How to digest solar energy

  • 2012

In fact, the most effective method to renew the matter of your organism is to know how to work with the sun; I will explain how. Every morning you are before the sun that sends luminous particles of great purity everywhere.

What prevents you from concentrating to shed from your physical and psychic being the old particles used, extinguished, sick and replace them with those new particles that come from the sun? This is an exercise of the most useful you can do at sunrise: with your thoughts, your imagination, try to take divine particles and introduce them into you.

In this way, little by little you will regenerate the matter of your being; thanks to the sun, you will think and act like a child of God. The disease is nothing more than an accumulation in the organism of foreign matter, and to cure you, you must be expelled. This is the true concept of health: cleanliness! If it is so important to know how to collect, in the morning, the particles that the sun brings us, it is because they are the only ones that will not produce in us any agglomeration, no impurity.

Everything you eat, drink, breathe, always leaves some residue, fatally. Only the sun's rays are made of a material that leaves no residue. That is why we have to learn to nourish ourselves with this superior element that is light. This is something new. Humans are accustomed to nourishing themselves only with solid, liquid or gaseous foods, but what do they do with the fourth element, fire, light? Little or nothing. They do not know how to feed on light, which however is more necessary than air. That is why all those people who criticize us and ridicule us when we go in the morning at sunrise, show their ignorance and even say they are dumbfounded. We attended the sunrise to feed on light and instead of laughing at us, they would have to do the same. Man needs to feed on light to nourish his brain.

The brain also wants to eat! And light is its food: it awakens in man the faculties that allow man to penetrate the spiritual world. As long as man is content to feed the brain of solid, liquid, or gaseous particles, which are not what he needs, he will be very limited in his comprehension. He will understand perhaps the things of the earth, but the mysteries of the universe will escape him. You will say: Yes, but eating and drinking also feeds the brain.

It's true, but only its least subtle part. For the brain, which is a hierarchical organ, is made up of several zones: some contain centers that allow the realities of the material and intellectual world to be managed, but others contain centers capable of entering into relation to the realities of the spiritual world, of the divine world. If you learn to feed your brain with this subtle element that is light, the results will be different. Tradition refers that one day Zoroaster asked God Ahoura Mazda how the first man fed and Ahoura Mazda replied: He ate fire and drank light You will say: Yes, but to replace all our old particles, centuries may be necessary.

No, you can accelerate this transformation with the intensity of your love. The more you love the light, the more you will attract it to you. The food contains forces and subtle elements coming from space, which only a conscious feeding can we allow to receive. These elements that belong to the etheric plane, to the astral plane and even to the mental plane, can help improve our thoughts, our feelings and all our behavior. Yes, but on condition of knowing how to eat consciously and intelligently. It is exactly what occurs when you attend the sunrise.

If you are sitting in front of the sun, thinking about something else, you will always receive some physical benefits of its warmth and light, but the most subtle elements that can help you in your spiritual evolution, you will not receive them. If you are aware that through its rays alone transmits its life, its love, its wisdom and its beauty, you prepare to receive them, you open in you thousands of doors through which those rays can enter to deposit their treasures, and it is just as you fill your whole being with the benefits of the sun. This is why it is so important to be aware of what the sun represents. This is how you can receive the elements that will help you to deepen the laws and mysteries of nature, to enjoy happiness and peace.

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