2013 was the year of preparation. 2014 is the year of completion by Montague Keen

  • 2014


As the energy of light expands, it permeates everything that was hidden and wrapped in mystery.

All this was part of the plan. 2013 was the year of preparation. 2014 is the year of completion.

It has been configured so much in the place that now they have a clear idea of ​​what needs to be done.

You have woken up to the fact that you are not helpless and you know what needs to be done. Everything that was done to control them has to be examined.

Now you can clearly see how your control system works. What they need to keep them in FEAR so that they themselves are superior: it's as simple as that.

Kabbalah has everything to make you all feel like victims: the so-called terrorist threats, poor health, which is the direct result of what you do to food, water and air supply.

The evidence for this is overwhelming. Luckily, now they are waking up to this. Questions should be asked: Why support those who are destroying the planet and sacrificing THE POPULATION?

Are you helping on this? They can't do it without your help. I ask you to reflect seriously on this issue.

Is your conscience clear? Can you look your neighbor in the eye and say honestly that what you do does not have a detrimental effect on humanity or your planet?

The chemical trails (Chemtrails) do not happen by chance Who is involved in this perverse practice?

Remember ... it's your money, through your taxes you pay for it. In effect, you are paying for your own disappearance. Consider the suffering that this practice infringes on humanity.

By sharing your light, you make the doors remain open so that others can see and join what we see as the Family of Light that they form on Earth.

Every country is waking up, they come together. Now they will see that race or creed does not exclude you. The human race is the elimination of all artificial barriers.

Kabbalah has successfully used this gap, this separation and it is the principle of its rule that has worked perfectly for them, until now.

Upon awakening they can now see through all these divisive methods to keep them in fear, under control, and killing each other in one war after another, while they enrich themselves with the spoils of those wars.

It is always the same people who benefit. Surely, that should only make you wonder: what is all this really?

The propaganda used to induce their cooperation in war is always the same old formula, and some fall foolishly over and over again.

When was the last time you heard someone expose the benefits of peaceful coexistence?

Ask why some parts of your world deliberately remain in poverty when there is more than enough for everyone . Who decreed that some live in abundance and others near starvation?

This could not have happened by chance, it was planned to be so. You are now awake enough to deal with these problems and make plans to ensure that these bad practices cease now. Since all human beings are born equal.

They have nothing to fear. You are the majority, so you must believe in yourself. Together, they will rebuild their planet. He will ensure that they can never kill each other in wars without Senses.

The brothers of the stars will share their technology and experience so that all countries have the same possibilities of creating a safe and sustainable environment for all its inhabitants.

This will create Heaven (paradise) on Earth compared to hell on Earth that they have experienced so far.

Think of the sense of achievement you will have when you look around and see peace and love everywhere.

Everything that was false and evil, will be gone forever. This should be your waking thought every day, and this is what you should aspire to. Together, they can accomplish this quickly.

The timing is right and everything is lighting your way to allow this. Together and together, you have what it takes to make this happen peacefully.

It is good to see that many of you have made a choice not to buy in the Christmas consumer hype.

You are using this time for friends and family to get together and to join more than ever.

Christmas gifts only serve to make Kabbalah richer and you poorer. They don't give up a trick to make you more slaves, and they like to keep you in debt to them.

This keeps you in your place: a place that they have designed for you. Take every opportunity to be with your family and friends, because these are precious times and their memories will be sustained as they move forward to create a better future for everyone.

Everything will soon be exposed and will be unmasked. It will not be possible to keep the truth hidden about who you are and what was done to you in an attempt to take over your planet.

One day he will sit down and wonder how they survived to tell the story, especially when there was so much against it so that the truth would not be known.

Many of the instigators of this situation will leave their planet and return where they came from. Others will try not to accept them.

Some will really ask for forgiveness, and this has to be seriously considered. Emotion cannot be allowed to interfere with what is best for humanity. Many of them cannot exist on planet Earth when everything is completely clear.

They will be exposed, since they need the energy of fear and death in order to live on Earth. His human appearance will disintegrate.

They will fight to try to hold on to what they have acquired with so much cost. They have to be reasonable when they have to face all these eventualities, with a calm mind, free from anger!

There should be no rematch calls as it would go down to your level. Be worthy and are in control of the situation.

Remember, this is what you have expected and fought for. Both sides of life will work together on this in order to make sure everything is calm.

You will be able to see and enjoy the sun once more, because it will no longer be blocked by chemical trails.

This will bring many benefits in the field of health and free energy, because, of course, that is why they blocked it.

Their skies will be blue and full of stars again. Everything will be light. How wonderful is that! This will replenish the land and prepare it to produce food, once again, just as it did before. The Earth and its connection to it cannot be emphasized enough.

They were deliberately prevented from having a true connection with the Earth. Everything was designed to block the connection: shoes with rubber soles, clothing fibers that are harmful to your health and well-being.

Just remember that everything natural is good, while what is done by man is not, since it prevents its connection with the Earth. Walking barefoot on Earth is very beneficial. They connect to the energy of All That Is.

They can get help in order to establish a connection with the Earth and this has proven very useful when it comes to a disease.

Everything that has been separated from the energies of the Earth must be eliminated. This may take a little time, but please keep that in mind.

Those who must work together will join. Your instinct will guide you to be in the right place at the right time.

Do not fear, because the Divine Plan is working as it should. We have considered everything. Nothing has been left to chance. We know they will answer when the call is given to meet.

You have come a long way since I passed the Spirit. I have made sure Veronica is aware of my presence at all times.

Please send your healing thoughts and love to someone who is going through terrible times at the hands of Kabbalah, in an effort to prevent him from fulfilling his mission. The power of love will set you free. Please remember it right now.

Dear, dear friends, I wish you a peaceful world, a time of joy with your families and friends during this season of good will.

Veronica, my love, take time to enjoy and be with family and friends. Know that I am there with you, as always.

He loves you, Monty.


Translator: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn


2013 was the year of preparation. 2014 is the year of completion by Montague Keen

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