences everything. If your perception changes according to your codifications of light, with your sincere understanding and love, then your world cannot go astray.

This is how and where they curve in space and time at that appropriate intersection. Do not point or judge or speak with poison, but look, observe and change the perception of everything that is happening. Keep tuning your perception and be flexible in what you perceive as true. The truth only exists when you have a host. If you do not invite the other's truth to your abode, you will have nowhere to sleep. Be very attentive to the truths that allow you to spend the night in your heart.

I am known as the Great Attractor. I call everything that has been created. When you roll back, it changes again and again until it is finally pure energy. That ability also resides in the human being. Informatics only requires form when material expression is needed. If you feel as if your world is collapsing on itself, know that the form is calling itself back home to informatics.

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

They are in a place and at a time when they are just now remembering that they have the capacity to expand and create their world as they choose. Chaos, destruction, disease, disasters on Earth can be changed in the blink of an eye if those who believe that this is true are enough. Act from a place of certainty. Like who walks the tightrope. Do you want to get on that tightrope with certainty or with a maybe? These are your everyday options. The rope is your next thought, your next word, your next decree. They intentionally believe with certainty, not just with a thought or maybe!

Know without a shadow of a doubt that your consciousness is born from the cosmic cauldron, and what was given to great civilizations is also given to you divinely. True knowledge is inherent in everything. Light masters and ascended masters are a part of their divine pattern. With this understanding and knowledge, draw your life, become all possibilities. Erase the impossibilities they have received while growing up. The Earth is full of limits: speed limits, time limits, credit card limits, parking limits, everything has a limit. In his true being there are no limits.

Everything you can imagine as true is nothing more than a single granule in the consciousness of God. The beaches reflect what is the real possibility for life. Each grain of sand is a world, a universe and a galaxy. Imagine all the sand of all the beaches and oceans of the Earth. Each of these grains of sand represents their intact abilities and their intact knowledge. Do not fear the next step of your trip. It is as if a cell in your body is afraid of connecting with another cell within the same body. You created connectivity, but chose separation. Open the door you have kept boarded up for so long. You are the projector of your limitations. Open to receive the river of all possibility.

They were given the vibration of money as a speed regulator. Something to slow them down. Let go of the concept that money is your savior! You are given the same amount of love that you give yourself. You create and manifest the exact amount you can receive, neither more nor less. Look closely at the word "pro-vision." You are creating and providing through "vision." Stop thinking and living with emergency supplies, with sea rations. Advance beyond what you have provided for yourself so far.

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We have always existed as light. We cannot be anything other than the expression of light. We come from the suns behind the suns, from the light behind the light. We are your reflection as well as your beginning. We are everything that ever existed and everything that has manifested in form over time. And for the same reason, we are one with you just as we are one with everything. They may recognize our essence as the sun, the star and the existence known as Alción, a light within the Pleiades Star System.

We are mentioned in the texts as the Great Beings of Light that accompanied humanity to a step and a ladder of genetic difference. We introduce ourselves today to reflect parts of you that have long been hidden within your own human shadow. We come to reflect the truth of their beauty and capabilities. You are a species that is trapped in the whirlwind of healing, fixing, eliminating and letting go, a daily regime of liberation.

Each one represents a universe that has had amnesia and has forgotten the way home. His body contains within it billions of galaxies and constellations that represent all the lives they lived. Your Earth is the host of this myriad of universes that rush to reach fullness through all possible means.

You are galactic beings of unimaginable proportions. As 2012 enters their veins, they will discover that they have more control over their creations, their surroundings, their feelings, their needs, their shortcomings, than they have ever imagined or even desired. In the past they have felt that they were victims of the whims and desires of life, but in the next year Life will respond with renewed vigor.

Like the universe they are, it is time to tie up loose ends and stop being static and useless in their so-called humanity. The light that emerges emanating and radiating from the Sun, comes from the star Alción. She shone during the changes in Atlantis, in Lemuria and in Ancient Egypt. It was revered equally by the Mayans, the Anasazi and the Sumerians.

The Earth took a complete turn and is ready to receive its pulsations and emanations once again. Alción leans down and picks up gently. It gathers every pinch of you that is fractured and makes it complete. It gathers DNA that is dim and fragile and makes it strong and vibrant. It brings together cells of sadness and brings them joy. Gather all its parts at a point where creation can only begin. It is a love point.

