The Quantum Awakening - May 2011 - WESAK May 17, 2011 ~ by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

  • 2011

The Quantum Awakening A Thought, A Way of Life, A Website and a Global Electronic Bulletin

MAY 2011


More than 12 years of online publication and distribution Created, Channeled, Published and Registered with love since 1986 by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


*** WESAK May 17, 2011

*** Sitting on the park bench of evolution

*** Walking on the Changing Sands of this Time

*** Elevate Your Thought to a New Level of Creation

*** Riding the Contraction Wave back to an Explosive Expansion Point


May 17, 2011

Wesak is the celebration of the birth, enlightenment and death of the Buddha. According to ancient beliefs, the Buddha was born, attained enlightenment, and abandoned the earthly incarnation under the Taurus Full Moon. The Buddha returns at this time each year to bring a new light to the world. Spiritual leaders gather in the Wesak Valley, a mythical place high in the Himalayas.

Wesak is the time when Christ brings together the entire Spiritual Hierarchy in meditation to invoke the healing forces of SHAMBALLA. The Buddha, representing those forces, appears and blesses humanity. The Wesak ceremony is celebrated in the current Wesak Valley in the Himalayas. A large crowd gathers in the valley, in front of the large rock table at one end of the valley. The Buddha is the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and the indicator of divine purpose. The Christ represents the infinite love of God for humanity. The full moon is like a jug that pours a healing elixir. The heavenly dispensation lasts for three days following the day of the full moon. This year, Wesak is Tuesday, May 17, 2011.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Welcome, we are the Pleiadians. Every day, as you accept and understand more of your energy, we also enter into alignment with parts of ourselves that we have not yet accepted. Because we are only a few steps up the stairs of light beyond what you can see when reflected in the bathroom mirror. We also strive to move forward. We strive to be more. We strive to cover all aspects of ourselves that we have not yet fully understood, just like you.

We sit next to him on that park bench of evolution each speaking a different language, each representing a different octave of light but knowing innately that we march as one. We want them to relate to that uniqueness. That uniqueness that they often hold back and try to push away. It is the face of God that they think is too ugly, too big, too old, too small, too fat, too skinny, too much of one thing, or too little of another.

Understand this dear ones the parts of you THAT YOU DENY, that you rebuke, that undermine and underestimate are 100% God. The parts of your being that surround you at this moment of time are all aspects of a creator that you have denied. We speak of God as a unit of life that encompasses everything, a unit of light that encompasses everything and a unit of love that encompasses everything.

They cannot accept one aspect of their Divinity and reject the other 143 aspects. You cannot leave your inner essence when you turn your back, your pretty head and your heart to the same Divinity that must be accepted. You deny your Divinity by denying your beauty, by denying your talent, by denying your abilities. They deny the Creator when they deny themselves. They deny the Creator when they deny the possibility of a miracle in his life, the possibility that true love knocks on his door. You deny the Creator the opportunity to help another through you. Not only do they deny it 3 times a day when singing the rooster but they deny their Divinity hundreds of times a day by rejecting compliments, rejecting friendships, rejecting the gifts of others.

See how many people move away every day, and how often they reject the good. Each time they deny something, they reprove and move away from the most Sacred aspect of the Universe. Each day they verbally decree and declare that they are one with the Creator, asking for more wisdom and spiritual truths. You seek these understandings and yet, minute after minute, breath after breath, deny the universe, the Source that lives within you and each of your experiences.

All things that come to you are gifts from the Creator that you choose not to develop or recognize. Goodness is easy to see and find in the long hours of the day, but what about all the experiences that are not so easy, so beautiful, or so fun? All parts of the universe are entering your world because you have summoned them, you launched the clarion touch and issued a decree: Come to my life, teach me, mu strame. Learning comes either through pleasure, pain, goodness, evil, darkness, or light. That doesn't matter. You summoned everything that happened to you today and yesterday and tomorrow from the second of your birth to the second of your death. You called everything into existence. They called the good, they called the bad, they called the lack, and the prosperity. They invited them with their thoughts, their words and their energies.

