WINGS-January 31, 2010 ~ THE NEW UNIT BEGINS by Karen Bishop

  • 2010

Your Book Excerpt for Today

From The Ascension Companion :


All letting go, loss, liberation, and endings created through the ascension process can, in the long run, leave us in a space of simplicity. There is such beauty in simplicity. The joy of being there for a child's smile, seeing a hawk furrowing the sky, attending a flower garden, watching your favorite Disney cartoons, sliding down the slide with your grandson, or maybe just watching an ant carrying Home a bite of food.

Simplicity largely frees us to become part of the moment. It frees us to be much more present for what really matters to us. As we get tired and become apathetic through the ascension process, we can only end up with a simpler lifestyle. With a busy busy lifestyle, we really are neither here nor there. And although we can complain that ascension has taken us a lot, it has really left behind only what matters.

In simplicity we have few responsibilities. We are much freer, and we have all complained that we truly value our freedom! Within the freedom of simplicity, we can connect much more easily with the Source. Our time is ours. We are removed from that busy and agitated world. In simplicity we can see things that we never had time to notice before. Our lives move at a much slower pace. We can be present for others. We can be present for ourselves.

One of my favorite memories is sitting on a pneumatic tube, floating down the Russian River in the California wine region, with my daughter, then eleven, and two of her friends. I think that at that time I spent more time with my daughter's friends than with mine, since they were always much more fun, there was more innocence, and they didn't question much. And we loved to play! That particular time, as we lived right on the same street as the river, seemed natural to me. And now I can play with my grandchildren. We get into so many pranks ... splashing in muddy puddles, drawing, circling in supermarket carts; Oh, simplicity!

Ascension brings back simplicity. We do not have to attend to so many things. We have been removed from many of our previous responsibilities. We get to spend a good amount of time in our creativity. The childish joy of our original and innocent inner child can rise again. And there are so many worlds within worlds that went unnoticed when we were in our busy, adult and very serious lives. I remember one day having my forehead on the ground outside in nature on my friend's ranch in Colorado. And who was going to say it, I discovered an entire civilization inside the earth! It was really amazing, and something worth seeing. I would never have known that I was there if I had not been just wandering around and having a good time, while my friend was outside attending her "business"!

Think of the creak of the ranch door opening, or the bright sunlight that flooded the room when the door was ajar ... these are the most precious memories. These are the valuable moments. And these are the moments when we can feel so happy and happy, and that do not involve material things or things that we believe we need for our safety. These times of simplicity are when the spirit is always present.

When I don't have a simple life, I feel very disconnected. Having no debts, being able to do practically everything I want whenever I want, having the simplest possessions, and not having any real program, is the only way I feel comfortable these days. It would be very difficult for me to have to be somewhere at a certain time; I am not used to it. If my life starts to get agitated and complicated, I refuse to participate. Simplicity is too valuable for me.

If you have chosen this page, you are encouraged to remember that simplicity can bring you closer to the Source. It can place you much more in the moment and allow things to arrive in a harmonious and synchronous way of aligning very naturally through the Source. Enjoy your simplicity; That's what it's all about!

~ The New Unity begins ~
January 31, 2010
by Karen Bishop

Welcome !

Much has changed since the last message of WINGS, as we have made great progress.

Although things may seem scary, awkward, and at best it seems that the world is falling apart, I can assure you that things are on track, as the divine plan continues to unfold .

We are re-configuring and re-calibrating starting again, beginning the massive restructuring of a very new Planet Earth. In this way, the old must fall, and it is falling.

As human beings, many of us are really a microcosm of the earth. So then, whatever happens to her, we will feel it as if it were happening also within us. During recent times, we might feel that we, ourselves, were falling apart and falling apart, but we are simply a mirror to our beautiful planet, since we embody so much of it within us. same.

The earth is now in the process of re-aligning with the higher realms, or new and more vibrant forms of living and being. Part of the new ways of being involve meeting in unity. Thus, the phase that we have recently begun involves a separation of energies as they begin to regroup. As a huge cell division, we are leaving some people and scopes, as we connect with our true and legitimate scopes. We are starting now, and we will continue with this process of gathering in like-minded groups, as we form small groups of individuals that resonate with each other, and that over time will begin to create together, and also They are going to support each other to support themselves.

This is how it was expected to be. What is happening now, is that this process is indeed beginning as it should be. Things are falling, as this process will encourage many of us to get together, leaving the old reality of the individual far behind. All this will happen very naturally for us, but we must also be willing to intervene and also take our next steps. I have been writing about this process for many years, and it is also in my first book, Remembering the Purpose of your Soul . I tell you this as an example that this time was destined to come. There is nothing wrong here. This is a very exciting time!