Separate yourself from the union of all that you know are limitations and become a sovereign nation of light in yourself. DO NOT expect your city, your municipalities, your family and your government to unify. You are a complete entity in yourself. They are a unified field of full light. There is nothing that is fractured or broken in its existence, unless they perceive it that way. Stay away from pain and isolation and look fully at who and what they represent.

They are here as Emissaries of Light, as Ambassadors of the Creator. They are not here to play miniature golf, become weak and old and sick. They are here to apprehend the culmination and see completely the reason for its existence. They are not here to be in pain, not to be loved, to be abused, to be poor, those are all time-consuming habits. There is nothing you cannot achieve. There is nothing they cannot create. There is nothing they cannot heal. You effect and affect all things. Everything in your world hears them. Existence listens to your thoughts, your anger and your sadness. Hear your lack of conclusion.

You are beings who have forgotten your breadth. If you are going to save the world, since you incarnated to do it, you must start with yourself. They are not victims of anything or anyone unless they decree. They have forgotten the totality of their being. Ask each day to be infused with the memory of qui n are actually. Allow yourself to become that component of light that has existed throughout all space and time. They are a great light that cannot be destroyed. Wake up to what they are.

They have only a few years and earthly experiences left before the tide turns in a direction that they might not want to experience. You are the beginning and the end. They are the alpha and the omega. They cannot exist otherwise except in the fullness of their light and in 2012 that will become their reality. Talk like a God. Think like a God. Do not allow daily distractions, your humanity or your body to take over you and enslave you in such a way that you reduce the very creation of who you are. Get out of your body and look at it as a vehicle to which you are instructed, a vehicle that transports you through space and time in every way and in every thought.

Where your thoughts are, there you live, see them as the home of your creation. This direction then becomes your quantified universe and its defined light field. Redefine who you are for yourself and then continue as the day and night that you are redefined in every cell of your body, in every level of your life and in every document that Have you ever registered your life, your birth and your death.

You are the center of the universe. Do not take it lightly. Because where they are in their thinking, in their being, in their construction of circumstances, it has a dominating effect throughout all existence. It affects your past and present and your future. Only by their own awakening can they issue that decree in a cellular, stellar way, to all living things. Stop whining and see how great they are.

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

There is much confusion in the energies of 2012. As the limits of the limbs are lifted, they are pushed and encouraged to see the higher Truths. As they go through the dimensional frequencies of knowing and remembering, they need to understand that each initial thought has an end that then joins with another initial thought. There is never a place of total knowledge or total remembrance.

We come to take you to the highways and streets of being, of the soul, of the purpose and of understanding. We come to take them out of the box that has surrounded them and prevented them from moving towards higher aspects of knowledge. They have been left to be flanged, saddled and mounted in a direction that is energetically created by mass consciousness. This mass consciousness is what keeps them turning towards the wrong street. You are continually turning to the left instead of turning to the right of yourself. And therefore, they return again and again to their original point. They are chasing the tail of their own stubbornness, trying to catch it on everyone else.

As humans, they feel there should be a point of knowledge that is beyond everything else. A point where they will be comfortable and will not need to try again. In the initial concept of creation there were no fences. Because one cannot place perimeters around the Divine Truths since they are continually evolving and giving birth to renewed. Humans feel the need to place fences around their knowledge to safeguard them.

Within its cellular structure there are Universes after Universes, and within those Universes there are worlds after worlds that rotate towards nothing. There are billions of billions of projections of Father / Mother God. Those projections are in the format of humans, blades of grass, sand granules and stars in the sky. Each of these divine holographic projections can be cut into cubes and slices to the nano particles, and within those particles there will still be new existence. In other words, you continue forever. They are a continuation of Creation. Life is a forward movement and a backward movement, which sooner or later will meet, look at each other, smile and begin to dance again.

Many reach a point of enormous frustration. They do not see the seashore, the margin of the forest or the edge of truth. People need a limit. They crave a time frame where they are going to stop, a culmination point. We, like the Pleiadians, hear many cries in heaven from people who feel they have no limit and want to leave the world. “Make it stop. Make him go. I want to get off. I want to leave. I don't want to be anymore. I don't want to remember anymore. ”We assure you that this is not a trip you can get off. It is like a runaway train that seeks to know itself completely. Hold on and enjoy the trip, it can't be otherwise.

Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We are the Sananda Light Council. Within our Triad there are 10 Councils of Light including the Lords of Karma and the Restructuring Councils. Many of you go dormant through life. It does what needs to be done, they say what needs to be said, all without attachments. This is very prosaic; It is as if they were reading a script, without allowing themselves to be totally part of life. They feel less optimistic and denser. Every day they gather more stress and confusion and allow them to accumulate in the body, anchoring them as the oxidized weight of a sinking freighter.

They walk blindly through the passages of their lives, entering each door and situation with little or no expectation. "The emotion is gone" and everything in life shows the tension lines. What part of your day brings you some joy or makes you laugh? Even those to whom your heart belongs do not bring you the joy you once knew. They feel null and void of energy and purpose. You can blame life or them, or you can take credit for it. When they were children, they were told that they should grow up and be responsible for their actions, their words and their bills. By taking that responsibility to heart they suffocated, drowning in what they are supposed to be, gasping for breath.

Many of you sit in the little car of past injustices changing horses, but never getting off. They walk slowly through the maze of their mind trying to understand why someone said this, why someone did the other. For too long, humanity has sat down to lick the wounds of the past without allowing that wounded area to ever heal. The human soul dies of malnutrition.

The neural ducts of your brain have many cul-de-sacs and dead ends. When you have an intuitive thought, the electrical impulses in your brain are released. The passion runs through his body. Adrenaline is discharged into the blood and they feel alive. Generally, passions have a short life. Sometimes it is you who abort passion, other times the word of another slows you down. Your spirits are discouraged, passion is extinguished, the lights go out and you renounce what once brought you joy and a reason to live.

How many times did they give up an idea, an invention, a new house, a new friend, because they aborted him before he could be born? Your brain is an archivist of disappointments. They keep a photocopied molecular file of that same disappointment in their heart. Everything and everyone who once disappointed or hurt them keeps going round and round at the neural synapses of the brain and heart. You base your future experiences on those disappointments.

Imagine a very old machine that has been there without ever being used. Then, on any given day, someone decides to use it. The machine flirts and drowns with this new electrical connection, not knowing what to do with it. Your brain is now receiving an electric cosmic input to activate it and thus launch sections that have been inactive for eons of time.

Every day, instead of thinking about what they did not achieve, think about what they did. They succeeded in waking up that day and many did not. They succeeded in going to work and many have no job. They succeeded in driving to work, many had to take the bus. They succeeded on many levels throughout the day, but they don't see that success as important. They refer to the places where they failed, the places where they were disappointed. Its future is based on a "maze of failures" and disappointments. Each failure is an opportunity to change the future in a place where they want to be.

Every day and every day remind others of their success instead of their failures. As this remodeling of your brain occurs, a portal within your crown becomes available for higher levels of light. There will be an emanation of new beings of light, teachers, angels and guides. They show up to give them an envy towards the next level of their light contract and instructions that reside in their heart.

Each of you tends to sabotage. This continuous sabotage is what keeps them diminished and running in circles of difficulty. When they feel they want to destroy something they were working on or what they were working for or what they were working for, it is a sign that they need to press more, do more, exceed previous limits. It also means that they are on the verge of success . The edge of success is an explosive trap. At the very limit of success and success there is an "initiation through potential sabotage." You watch yourself do it and ask yourself "what's wrong with me? Why do I try to sabotage my triumph? ”Many times the human being does not want to succeed. Many are comfortable to succeed a little, but not quite.

We, the Sananda Council, have come to explain to you that it is important that you walk in peace, in all your actions and reactions. You all come from the body of the Earth. Your meat comes from your meat. You process what she processes. It is part of your trip. When you are at peace with yourself, when you feed your own hungry child, then your world receives the same blessing. They must fight their own war and achieve inner peace. Then and only then will they have done their part.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
PO Box 217
Dandridge, Tennessee
Translation and edition: Margarita López and Susana Peralta Official site of The Quantum Awakening The Quantum Awakening
A Thought, A Way of Life,
A Website and a Global Electronic Newsletter FEBRUARY 2012 NUMBER 156
More than 12 years of online publication and distribution
Created, Channeled, Published and Registered with love since 1986
by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

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