Infant Education, personal hygiene in children

  • 2015

Early childhood education is what ensures a future full of prosperity and success. This concept includes a number of issues that, today, must be taken into account by parents and responsible adults. One of these issues, and probably one of the most vital is personal hygiene .

Personal hygiene is the care that every human being requires to keep the body in a positive and healthy state.

Childhood education undoubtedly includes personal hygiene, this being a term alluding to the cleanliness and cleanliness of each person. Therefore, it is extremely important that children acquire proper habits in relation to good hygiene, as this will help them feel more self-confident.

In the acquisition of these habits, the family plays a fundamental role, since they will hardly become part of their lifestyle if their parents are not aware of it. Therefore, it is important to monitor and ensure that:

  • When the child gets up, take a good bath.
  • Brush your teeth after each meal and before going to bed.
  • Use a good deodorant if the case warrants.
  • Use talcum powder on the feet.
  • The child washes their hands before eating any food.
  • Wash your hands before and after using the bathroom.

It is necessary for children to feel responsible for their personal cleanliness, if they take their food at school it would be good to have a toilet kit and an extra shirt for when they do sports.

Personal hygiene is the care that every human being requires to keep the body in a positive and healthy state.

The hygiene of the environment and personal hygiene are fundamental issues in early childhood education, since the latter is not only academic; It is also a matter of forming healthy and responsible human beings of their space and body. Such hygiene is a concept that goes far beyond cleaning. This includes another series of educational aspects such as sports, eating habits and sleep routine.

“Good personal hygiene in children feeds their self-esteem, prevents them from diseases and contributes to the well-being of each one.”

In conclusion, early childhood education must include the concept of personal hygiene in the process. This is a duty that is instilled from an early age, because a child accustomed to taking care of himself for his physical well-being is a healthy and happy child.


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