We say it again and again; his world is a giant cosmic telesketch *. You are drawing the very designs of your existence. They invite you with their tastes, their aversions, their anger, their loves, their hatreds, their desires and their needs. Do not deny anything that comes to you. Everything is in divine proportion.

See in your world the divinity you seek. Your world reflects the divinity you seek. They want angels, angels will come. They want the Easter bunny, he will be here too. Whatever you ask for on Earth, you are given, you are the Creator's favorite children! They are the chosen people, however they do not see it.

Acceleration is before you, for you, next to you, in you, below you and above you. We are all family members in the celestial kingdom, but you were the last to be born and are the Father's favorites. They have been given everything, but as spoiled children they do not appreciate gifts. You, who are the favorite children, have to remember and choose for yourself. Why do you think they reside on a planet of free choice and free will? Everything revolves around the choice, chosen, choose - What will they choose? How are they going to choose? Who will they choose? They hope energetically that others choose them, that God chooses them, when all the time has been their choice. You chose, created, manifested, from the inside out!

Become the Chosen One, the one who chooses the highest Light. Stop denying your divinity. Every minute of your day, every action with every person and every situation is divinely instructed and orchestrated. What songs are playing for others? They break bread with the Creator every minute of every day, with every breath, with every choice, with every situation; They are breaking bread with the divine. Sit at Luz's table and eat what you have been given.

You have been cut from the best fabric of the Creator. They are the best of the best that was placed on Earth, a place where they have forgotten who they are. They have forgotten their abilities. They have simply forgotten. And they feel forgotten when externalizing oblivion. They can never be forgotten by any aspect of God. Every time they meet someone they are meeting the incarnate divinity and that should be something obvious. We are leaving now. We are the Pleiadian Council of Light. We sit next to you on this park bench in the cosmos and share our lunch of light.

* toy to draw, see (N of the T)


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Quan Yin speaks: As I weave my energies around you, within you, and towards you, many faces of the feminine will arrive. Allow each face that reaches your mind to enter your heart, enter into you, enter through you, and thus you will create a portal, facilitating an entrance and an exit to a much higher energy than you think ... Hilen in the context of his heart to the original island of his soul in the first thought of God, in the first thought of creation. Place yourself on that island of Light inside. See it as a Galaxy, a Universe, and begin to make it turn by presenting what your heart desires, what your heart cries for, and what your soul demands. Do not let your humanity enter into this aspect of spinning, of creating, of giving birth.

For a long time humanity has felt the birth of new projects, new ideas, new energies, new ages, as something painful, something difficult to do, something that needed a lot of tension and effort, and more than oneself to do it. Humans themselves need a midwife, or so they believe, to give birth to their dreams, to give birth to their hearts, to give birth to their creations and their manifestations.

It is time for you to become the midwife of your own essences and trust that you have the innate knowledge, cellular and stellar knowledge to manifest in your daily life whatever you feel you need. When observing the outside world, seeing humanity from its island of Light, there is a feeling, a need, a desire, to withdraw, to retreat to its shell and not venture out again until the flood of waters is Sure, the electricity has stopped sizzling and the sands have stopped moving. Now is the time to learn to walk in these quicksand, now is the time to learn to understand the electricity in the air, the tides that flow and ebb throughout your life. They can no longer put their heads in the ground like the ostrich and hide from what their destiny is. Their destiny screams from inside.

Part of the anger that many are feeling is the very voice of that destiny: "Let me out of this tower where you have kept me, let me out!" Fate is about to bend the bars of its prison, freeing and releasing. They can no longer sit on the legs of their humanity and wait for the sands to settle, for the tides to withdraw or the furious winds to stop knocking at their door. It is time to dance with the energies of the wind, ride them, tame them and then use them to propel themselves forward. It is time to merge with the granules of the changing sands, in the hourglass of the time that is falling apart. It is time to hold your breath and dive deep into the murky waters that flood the coast of this time and place.

