Discarding old mental schemes, by Helios and Vesta

Beloved I am with you in spirit and in grace and I bring you the heat of the Great Central Sun. I bring you joy and peace and love and understanding of the new day. I bring you hope for the future and the knowledge of what has already been. I bring you happy and the ability to be alone. I bring you the ability to think for yourself and use the powers of thought to make this life more understandable and more easily used.

We, the Heavenly Beings, Ascended Beings, Angels and Arc Angels, Guides and of course, our beloved God / Goddess, came revealing a new day of hope and grace to guide you along of the path chosen by you.

There are channelers who are sent here to bring to your mind and memory new events to occur during the next wave. These channels enunciate the drama of life to follow and share the events of the galaxy and the worlds around it.

These channels have the ability to penetrate into the darkness and bring the words of those who have long decided that they want nothing to do with the souls that walk this plane but only with the events that will affect them.

You are informed about the stellar portals ready to be opened and many have used such information to improve their lives. They have perceived an increased sense of being and an energy not emanated before.

You have read that many Nodrizas Ships come and go and know the places of origin of these ships. This has been for your good and for them to access this information. Can you see that these spaceships wait for their Ascension? Do they have knowledge of where they will be once the so-called Ascension becomes a reality? Will it be necessary for any of you to know about these wonderful powers during this time?

These are things about which you read and think little, and then you re-extract them from the back of your mind because this world and this life traveled by you have created much more pressing needs and, therefore, you search within this another “cramming” that looks interesting but not totally necessary for your daily life.

We, the Heavenly Beings, who speak through this channel are much more interested in sharing with you thoughts about you and the way you exist in this life that you have chosen. We are more interested in guiding you gently along the road and showing you the great boulders and rocks that you will have to go through during the path.

We have told you again and again that much of what we say is repetitive. We seem to always tell them the same things, but in reality they are the same thoughts focused from different angles.

Each of you is going through a new path that will be decisive. They may wish to continue along the path well in advance in their life paths. They feel bored and uneasy because everything seems to be the same. You cannot attract your reality to a new thought or idea that has not been used and abused many times.

Each of you feels the need for change. They feel they need to meet other people, join new groups or simply change their thinking about where they live or the ideas that this life is raising.

Many of you feel that you do not change your thoughts frequently. They feel stuck, like in a hole and feel unable to face another day of boredom and routine.

Well, and who prevents them from starting to change? Who gets in their way and takes them away from taking another decision that brings freshness to their life.

This does not mean that you have to move to a new territory or new city or State. Not at all. It means that you need to introduce a new thought into your mind. It means that they have to get rid of everything that has been and distance and interweave only new thoughts and ideas.

Join a reading club and read new books; Or rather, forget about the reading club and go to the local bookstore and find a thought that helps you put your mind in a new place and then get away from there. The very fact of sitting outdoors with a book that dispenses new information during the summer of your life, will take you far to make boredom disappear.

They may need to interact with others. Repeatedly you hear about the many souls that have gone astray and alone. Again and again they hear about the many places where these people congregate. Again and again, they hear about the needs of these souls, whether old or young, and the great help they need from Gentile souls like theirs. Look at these places and find a place that brings you joy.

Relax and think about what you really want to do. Sit down and try to understand what your guides are telling you. On a daily basis, you are being directed along this path of your choice, but many days go by when the voices that come to you are left aside and unnoticed.

This is the time to listen to your guides. Try to feel a gentle stream of water, accompanied by rocks, that brings music to your soul. Think about this. Perhaps your path is a melodic stream of water with rocks and stones and beautiful foliage and that you have not yet seen for not having your eyes open.

Think about this. Think of the joy of having a flowing, clear and crystalline stream on your way, rather than a spill of trash with dirty rocks and hot air. Think of the joy of being able to walk on the clean water of your life and avoid the gray, dull and dirty of the road that you have attracted towards yourself for a long time.

Feel satisfied with yourself. Be happy with what you have to do.

Think about these things.



Zephyr and Borealis


Tel. 992-0474 Santa Fe

Translated by: Gloria Helena Restrepo C.

Bogotá, Colombia


[Open Forum]

Vol. 16, Part 16. June 10, 2007




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