When you only feel Home, by Jordi Morella

  • 2012

They are times to begin to bloom the beauty of our interior.

We live in the strong moments of the great planetary transformation and of all the beings that inhabit this space called Earth (Gaia).

When we enter the path of divinity, we feel as if our hearts are being pulled forward in a concrete direction. We cross the Luzy and become part of it, extending it beyond our dimensions.

We advance through this Light and our highest feelings manifest through the pores of our skin. Love floods us and we feel the presence of the true being that we are, transcending all possible density in us. We are simply.

These are the times in which I am living, as are many of you. Something wonderful is happening inside us, where our hearts alert us to this state of fullness and absolute well-being.

It is true that not everyone feels these words, these feelings in the same way that I try to describe you now here, but all of us will one day reach the ecstasy of our existence. When, inhabiting this dimension we feel beyond the fifth, then it is that something immense is happening in us, influencing our environment without us having to do anything, simply being.

Do not worry if your interior is altered, it is part of the process. To build, many times you have to shake the foundations to ensure that the pillars are firm and strong to maintain the divinity manifested in us. This inner movement leads us to realize, for those who are like that, that there are doors in us closed and that need to be opened, with us having the key. We must look for it and once found, then the surprise will be that the door will open by itself. Just looking for the key inside us, which was apparently vetoed and closed, will begin to open. There are those who decide not to look where their key is. Simply free will. There is room for everyone, but this will not last long, because the earth continues its course, and those who decide to continue keeping the door closed inside, will realize their decision but on another plane, when they return home.

I feel the creation magnified within me. I see the beauty and the sense of what happens with our beloved planet and the beings that live with it.

We are approaching the end of this year so generous for those who throughout it continue living now and here There has been a great push to activate our DNA and thus awaken those aspects that each one needed to activate to reach their true nature. which we all proceed has loved every being in the universe, including us. We have received the necessary food to reach us. It has been a year of great generosity for our soul. I feel that way and I appreciate it during the day. The blessings have been constant for our being. We see results from the decisions made in our past, and according to them, we are beginning to reap the fruits of our creation.

I flow through the flow of this river that leads me to what was agreed just before my current incarnation. The doors open wide, and my awakening continues its course, realizing more details of everything that surrounds me and myself, of my life. Before I was aware of certain headlines, and with the time of my dimension, the great headlines are subdivided, and each of them, as I go through Luzy the Love, I receive more detailed information regarding what to do and how. My wisdom is increasing as the awakening of the planet grows with accelerated notoriety.

Today I write these words to make you participate in the process that each one has to follow. Mine may be similar, equal or different to any of one of you, but always, the direction to follow is that of Love, that of Light.

Perhaps, there is a great physical distance between you and me right now, but we are united by heart just by reading these words. We needed this connection, and I felt the need to write so that you could read these words full of energy and love. Now we have connected.

The above has been just what you needed to read and feel a few moments of resonance and well-being. Welcome, dear soul of the Incarnate Home! Neither I am more than you, nor you more than me, simply One in the now and here, united by these words activating our hearts.

Thanks for coming to our appointment! Your presence magnifies my being. Thank you for accepting these moments of synchronicity, even if you are here and I a little further in relation to where you are.

I want to tell you all that we are living glorious moments for humanity, the planet and the universe. You are creating life beyond where we are. Someday you can check it personally, although not with this body. Someday we will meet and give each other a hug, joining our lights and receiving love in each of us.

Live these times from the heart, following their guidelines.

My love is with you. My essence is One with yours. Together, with everyone, we will make this space of the sky where we live, named Gaia (Earth), a place of Heaven in this dimension.

Let your divinity manifest.

Do not worry.

Let yourself go and it flows like a tree leaf in a river that gets carried away by its flow. Be this sheet, trusting that you are being led to your greatest good. Let the Home work in you to help you open the door of your divinity.

Open your heart, and allow the God you are to be shown to the world. All we need.

Cheer up! From here where I am, in the now and here of your present, I surround you with my Light and my Love and we will open this door of your interior that needs to open once and for all.

The time has come to be you!

The time has come for the love in you to guide your steps towards your true being and what you have come to do.

Do not worry. You are not alone.

Home is with you.

May Love and Peace be in you, beloved soul.


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