Wake up your heart: When our conscience calls us

  • 2015

By Claudio Alvarez-Dunn *

There is much talk about the awakening of consciousness and its scope, but there are still many questions about it. In my opinion, this awakening has to do with the internal discovery that we are something more than a physical body, something more than this life we ​​live.

When we begin to inquire into ourselves, we see that we have had dreams, intuitions, deja vus, and other experiences that traditional science cannot rationally explain.

Seeing beyond the five senses we discover that we are a wrap (physical body) that thinks (mental body), that loves and feels (emotional body) and that we have a soul (spiritual body).

By praying, meditating and quieting the mind, the rhythm of our breathing aligns stabilizing all the internal circuits and allows us to go to that sacred space of the heart, where the flame lives that reminds us that we are eternal.

In this exercise we find that we can connect with our Inner Master, our Higher Self, and the soul contract is then then revealed, our life makes sense. At that moment we discovered that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, that we embody in this life and in these circumstances with a high purpose.

In your sacred space of the heart you will find the answer to know who you really are. Your heart speaks to you with images and feelings, learn by listening to it in the stillness of your meditation or during your prayers.

Connecting with Mother Earth

The highest of our purposes should be to take care of life, (ours and that of other beings of all kingdoms) and also care for Mother Earth, since we are her main cells and she is suffering from the high level of pollution that we produce as a society, in addition to the pollutants generated by the dark ones that control the planet, poisoning our waters with fluoride, our air with chemical trails and our food with genetically modified organisms.

Mother Earth needs your love, connects with her, walks more time barefoot in nature, feels her energy entering through your feet or through your base chakra, which is located in the perineum. Then bring that energy to your heart and feel the love of the Mother expand throughout your body. Breathe softly, slowly and slowly. Let the new energies (those that the center of the universe is sending us from the solar flares) take hold both in you and in the heart of Mother Earth. We are a living antenna, our soul contract speaks of anchoring the light, so we incarnate at this time; It is time to remember how to do it: it only flows in energy and connects with the heart of Mother Earth.

When we recognize ourselves as a unified Being in body, mind, emotion and spirit, we can see that we are a complete Being, without divisions, that we are One with the Universal Source that we call God and when we begin to live in consciousness with this Unit we wake up from sleep, from the illusion of the third dimension, to return home, to the higher dimensions where love is the only constant.

In this way we unite the world of the soul and that of the body, and anchor the energies of the New Earth as the old systems begin to crumble.

I invite you to make that trip inside and from there radiate your inner light on everything you do and especially in your daily dealings with others. Thus, together we generate a better world, with greater tolerance and understanding, where the peace, light and love that all the teachers who preceded us preach germinate.

I leave you with a Namaste, which is a respectful bow, a recognition of the depth and unity of the spirit that surrounds everything and which means "The Divine in me, honor and greet the Divine in you" or put another way: " My spirit greets yours in Unity. ”

Until next time.

(* The author is a Yoga instructor, Reiki Master and teacher certified by The School of Remembering, to offer the workshop “Waking up the Illuminated Heart” with the techniques of Drunvalo Melchizedek. For more information contact )

AUTHOR: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn , editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

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