Ashtar Sheran in the Kryon Public Channel of 06.05.2009

I am Ashtar Sheran, the Messenger of Peace. I am the light, the love. I greet each of you with the words OMAR TA SATT.

We observe the events of the Planet. We observe the Human Beings and we observe you. We see you and we recognize you. Now, just at this moment the flow of energy begins to flow and if you are prepared the energies of peace will flow to you.

There has been a great change on the Planet. The third phase of the body of light has been activated in the basic vibration of the Planet. Many things have changed and will continue to change. Now you can feel it in your soul inside, where your mind is not at home. That is why he anoints with a deep breath. Set aside everything and surrender to the energies that are so strong right now and so important to you. Because we see it, we can see your soul. Unify all your chakras, expand and feel the greatness, the divinity within you. Be aware of who you are and how wonderful you are.

The activation of the 3rd phase of the body of light has many meanings for all the Human Beings of the Planet, but especially for the conscious Lady Gaia. The 3rd phase of the light body, whose energy has been activated, does not automatically mean that every human being is in this phase of the light body. But in this way every human being on Earth has the possibility of activating his third phase of the body of light and this can happen very quickly. It can happen through intention, with one breath. It can happen while a human being loves deeply. It can be in joy, in nostalgia and it happens very quickly. This means for everyone who has reached this stage of the body of light, but also for those who have long since arrived, that changes occur. Just you, who are so sensitive, have already noticed that your sensations are changing and that they manifest rapidly in every direction you direct your mind.

In times past it was possible to oppress the impulses that the soul transmitted to the mind. This will no longer be possible with the third phase of the light body. The soul claims its truth, the recognition of who you are. The soul wants to be fully recognized.

The soul can no longer store anything as in past times. The soul will resend it and you will feel it as feeling and emotion. Many Human Beings who find this will feel the bodily symptoms. However, Human Beings will have rather symptoms of the soul because many Human Beings do not understand that the soul is the expression of their Divinity. You are the soul and not only do you have the right to fulfill your soul's desires, but you also have a duty to do this.

Remember the times gone by. How many times do you try to make others happy and neglect yourself? This is not about not helping other people, but it is more than just you, that many here give so much. The act of giving, believing that the responsibility is yours, you have done for so many years. But your soul will show you a way to change this, because there has to be compensation. It is not enough to be only the one who gives, but you should also accept help. This balance is very important for your soul and this knowledge is also very important. You are a Divine Human Being and you deserve to accept all the gifts we bring you. It is also the time that your soul will show you that the truth is always looking for its way. Now you can make the decision, because you have the choice of how to treat this new energy of the 3rd phase of the body of light. Decide to use it to unify your masculine and feminine energy.

At first it is very difficult for many of you, because this naturally means that again symptoms of the body of light will occur. But I want to repeat what we have already told you: this means life. Each symptom of the body of light makes you move towards Truthfulness.

Feel, as the energy of peace now flows within you. External changes can be seen almost everywhere and human beings perceive them. They can no longer close their eyes, but internal changes must also be seen. Accept all the changes that your soul shows you. In this way you will feel a great lightness with these energies and you will not reject them.

You move in the energy of the New Time and this ascension phase, as we call it, takes place in three waves. You are in the middle of the third wave and it is strong and moves everything. But finally this is the wave that will take you to the New Energy.

Enter the deep intention and as if all your channels open. Now we will bring you these compensating energies. Breathe them with the light of love.

When the New Time magnetic energies flow to the Planet, the changes have to occur. We have told you for a long time that old structures can no longer be maintained. Many structures are collapsing and you can feel the new beginning. You belong to those who do not close their eyes and I tell you that what happens is something so wonderful that it goes far beyond your understanding. These changes outside as well as inside are necessary. Many human beings feel a sense of grief when they close their eyes and do not know the reason. We know that it is a deep nostalgia of the soul to recognize and perceive itself as that divine being that it truly is.

But many Human Beings continue to close their eyes. They do not want to see or recognize that the soul does not allow any choice. Somehow the soul speaks to you and utters clear words and so you will see that many Human Beings will soon have soul problems. And it would be so easy everything. Believe me, closing your eyes costs more work and energy than keeping them open and recognizing.

Right at this moment, now, a transmission is taking place. The energy that is transmitted, balances the male and female parts, calms your emotional plane and has stabilizing effects throughout your system.

When the Arcturians activated the third phase of the body of light, an earthquake occurred. In this way you can see how Lady Gaia reacts and how she releases herself from the density of energy. We cannot repeat it enough, how important it is at this time, to have a clear mind, disconnect from the collective and create freedom. The freedom of all the obligations that have been imposed on you, which may have accompanied you throughout your life. Love means Freedom, Freedom within you. And these wonderful energies continue to flow within you and the more you relax, the more deeply they can have an effect on you.

What concerns the Activation of the 3rd phase of the body of light is that there will also be great changes in your school system. You will see how your children no longer adapt to this old school system, because these children activate in themselves with each breath the 3rd phase of the body of light and recognize each other. They want to free themselves from obligations and not even assume them. These are the children so important for the New Energy and for the New Time. These children are highly intelligent emotionally and follow the call of their soul, not their mind. They do not allow themselves to be pressed in a scheme and perhaps this requires a lot of energy from the parents and I tell you: they are the children of this New Time.

In the Technique some defects will also occur due to energy currents. It will often collapse your computer system for no reason. This is also part of the changes. But the New Energy flows without stopping and the old energy becomes softer. Higher energy contains love, truth and truthfulness. Break all ties and become who you are. This planet contains so many beauties and this beauty will also be recognized by you.

If you have great difficulties with your symptoms of the body of light, you can call Ashtar Sheran at any time or also Angel Gabriel. These energies calm the symptoms, but recognize the symptoms as gifts for you and for the Planet.

We observe the events and are prepared at all times. Every Human Being that is prepared to feel us will also do it. Thoughts manifest very quickly in this New Energy. The creative force has ever more profound effects. Many of you who have a high conscience, whom we call Pioneers, will have great meetings. Because more than ever before, each being will be recognized.

Feel the abundance, the energy that comes to you. If in the past you have made many decisions from your mind, you will now observe that your soul gives you very deep impulses and you will increasingly decide with your intuition, with your divinity. If in the past you have felt fear and worry because your mind has been stronger than your intuition, you can now verify that your intuition is stronger and that the fear of your mind can no longer be maintained due to high energies.

Many human relationships will also change, because your soul will also send you impulses. If so far you have been shy, this will change. Your soul will show you that you also have the permission to be as you are. The many masks that Human Beings have are eliminated with the luminous energies, but what is coming is so beautiful. Because truth and divine being are always beautiful.

For Ashtar Sheran it is very important that you have received the messages in your soul. Listen to the words again: The children activate with a breath the 3rd phase of the body of light.

Now we will end the transmission very smoothly and that is why Ashtar Sheran asks you to connect with the collective to Mother Earth. You, the bearers of light, and through you, we bring harmonizing energy to Lady Gaia. So we use you as a channel. This happens now.

(Transmission of harmonizing energies to Lady Gaia)

For your help, Ashtar Sheran AN'ANASHA tells you and before Ashtar Sheran leaves, I want to remind you how important it is to connect with his own origin, because from this you receive the connection with the Earth on the spiritual plane and this is very important in this weather.



copyright by Sabine Wenig

Kryon Public Channeling of 06.05.2009


Ashtar Sheran:

Effects of the Activation of the 3rd Phase of the Light Body
Peace Energy Transmission

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