Archangel Michael - Tuning in

Regards! Regards! Greetings !, My Beautiful Beings of Light. Your Grace is flashing and shining on the earth plane, my Beloved. Thank you.

My Beautiful Beings of Light, The creator sends you Unconditional Love and Infinite Grace. Close your eyes and feel the glorious vibrations of these special gifts as the energies are channeled around you to permeate everything where you are in the NOW. Allow these energies to remain with you for as long as you feel comfortable receiving them.

Channel, an interesting word, isn't it? Communications Channel means media. As a direct channel or dialing in a frequency band such as for radios or other media. Ah! Sounds simple.

It doesn't sound like abra-cadabra, right? Channeling is nothing other than tuning, if you prefer, to your information highway and you, My Divine Beings of Grace, can all do it.

The fields around your Essence clear of debris, the clearer the signal. The clearer the signal, the more accurate the information and the less difficult it is to obtain the answers. Less static if they think about how the radio finds the correct frequency as they tune it to propagate the clear sound they like to hear.

The key is to start thinking in terms of getting your own guide. The answers have always been within you, not outside or having to get them from others. How does this sound to you? Are they ready to answer your own questions?

The universe knows that they are ready, it is time to tell themselves, that they are ready. Your answers will be the first impressions that explode in consciousness, My beloved. A little practice and they will be able to discern which is your guide and which your ego imitating your desires to go to him by direction.

Allow this Messenger to take you on a meditation trip to practice finding your own answers.

Find a quiet place where you are not disturbed for a while. They can sit or lie down, whatever they find most comfortable. Cover yourself with a blanket if they cool easily. They will not want distractions during meditation, so make sure the body is comfortable.

If it helps you identify the ego with a symbol or as an object, do it. Place it on your left shoulder. Tell him that he will only be an observer during this trip and that he will not be a participant.

In your imagination and through prayer, ask the Creator to send them a White Light protective Ray, saying: “My Creator, I am asking you for a White Light protective Ray to wrap me up and so you can experience the vibrations higher during this journey into my deepest understanding and Being. I am protecting myself from what is not for my greatest good during this trip. I thank you, My Creator, for assisting me by sending me this ray that is entering the corner of the sector where I am meditating. It is entering into this physical form, permeating everything that is within this presence of Being, I AM. ”

The Creator has responded and given them an Iridescent White Ray and a Strong Yellow along with a Gold Ray for this trip. The Rays are entering the body through the soles of the feet, going up the physical body; impregnating all your energy fields and in all corners of the sector where you are now meditating; leaving then by the coronary chakra. The Rays return to the Creator and continue in the cycle returning to you and returning to the Creator, in a continuous circular flow. These therapeutic protective rays are in permanent motion while in meditation.

Now you are divinely protected and nothing can even communicate with you that is not for your greatest good without your permission.

Inspire deeply My Divine Beings of Light and feeling lighter, relaxed and protected and divinely guided in this meditation. Take a deep breath and know that you do it in the Pulse of the Creator. Listen to the spiritual heartbeat of the Creator and feel the unconditional love that runs through you every moment you think at this moment.

Breathe deeply allowing and seeing within your spiritual imagination your Guardian Angels joining you and taking your etheric hand within your Spiritual Heart chakra. Now invite all Spiritual Guests who would like to enjoy your company during this trip.

Your Guardian Angels, Spiritual Guides and special guests are now within your Spiritual Heart chakra. They find the door and turn the handle of this golden door that says "Towards My Higher Guide Within Me"; They cross the threshold knowing that they are on an adventure of spiritual growth.

They are in a white marble corridor. The Angels take them by the hand, leading them down the hall to the last door on your right. The sign says: "Communications Room." They open the door and cross the threshold; Come in front of you a desk and a comfortable armchair next to him.

They go and sit on it. The pen that lies on the desk beckons them to lift it, and they do it. You ask the Angels how that communication was given. They smile and respond that you receive hundreds of messages daily within yourself and since you have not been trained to listen, you ignore them.

The Angels continue to explain that they are in a higher vibrational field in this place so your messages will be easier to hear. The Angels ask them what the paper pad is telling them.

You simply smile at yourself as you take the hand of this exercise. They answer that the book asks them to write five questions of the type yes or no to those who want to find an answer. Remember to leave room to write the answers, after each question.

The Angels add that they think carefully about the questions and don't ask about predictions or things of that nature. The answers that will be received are those that can only be achieved in a nano second. Predictions are taken from the current context and are subject to change without notice, if you wish. The potentials are infinite. This is explained in this way to learn and practice thinking first in terms of yes and not to begin. Then they can switch to other types of questions later, after some practice sessions.

