Planetary Alert Circular

  • 2014

This year has been very difficult for many people due to the release of old energy from the past. This should be done because the old energy will not work anymore. We are starting a new cycle and we have had to be ready for this cycle in order to manifest the blessings it will bring us. We have been on Saturn's energy in Scorpio all year and this is what made the energy so difficult to handle. It was a year of letting go of everything we no longer needed. All the deep dark energy to which we have been clinging for so long in our subconscious mind must retreat. All this came so that we could become great Beings of Light.

I am not saying that everyone has done it because there is still a lot of trauma in the world. Everyone is on their own frequency and will ascend (will go to a higher frequency) when ready. Those who have been working for many years to clear their thoughts, feelings and actions are those who are ready to ascend and live on the Earth of 5D, which is one of peace and happiness. It is time for us to believe that reality.

Be kind to yourself and treat people as you would like to be treated. Do with others as you would like others to do with you. Some people think that being gentle is being weak. That is not my understanding; My understanding is that love is soft and gentle. You can be gentle and still be very powerful. Love is very strong because it is the glue that holds the Universe together. The Bible says that the meek will inherit the Earth. Being meek in my understanding means being kind to yourself and others.

It is also very important to be grateful for everything they have. By the way, being grateful for all they have is the fastest way to manifest what they choose to experience now and in the future. Think about how lucky you are. Those of us who live in the United States have had the freedom to do what we wanted to do for many years. Although there have been controllers our minds are very powerful and using our superior mind we can create what we want or choose to live our lives. Of course we needed to release all our fears in order to do that.

The sun, Mercury and Venus are all in Sagittarius (more Asclepius) right now. I really like the energy that is coming now. The energy that comes from the sign of Asclepius / ISIS comes from November 30 to December 17. There is actually a wind that comes from that sign to Earth during this period of time. Asclepius is the 13th. Zodiac sign that has been hidden for a long time. It represents the energy of the Goddess (love). That could be the reason why I like so much the energy that comes to Earth during this period of time.

We have a full moon that occurs on December 6 at 4:27 AM PST. This full moon will trigger the full moon eclipse that occurred on October 8 of this year. That eclipse was seen throughout the United States. One of the manifestations of that eclipse was the event in Ferguson, Missouri and the demonstrations that occurred because of it throughout the United States. The whole world is also under the power of demonstrations, riots and violence. This will continue while Uranus is in square with Pluto. The sixth square will happen on December 14. The seventh and final will take place in mid-March 2015 and will last for a couple of weeks. That will be a very turbulent time period for 3D Earth.

Also that last eclipse of October 8 was in the 15th grade of Aries beginning to weave our immortal body. Ascension symptoms for those who are empathic were very strong. It has not been easy to move from a mortal body to an immortal body and it has been very hard for our physical bodies. Fortunately we are moving through that energy very fast and by the time of this full moon the South node will be 16 degrees from Aries. This degree gives us an invitation to open our minds to the possibility of approaching life in a holistic and non-rational way, in an intuitive way. Have you not realized how thin the veil has become and how easy it is to see through it? People are also increasingly aware of fairies and small beings. They are becoming part of our new reality. I think it's very exciting.
Another astrological event that will happen on December 4 is that Mars moves towards Aquarius. That on December 8 Jupiter is retrograde to 22 degrees from Leo. That degree of Leo is very powerful and Jupiter is a very powerful planet, because it is very large. In Jupiter mythology it was Zeus, the leader of the Greek gods and the one who threw thunder rays through the skies and controlled the weather. Mars in Aquarius will also interact with Uranus because that is the planet that rules Aquarius. This will give Mars and Uranus a lot of energy and together things can get very frantic.

Mars will be activating the West Coast of China, Korea, Japan and the South Pacific islands. Being Mars and Jupiter aspectated with each other, this will bring financial problems in the foreground and because they are activating those areas in particular what kind of financial transactions will occur? I have heard that there are all kinds of gold in that part of the world. Does this mean it is time to go to a gold standard? Does this mean that we will finally be aware that there is a new financial system and that it is ready to operate?

We have been in the Age of Aquarius since 1962 and that is considered the Golden Age. Jupiter is in Leo which is the opposite sign of Aquarius. Leo is ruled by the sun, which was golden in color until recently. I heard that the color of the sun has changed to white. So the Sun has been transformed from golden to white and so we are in the process of transforming ourselves into great Beings of Crystal Light using the Crystal Diamond Heart Energy. Could this cause the spark of light in each one's hearts to be activated or only in beings that are ready for this activation?

Saturn will be in Scorpio until December 23 and that is when Saturn enters Sagittarius. This will be a totally different vibration. Sagittarius is a fire sign and there will also be a fire trine in force for a few months. Fire is action and events moving fast. The fire within us that ignites our passion rules. Sagittarius is the teacher, the preacher, the lawyer and governs the Galactic Center.

It is very rare that Uranus the planet of light, becomes direct at the same time as the solstice. This will be added to the amount of light at this time, so prepare for this great light. People who are out of balance have a real challenge when so much light comes in and some go crazy and do weird things. Perhaps you could fill your body with the beautiful blue light of peace and serenity at that moment and tune into your higher mind. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me.

Saturn was in Scorpio for more than two years and that is a sign of water, emotional. Now Saturn will be in Sagittarius and energy will move from the focus in Russia and the Middle East to Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. In the United States, Saturn's energy will be centered from the Los Angeles area to the Mississippi River, which includes all desert lands along with the west-central agricultural lands

Africa and the Pope along with Europe will continue to be activated from the node in Libra. The node can refer to issues of life or death and that is why many people in Africa have died of Ebola. The node will be in Libra until October 2015 and in September it will be the last of the blood moons.

I am very excited about this coming season and all the light that will be coming to Earth. This light can completely ignite our Light bodies and perhaps some of us will begin to shine. Wouldn't it be fun? Happy holidays to all of you and I send you my unconditional love.

So be it!

Translated and shared by


By Mahala Gayle

Translation : Alicia Virelli

Planetary Alert Circular

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