When Barak Obama was elected president of the US, his soul plan was to keep things as intact as possible, so that the restructuring does not cause much trauma to the planet. The soul imprint of the US It is to serve as a vibration that affects and affects the rest of the world in its path (and sometimes not in the best way!). Barak Obama had the soul responsibility to keep things as stable as possible while these changes were taking place. So no matter how strange it seemed in regards to what he was doing, at the upper levels, he was following his plan.

As we know, the major plan (and he was part of it) did not take hold as anticipated. Hence the separation of the worlds. So now, with the creation of Earth Two, the very new structures are coming into play, as this is part of how Earth Two has to be deployed and created. Thus, 2010 will be in effect a year of manifestations, creativity and self-expression, since we will be embodying all these things as we unite to create the new world.

Changes on Earth and natural disasters will also occur, and these transformations on earth will also serve to bring us together in unity. The earthquake in Haiti has already served this purpose and has done magnificently. The love and reverence that extends to the souls who agreed to participate in this process go beyond words.

Almost daily now, we are receiving large amounts of energy through our crown chakras. This energy serves to sustain these new and higher forms of life and being. This energy is greatly helping to sustain space while the planet adjusts, along with all its inhabitants.

These energies continue to arrive in the form of start-stops. In this way, we can feel very high and magnificent one day, and deeply depressed the next. The contrast between the energy of the new reality and the enormous disappointment, pause or absence of any energy is quite extreme. I was recently involved in a very large printing project. The pages were printed for a while, and suddenly they stopped. Several times I had to restart my printer, and then I started printing again. I may be watching a DVD or satellite television, and the same thing happens. The story stops midway, in a frozen image, and suddenly begins again. These are all indicators that the energies are really coming, even if it is piece by piece, as we integrate them slowly but surely.

We can feel very connected and clear one day, and then totally lost the next. We can remember and connect with our next steps with total certainty, and then fall off the planet the next day. We may find it almost impossible to remember what we "used to" know as a higher level of being. These are indicators of the energy of the new reality that is coming slowly. Remember, we are starting over . But what is happening more recently, is that the dots are beginning to connect very securely. The days of great heights and connections are getting longer and there are more of them. The lows are getting shorter and there are fewer of them.

We can wake up one morning, and things suddenly feel different (Monday 25 was one of those days). We had reached a new place that day, as enough of the new energies had been integrated. This created a new shelf or a new space to walk towards. In other days, like today (Sunday 31), the higher energies are penetrating and our hearts can accelerate. So many of the points or higher energies within us have connected, that we are now in a new space that sustains the new energies much more easily. At the same time, we may have felt like sleeping a lot lately, or having been unusually tired. We are rapidly integrating now, by creating new spaces and new pieces of our very new reality.

Our creative skills are now deep. That is why focusing and visualizing what we really want is of vital importance, since it serves to keep our spirits high, as well as serve to form the new reality in every way, and also maintain that place.

Our new connections will now be the topic for a good time. These connections will not only serve to create the new world, but they will also serve to keep us, keep the energies high and balanced through the connection of our personal energies, as well as give us the emotional support that we will need in the times to come.

We have met in the past through websites and things like that, but the new connections will be different in that we are going to meet with our soul teams and those with whom we resonate more. As for me, now and in the past, I have never been affiliated with any website or groups outside my own website, since I have always remained in my own yard to keep the energies as pure, clear and pristine as possible. And, honestly, I know very little about what happens outside my own website (and no, I don't have a Face Book group).

I would like to take this moment to say thank you very much to all of you who have published the messages of WINGS and What Happens on Planet Earth? on their sites and with their groups, whoever they are and wherever they are, in integrity and in accordance with the universal copyright notices at the bottom of this page. His dedicated service to the planet, while connecting us all, along with bringing his own special energies to his ventures, has helped many in the difficult first phase of the ascension process. Thank you very much for helping me too. Although I don't know most of you personally, I can't thank you enough. So please, let me thank you now.

A new added role of The New Angels of the Earth in the times to come, will be to meet through meetings of "celebrations of the soul" in physical form, along with communicating and supporting the new structure and grid, and connecting more fully with our true and authentic self. I am looking forward to it, along with many of its new offerings as well.

Then, as the dots begin to connect more and more, we will begin to feel a new and different security, since it will be the security of the very new reality. Hope to see you there…

With much love and gratitude,

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"
All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

Translation: Margarita López

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