They write the five questions of yes and no and leave the pen. Angels want you to get the most accurate answers possible. It is necessary to clean your energy fields for that level of communication.

The Angels ask you to sit on the desk chair and put your feet on the stool that they place in front of you. "Close your eyes, " they indicate. Now they ask you to imagine a magic wand in your hand, if you want it, the one that you can move over your complete Essence. They remind you that when they say "Essence" they mean all your auric energy fields, chakras and so on. These parts of your Essence can literally cover kilometers on all sides of your Being, depending on your own contracts and mission requirements.

In your imagination, watch the magic wand extend to cover all these energy fields. With a touch on the fields, lift all debris and debris out of every corner, crack and crack within your Essence of energy. Interesting is that you tell yourself that you can feel the difference that this cleaning exercise has made. They feel lighter and focused, as well as balanced. They tell the angels that this feels good. The vision of a sparkling clean net all around your Essence explodes in consciousness.

Now the angels ask you to imagine the wand that is placed in a Spiritual Cleansing Bucket, so the debris can be transmuted back into Pure Light re-qualified for reuse. The angels explain that this is Spiritual recycling. They put the wand in the bucket and see the flash of light as it is instantly re-qualified.

The angels tell you that it is time to move on to part 2 and you will need your help. Again they take the wand and ask the angels to help them with this part. They stir it over your Essence again and the angels instruct them to ask that any disembodied or attached entity of any kind be removed and cleaned and brought to the Light. You proceed as they are told and see the angels remove anything that might be hanging from you from your wand. The angels take these entities and deliver them to the Light so that they are also transmuted.

The angels tell you that it is time to move on to part 3. They state that the next phase is to clean all the cords that others have attached to you through their judgments and thoughts. These, in fact, project a cord with a hook that sticks into your fields. You do the same to others; Your angels let you know. The angels give them a pair of spiritual scissors to cut the strings or cords of your Essence. They begin at the top of the Essence and continue down until it ends. The cords gather themselves to their owners and the places where the hooks were attached in your Essence heal completely before your eyes.

What remains to be said is that with each of these cleanings they feel better, healthier and lighter, as well as enlightened. They realize that these things have been dragging them down, heavily, for really long.

Without worry, they tell the angels that your reception Lantern has been disconnected, they have been covered with all kinds of garbage.

The interesting thing that your angels emphasize to you is that when you cut the cords that others have sent to you, this also releases those others in the same way. So doing this daily will be beneficial for you and others. The universe can surely reuse all that wonderful, re-qualified energy to return to you and everyone.

You never realized how all this was making you heavier and pulling you down; They also didn't know it could be cleaned. Similarly, you also did not know that it was very beneficial not only for you, but also for all those within the universe. UAU! Surely this will be something that you will put in your personal agendas.

The Angels nod their heads in approval.

Now that they are clean, the angels tell them that it is time to return to the questions they wrote. They are asked to take the pad and begin to focus on one question at a time. They tell you to write the first answer that arises in your consciences. Continue with each of the questions until you have a Yes or No answer to each of the five questions.

They have also had the impression that more information was available about what they wrote, and that it will be the next time they do this exercise.

The Angels tell them to look at the questions and perceive how they feel those answers. Was this the first answer that came to you? They ask you. Is this the answer you are looking for ?, they remind you. Not one that they have thought, analyzed and changed. It has to be the first spontaneous response.

They understand and realize that this will be a learning curve of being able to accept the first spontaneous response. The Angels convey that acceptance and allowing is part of the exercise to begin to banish the doubt that they are really receiving your own superior communication.

They tell them that they can return to this place whenever they want and feel it, doing it in your own space, at home, or wherever they want. You really feel you have accomplished a lot this time and thank the Angels for their assistance.

They lead you back to the hall and go with you down the corridor. They are suddenly seen walking down the white marble corridor where they started.

They reach to see the radiance of your Essence in the mirror before the angels accompany them back through the doorway of your Spiritual Heart chakra, and from there directly to your spiritual essence, back to the physical body.

They move their fingers and toes, and when they feel ready they open their eyes. During the day remember that the angels of support are always at your service, working with you to reach your highest potentials.

Beloved, you are blessed beyond words and loved beyond any measure that no language on the earth plane can ever express. I am Archangel Michael, the Messenger of the Creator, of love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.

This message was channeled and written by Carolyn Ann O'Riley

This material is copyrighted. It can be shared with those that you think you can resonate with, along with the corresponding credits, without charging for it.


A message channeled and written by Carolyn Ann O'Riley


April 2, 2009

Translation: Sergio Hache

Edition: Anita Manasse -

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