Moving forward and moving without fear will be the names written in the chapters of the next books and sequences of events in your life. Learn to walk between worlds, learn to walk in the cracks of the self, straddle what is fractured and broken, bringing it to softness. Tune it with your desire for movement. Everyone feels like a baby who has taken his first step and has fallen, crying, screaming, crying for the Father / Mother / Creator to come and pick him up; but the child has to get up alone. They can scream, they can scream, they can get angry at the injustice that has been done to them, who and what hurt them, who and what they owe them, but still the advance through all the emotional debris is yours and only yours.

Have you heard that the need is the mother of the invention? Now out of necessity they will become the mother of creation by going to closets that look so bare, scraping the void, shaping it into something wonderful and delicious. Seeing what still lives in the invisible amid the molecules of time.

Lift the veils of your humanity, scrape the falls of your heart and soul. Scrape the resin from its exterior and let your pores breathe; let your dreams breathe and let your heart beat with joy again. Walk like a baby who is cautious but strong and determined to take another step. See the arms, the hand, the heart of your Creator extended to you as a father who invites you to move forward and move forward and forward. They look back at each step forward while the door of the past closes and seals.

They cannot go back because the very essence of immortal time has changed. Many of you cry out to your earthly parents feeling vulnerable as a scared child they left alone. Why is this happening, Mother? Why is this happening, Father? His infant crying falls on deaf ears. That's why we come to you. To embrace them, to support them, to support them when they cannot or do not want to support themselves. Yes, we are invisible to most people, like everything that is great like love and God, but we are in the eyes of the one who sits before you tonight. We are in the eyes of children. We are in the eyes of your dreams and of your animals that say: Please, endure one more day, one more minute, one more choice, we cannot do it without you, there are so many who need you for many things. You have stripped off the varnish and skin of who you were earlier this year; And they are naked. The light is bright and sometimes brutal and they feel exposed and vulnerable; They may attack those who offer help or love or a word of encouragement. It is you who are angry with yourself. They feel as if they have no control over what is happening in their life.

Talk to your mind, body and soul every day as if they were three separate beings. Treat them as such. They have argued and fought for too long. His mind argues with his body and the body gets rid of his mind and the soul only observes and shrugs, wondering what will happen to those two, why they fight like brothers of different parents. Stop fighting with yourself. The body is right, the mind is right and the soul is right. Everyone is right from the angle they are. See them as a Trinity, each one sees from a different direction, from a different perspective.

Speak to the body, love it like an old friend who has served you well. Talk to the mind that you have always been in council for your greatest good. Tell your brain, your human brain, to allow you to expand, to let you see more, to let you be more, to let you dream more, to let you become more. Persuade him, as a child convinces a father to get more money, more privileges, assuring the father that he knows what he is doing. You are about to stretch forward. It's like putting on an underwater diving suit, to start. It is tight. They have to hold their breath. The meat itself catches them when the zipper goes up. But little by little his humanity heats up and expands and stretches. And so it will be with you in the next phase of the self in which you enter.

There is no failure in being human. It doesn't matter if they waste their life or use it properly. Whatever they choose to do is fine. There are no mistakes, there are no failures. There is nothing you can do wrong. The essences of the mistake were given as a limitation; as well as the frequency of death, to limit them and tie them to fear. In the East the feet are tied. In some cultures the head is tied; in others, the heart is tied. Cut all the things that hold them and no longer serve them.

Show it with the example over and over and over again, like the mother eagle that goes to the edge of the rock and teaches them how to fly to their chicks. Each eaglet has a strength and wingspan of different wings and the wind blows accordingly. Do not judge what others do because they are most likely doing the best they can at that time. They are on the cusp for them. It is not the top for you. Let them stay in the nest a little longer to stretch, to fly. Love them where they choose to camp, love them where they choose to settle.

There are many options, because there are many people. You contain a universe inside you, and within that universe there is layer upon layer of other universes and possibilities. In you it is to choose whether you delve into the first cell of your being or expand into the largest galaxies of your perception ... All possibilities live within.

