Meet the Major Arcana of the Tarot and Their Meanings

  • 2016

Tarot decks are composed of two parts: the major arcana also called Triunfos, with 22 cards, and the minor arcana with 56 cards remaining in four suits. On this occasion we will discover the meaning in the divination of all the cards of the major arcana of the Tarot.

The major arcana are the cards of different suit of the Tarot deck. None of the different tarot suits belong to the 22 cards of the major arcana : golds, cups, clubs and swords. Each major arcane card represents the dignity of all his people : a mythical component, a very important character or a really crucial event.

Each card of the major arcana of the tarot can be described as an archetype, a symbolic figure or a situation of great importance and meaning in human culture and thought. The figures of the major arcana of the Tarot are larger than life, they represent different basic aspects of what it is, to be human and to live in this world.

Some of the Tarot cards are easily recognizable and their meanings are intuitively clear to almost anyone familiar with Western culture and tradition. The devil, the lovers, the hermit, the emperor and so on are characters of the major arcana that we can identify, because they are well established symbols in our culture and have been for thousands of years.

Other cards of the major arcana of the Tarot may be slightly less familiar to modern minds, such as the car, the ferris wheel and the hanged man . However, you just have to take a look at the description of these letters to recognize what they represent and relate to it. The 22 cards are archetypes, with obvious meanings to all of us.

The arcane Tarot cards do not refer only to everyday events and people who meet every day . It also refers, when something extraordinary happens, something that reminds you to put in your autobiography . Therefore, you should pay attention when a major arcana card appears on your Tarot roll.

The 22 cards of the major arcana of the Tarot and what they mean in divination

The magician

A solution suddenly as if by magic, but it can be just an illusion. It represents skill, diplomacy, direction, subtlety; sickness, pain, loss, disaster, traps of enemies; self-confidence will do it; The consultant, if he is a man. Inverted : the doctor, mental illness, misfortune, restlessness.

The priestess

Hidden secrets and circumstances get in the way and need to be understood . It represents the secrets, the mystery, the future not yet revealed; if it is a man, the woman who is interested in the consultant; the consultant herself, if she is a woman; the silence, the tenacity; Mystery, wisdom, science. Inverted: passion, moral or physical burning, presumption, superficial knowledge.

The Empress

The soft power that still rules, almost unnoticed and rarely opposed. It represents fertility, action, initiative, length of days; the unknown, clandestine; also the difficulty, the doubt, the ignorance. Inverted: light, truth, the disintegration of the issues involved, public rejoicing; according to another reading, hesitation.

The emperor

That is against real power, so that performance or suffer the consequences. It represents stability, energy, protection, realization; A great person; the help, the reason, the condemnation; also authority and will . Inverted: Benevolence, compassion, credit; Confusion to enemies, obstruction, immaturity.

The Hierophant

The dependence of the approval of a high dignity. It represents marriage, captivity, mercy, servitude ; by another account, the alliance and kindness ; inspiration; the man to whom the consultant has recourse. Inverted : society, good understanding, concord, goodness, weakness.


Sense and mutual attraction for the duration . It represents attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome. Inverted: failure, silly designs. Another story speaks of frustrated marriage and setbacks of all kinds.

The war machine

Triumph, but watch out for its consequences in length. It represents relief, providence also triumph, revenge, presumption, war, problems. Reversed: Riots, dispute, controversy, litigation, defeat.

The force

Strength of a type that is superior due to its intelligent application. It represents power, energy, action, value, generosity; also success and honors. Inverted: despotism, abuse if energy, weakness, discord and sometimes even misfortune.

The hermit

The lesson and the reward, but also the misfortune, of loneliness. It represents prudence, circumspection; also and above all betrayal, simulation, mischief, corruption. Inverted : Concealment, disguise, politics, fear, unreasonable caution.

Wheel of fortune

An uncertain result, with a sequel to be considered carefully. It represents success, destiny, fortune, luck, happiness, elevation. Inverted: increase, abundance, the superfluous.


Justice without the blindfold is not always fair. It represents fairness, righteousness, probity, the executive; the triumph of the part it deserves in the law. Inverted: Law in all its departments, legal complications, intolerance, prejudice, excessive severity.

The hung

A great personal sacrifice that still doesn't hurt so much. It represents wisdom, prudence, discernment, trials, sacrifice, intuition, divination, prophecy. Inverted: selfishness, the crowd, political body.


An expensive loss, sometimes, but not always, the death of someone. It represents mortality, destruction, corruption also, for a man, the loss of a benefactor for a lady, many setbacks ; For a lady, failure of marriage projects. Inverted: inertia, sleep, lethargy, petrification, sleepwalking; We hope destroyed.


Moderation in all is the final persistence. It represents the economy, moderation, frugality, management, accommodation. Inverted: activities related to churches, religions, sects, priesthood, sometimes even the priest who will marry the consultant; also disunity, unfortunate combinations, competing interests.

The devil

The pain and pleasure of giving in to temptation. It represents violence, vehemence, extraordinary efforts, force, fatality; what is predestined, but it is not for this reason evil. Inverted: fatality, weakness, meanness, blindness.


A spectacular ambition that ends with the disaster. It represents misery, anguish, destitution, adversity, calamity, misfortune, deceit, ruin. It is a particular card of unforeseen catastrophe. Inverted: according to one version, the same to a lesser extent also oppression, imprisonment, tyranny.

The star

Time to pause and reflect, contemplate what is valuable and what is not. It represents the loss, theft, deprivation, abandonment; another reading says hope and bright perspectives, Reversed: Arrogance, arrogance, helplessness.


The longing for the good of longing and the hope of fullness. It represents the hidden enemies, danger, slander, darkness, terror, deceit, hidden forces, error. Inverted: instability, inconstancy, silence, a lesser degree of deceit and error.


Great resources at your disposal, but limit yourself, as it is possible to have too much. It represents material happiness, marriage luck, joy. Inverted: the same to a lesser extent.

The judgment

Last judgment, whether we welcome it or not. It represents the renewal, the changes of the position, the result. Another account specifies total loss, although demand. Inverted: pusillanimity, weakness, simplicity; also the deliberation, the decision, the sentence.

The world

Success in anything mundane, but not for free. It represents the guaranteed success, the reward, the trip, the route, the emigration, the change of place, the flight. Inverted : permanence, fixity, stagnation, inertia,


Blissful carelessness, the power of ignorance. It represents madness, mania, extravagance, intoxication, delirium. Inverted: distribution, apathy, neglect, carelessness, nullity, absence , vanity.

Since you now know The 22 cards of the major arcana of the Tarot and what each one means in divination, perhaps you dare to venture into this interesting field.

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the great family of

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