Wake up heart: Change your lifestyle to raise the vibration (Part II)

  • 2015

By Claudio Alvarez Dunn

Raising our vibration is one of the most important things we can do at this time to take care of our physical body, maintain emotional stability, mental clarity and spiritual strength.

In a recent article (see this link for the published column) we condense the most important principles on using professional therapy of regression to past lives to solve energy issues, the advantages of dancing to the rhythm of the drums, the benefits of Meditation were also mentioned of the Rainbow, of a good diet and of using holistic medicines instead of the prescribed ones.

And what are the benefits of raising the vibration?

Michelle Walling, through the book "How to Ascend" reminds us that increasing your vibration goes hand in hand with healing and cleansing through the Law of Vibrational Achievement.

This woman, who is a certified holistic coach and has dedicated her life to being a carrier of light at the service of others, explains that when body cells vibrate faster, they expand and accommodate more light . As we continue towards a higher dimension, the body will vibrate at a high rate of speed that will physically emanate such lights . Negative energies such as radiation, cancer and unnatural foods vibrate much slower than the energies of love, joy and living foods . These energies simply cannot exist in a body of higher vibration; so they will dissipate or vibrate apart from us.

This is the reason to do the things you like, make changes in your environment, so good care of your own body will guarantee that you are increasing your vibration.

Mother Earth is helping us. Walling reminds us that planet Earth is a sensitive being that has a symbiotic relationship with its inhabitants. While the vibration is increased she helps humans to reach a higher frequency. As humans raise their vibration more towards higher frequencies, the Earth offers us a new space to walk and continue increasing the frequency. Eventually, the planet will vibrate at a rate in which it will not be able to withstand low vibrational energies and entities . As the planet continues its course towards the frequencies of the fifth dimension, some people may feel the struggle that manifests within their own bodies in the form of the so-called symptoms of ascension or emotional stress .

Those are clues to help remind us how to consciously raise the vibration of our cells in order to keep up with the vibration of the planet. Compensation and balance is required in order to cleanse the body and allow a greater amount of photonic light to reach our cells, which in turn elevates our vibration .

Among other methods of proven effectiveness are added:

Claim our will and sovereignty

Free will is a Universal Law that has been abused by those who have been controlling the planet for the past 13 thousand years. In some cases, our free will has been literally stolen from us, thus violating the Universal Law. In most cases we have been tricked into making "free and voluntary" choices that were not in our best interest and thus allowed us to be manipulated and controlled.

We are infinite creators and as such we have the right to be free from all contracts and promises made under duress or deception. You can inquire on your own on the Internet, but I promise you that in the next columns I will publish some very effective invocations to revoke the agreements for which we experience difficulties, limitations, bad relationships, health problems, financial problems, family dysfunctions and any other something that drains the energy of our lives.

Wake up with a positive attitude

This is something extremely important and we must remember all day: keep a positive attitude. You can reprogram the brain by placing notes from when you get out of bed, or you can put a reminder in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in your car or in your work space.

Try to keep a notebook or diary with all the things for which you are grateful in your life and at the end of each day you will find something else to write about. Gratitude is a concept with a very high vibration and frequencies that we sometimes overlook, but it can be a way to improve your mood and attract better things to your life.

Make love in a sacred way

While there are many forms of love on this planet, sacred love (sex) between two people can raise their vibration, so many religions have taken care of converting sex into a tab And thus perpetuate control through guilt and shame.

By directing your energy from orgasm to yourself or your partner instead of allowing that energy to dissipate or be stolen, you are recycling energy instead of giving it away to other invisible forces.

As a disciple of Drunvalo Melchizedek one day I asked him if men should keep the seed (avoid ejaculation) to which the teacher was emphatic to say NO and that we should channel the energy with the Ankh technique (Anj in Spanish). As the subject is long and has a lot of cloth to cut, in my next writings I will share all that teaching ????

Evaluation of the vibration of your surroundings

Your family environment can have a great influence on your vibration . Your partner or the vibrational level of other members of our family can have a positive or negative impact on each of us. One of the most difficult things for people who make an effort to raise their vibration is that sometimes they have to cut the energy cables with what is affecting them negatively.

Energy charges can be in people as well as in everyday things or items in your home. The placement of furniture as described in Feng Shui helps the good flow of energy in the home and harmonizes its occupants.

There is a saying that implies that "cleaning is linked to godliness ", so many of us could lighten our load a little by getting rid of the amount of excess things we keep in our trunks and closets.

Finally, the easiest way to increase the vibration of a house is to let sunlight in!

Connect the “ground wire”

"Grounding" is a very important part of raising our vibration, since we are made of ingredients from the Earth itself. It consists of becoming again like a child and lying in the grass, on the ground or in the sand.

Take a close look at how the floor looks. Take a close look at the natural beauty of a flower . You can even immerse your body in the earth, in the water, in the mud or in the sand. Walking barefoot is another excellent way to connect with the planet .

Keep daydreaming about what your favorite place is, the most beautiful in the world. This will take you to a place that is perfect, where you can relax, feel safe and spend some time alone with yourself .

That place could be in the mountains, in the valleys, in a garden or on a beach by the ocean. It is up to you , imagine there and see how it looks, what you feel and what you smell. Imagination is a very powerful tool and you can go to many places that are simply perfect so you can raise your vibration as you move away from three-dimensional reality .

A person can make a difference

When a person makes the effort to raise his vibration, he helps everyone on the planet. Human beings are connected to each other by a field of consciousness that is shared on a subconscious level. What a person does affects another person, even if they are on different sides of the Earth, through the effect of the hundredth monkey .

On a smaller scale, if a person raises his vibration, then it affects the people around him. The human body is energy that vibrates at a certain frequency. The human body is also composed of water, which has its own frequency, as Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown when working with the energies that influence it.

This means that as we can change the pattern of water, what we do can also affect other people in our home and in the neighborhood, so with a conscious intention we can propagate positive vibrations to an entire state, to a country, to the entire planet, to the solar system, to the entire galaxy and beyond!

There is an urgency that is felt throughout the planet by, as Gandhi said, “you must be the change you want to see in the world ” and luckily there are many great things that are manifesting this right now (and you are doing it by reading these letters !!!)

Advanced methods to raise vibration can guarantee the reduction of a disease or depression when done with sincere intention and practice . It may seem that it is a losing battle to eat well and avoid the dangers we face in our environment, but all those fears are an illusion that can be overcome by increasing our vibration .

While some people are leaving the planet through the cycle of disease and death, others appear younger and have a certain glow over them. Even if you are one of those who still do not believe that you can change reality through imagination, love and joy, you have nothing to lose trying the methods mentioned in this article. Treat it.

Until next time.

Namaste (my Divinity honors and greets your Divinity).

AUTHOR: Claudio Alvarez-Dunn, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

(* The author is a Yoga instructor, Reiki Master and teacher certified by The School of Remembering, to offer the workshop “Waking up the Illuminated Heart” with the techniques of Drunvalo Melchizedek. For more information )

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