You, as holographic pieces of the whole, contain the entire Universe. They have the whole image inside. He was promised from the beginning. They are in that promise. In that promise they dream. It is the promise they breathe. It is the promise by which your heart beats. It is time for you to believe it. Every structure falls apart. The old building has collapsed. They are among the rubble. It's time to clear it. What will they build now on this property of the Original Creator? What will they build in this invaluable corner of the self? Build what you never imagined. Build what you never thought possible. Build what your humanity cannot even understand. And force your essence to expansion.

Do not allow traffic congestion of your soul and the frenzy of others to divert your intention. Stand firm, stand up. You are the true miracle. They easily love everything and everyone outside of you, but they look at themselves with disdain. How could I have created such imperfection? Although your physical beauty is great, you do not see it. That is why they do not see beauty in the people around them and in the world around them and in the lessons that honor them with their presence every day.

You can move mountains. They have access through all times, all dimensions, all truths that have ever been spoken or thought. They have access to the library of failures and the library of successes. They have access through the holes of time, through the doors of time found in each of their courtyards. They have access to the spirit of the wind, the spirit of the birds and the raindrops. There is nothing with which they cannot become one. There is nothing they cannot experience. It is a fusion, a resurgence. They enter through a door and exit through another door. Become one with your day, with the sun, with the clouds, with the people you see so blinded by the falls of society. Let these energies of seeing open to you. See through all density, see through all who love. Look at the truths that are hidden but very exposed. I am Quan Yin, merge with me. I possess the womb of non-time in which I maintain you, in which all creation is born with a thought. I protect them and love them. Put me in your heart. That's where I do my best work.


Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Every time they resist something (person, place or thing), they end up creating an electric charge, a bioelectric response. This charge then becomes positive or negative according to which pole they direct their sled (their sled is each thought). This place on Earth is full of endless possibilities. The possibility lies in each situation to which they are continually attracted, each energetic thought to which they react. Imagine that they are a mathematical equation, a series of numbers and results. Each time a number changes in that equation, the result also changes. When their life leads them to a dead end where there seems to be no escape, it is then that they must learn to fly above what obstructs their progress. Raise your thinking to a new level of creation. Everything that is happening in your life is there because of you. Assume it. They are not a victim but a student immersed in deep animated teachings. Just like learning to be soldiers with real bullets, this is not a drill but something real. Although the Earth is holographic in nature, all Earth's actions are recorded and kept secret. Even in your holographic universe all thoughts count as real ammunition.

Progress accelerates in everyone's life as time progresses faster than they believe or know. The lessons are denser and deeper than expected, after years of cleaning the personality debris. You no longer live in the same street of light. The address of his soul has changed again. They are moving higher up to that luxury apartment in the sky ... They are asked to experience a new level of being and soul with which they are not familiar or comfortable. As when meeting new people, all they can do is observe until it is safe to act.

A new soul being joins the mind and body. one with whom they had not interacted before. They are suspicious and confused by this new vibratory presence. The old aspect of you is gone to not return but as a passing memory. The new aspect of its soul presence is not attached to any result as was the previous one. The new aspect sees the entire creation dialogue and sits on the ground of the manifestation of thought with a sense of power. There is a flaw in this vast portrait of the enrichment of light. There is a thin etheric membrane that keeps the new soul light intact. This thin etheric membrane is like a protective sac around a newborn. It keeps you safe from the hard outside world until you are ready to be born, then the membrane weakens and breaks. The new soul light that has been activated throughout Humanity will not be fully felt until Easter, when the soul's membrane is ready to dissolve in the upper light of the Ascension reached. (The ascension achieved are the many layers of your being that already reside in a higher light)

At this moment there is a feeling of being torn between two lights, two souls, and two worlds. The feeling of being you and not being you is amplified. All the elements of life point to them asking 'to stand up their true self'. While you try and try to redefine yourself, the confusion only seems to get more sticky and deep. Give the membrane time between the layers of light to accelerate and refine. Fill yourself with what is good in your life and accept what is beautiful in your environment. There will always be something unsolved in your life on some level. It is important that they carry their conscience above that, towards the beauty of life. There will always be a polarity pulse that keeps turning the little black hole in everyone's life. Do not let yourself be dragged into what is wrong, which always keeps you in captivity. What is wrong is nothing more than a tiny percentage of their life force. Bring your conscience to what is right, what is good and what is blessed and spend your creation in that place. Every thought changes something.



Channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

I am the essence, the blessing, the music of SHEKINA. The one that lives in the house of the Holy Spirit. I come in the winds of time to allow them to enter the knowledge that goes beyond being and memory. Within what is known and unknown as the Holy Spirit, there are many dimensional descriptions. There are many doors and interdimensional truths. Humanity believes that the Holy Spirit is only one being. There is a very pronounced diversification that resides in the house and dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.

Each of you has within you the personal breath of God. Today I come to breathe that memory into you again. Each of you lives within the exhalation of God. God breathed them into existence and the flesh they are now. With the first breath a baby takes, the Holy Spirit enters the child completely. The Holy Spirit does not dwell in the fetus during pregnancy.

The energy of the Holy Spirit is an imprint, a code, that everyone keeps on their journey through life. When the person dies, with the last breath, the Holy Spirit is released and returns to the Source. It is a separate being and different from the spirit of the person, but often, when death ensues, both depart as a double light. God inhales them back to the original light.

You all ride the inhalation, the contraction wave back to an explosive expansion point. While the universe inhales them every day, they are released from toxins, negativities, anger, blockages and memories that no longer serve the evolution of their soul and their divine purpose. When they sleep, their spirit leaves the body and the physical unit remains alone with the help of angelic beings. The spirit is connected by a cord of light and can always return to any emergency.

When they go out in spirit, when they sleep, it doesn't matter what time of day they easily and effortlessly pass to the higher realms where they exist simultaneously. Humanity in you only covers approximately 3% of all its light. Even during the day they spend time in the higher realms in their thinking, in their imagination and in their reminiscences of the past. The universe is cleaning many layers of its being, loosening and redistributing the blocks so that they can be easily discarded in the next inhalation of the Creator. In other words, everything that is solid and damp and dark within you is inhaled lovingly and exquisitely by the Original Creator back to himself. The anger that has been oppressing and stalling them will be removed.

The reason for the heaviness of the being you feel lately has to do with the many portions of you that have been accumulating. These migrate to a magnetic point in your physical body. From that magnetic point, they leave and are sent to the Original Creator. This will not only be experienced in the physical body, but will also be experienced in the planetary body, the planetary emotional body and the planetary memory body. Because the Earth itself will be lifted from that sticky memory of the pit of death and annihilation that has taken place over time. The Original Creator, the Universe, will escort this back to the original source to be purified, recycled and reused.

The Original Creator is taking dense energies and giving birth to new universes. When they are somewhat scarce from the very fabric of life and the atomic structure of what has been created, they take the most dense and dark of Earth's reserves and take it to a formation that is beyond its beauty parameters. With this knowledge allow this coagulation to occur within your body. They may feel pains that come and go in the body, in the memories of the heart, in the heaviness of all emotion, but they gather to be reborn in a new universe. So the very fabric of his being and everything that has happened over and over again, as well as everything that Mother Earth has endured, will be born in beautiful cellular structures of baby light, beginning to live in another part of God, and you will be part of that.

As a gift for allowing all this to happen (as if they needed a gift to release all these dense emotional wastes) they will be elevated to higher levels of light toward Ascension. This will amount to climbing a 10, 000-foot mountain and contemplating their world with gentle knowledge and the heavenly appreciation of everything that has led them to be who they are now.

More molecules are needed to create anger than to create joy. More molecules are needed to keep the disease in a body than to keep love. Everything that is sacred is very light and does not make you fat. I ask you to allow the Creator to inhale them deeply. Feel that this sacred breath elevates you. Allow the exhalation to take you to the expansion you are looking for. As all this happens, they may feel dizzy and dizzy. They could feel emotional waves coming with much crying and fear. You will feel the presence of the saints on your side. They will be relieved of what has adhered to their soul as tar and feathers for many lives. I am SHEKINA, one of the octaves of the Holy Spirit. I leave in the winds of light.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

PO Box 217

Dandridge, Tennessee


Translation: Margarita López

Edition: Susana Peralta

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