WINGS ~ The Next Wave of the Cosmic Tsunami arrives ~ April 8, 2010 by Karen Bishop

  • 2010


Did you miss the ALAS message from April 4? You can see it here.

The light wave of the cosmic tsunami filled us with another installment in the last days, and it could be felt in many different ways, all according to the way each one of us is wired and how we accept and interact with energy.

The submarine earthquake in Chile that occurred on February 27, was powerful enough that it literally moved Earth on its axis. This created a lot of movement on the planet, since everything was launched here and there, pushing a wide variety of energies into our spaces. Some of these energies were from our past, and others from our future, since all the steps of the vibratory hierarchy were affected and piled up (and even some energies of other dimensions!), Although only for a brief period of time.

After enough time was allocated for this change to achieve what it intended to achieve, which was to put the earth more fully in alignment with its new space in the cosmos, the next wave of earth movements was triggered next. (The earthquake in Haiti was actually the first of a long series of earth movements yet to come, and its purpose was to tear the energy from the heart, which is the primary energy of our new dimension of greater vibration.)

Remember, the energy of the new earth is coming from the bottom up this time, even while the cosmic tsunami arrives from the cosmos to support this process, so the imminent changes of the earth are a vital piece of the process of creating the new land.

These terrestrial changes are creating the new foundations so that the light of our new residence in the cosmos can be more fully integrated. In this way, we settle with newer foundations, while at the same time, this causes more of the new wave of light to arrive, bringing with it much more of the energy of the heart and an air of greater vibration to breathe.

With the position of the new land now more fully in place, Baja California then experienced a major earthquake on April 4. Immediately after April 6, Indonesia experienced an earthquake of magnitude 7.7. From April 4 onwards, there were countless earthquakes recorded worldwide in massive quantities. At the same time, a new wave of light began to reach the planet, as these earth movements around the world began to position themselves to receive this light.

As the new wave of light collides with the Earth's atmosphere, it immediately transforms into a kind of fairy dust, so that it can be more easily assimilated and so that it arrives more smoothly. With all this activity taking place, many of us are experiencing a wide range of symptoms. As always, it is better to consult a health professional for symptoms, since not all symptoms can be attributed to the ascension process.

So what are some of the symptoms we can feel during these times of massive movements of energy?

· Difficulty breathing or pain in the lungs due to the arrival of “fairy dust”.

· Pain in the heart, palpitations, chest and upper back pain due to the energies that open the heart.

· Having the sensation of a lump in the throat, due to the opening of the heart.

· Pain in the legs and feet due to earth movements and new roots.

· Pain throughout the body, headaches, pain in the bladder or kidneys, and muscle aches from detoxification, in order to align with the new energies.

· Feel like they are hyper-ventilating as the energies of greater vibration collide with our systems.

· Fear and acute anxiety.

· Depression and low energy for some, more energy for others.

· Feeling "weird", as if nothing fit or was familiar, and feeling restless and exhausted, almost as if a trauma had occurred.

· Get ​​too emotional and cry for everything ... when you experience love and attention, and when not and when it should have been (again the energy of the heart).

· Insomnia and stress, even if there is really none present in our lives at this time.

When we experience massive movements with the energies and a new positioning, the darkest and densest energies almost always appear in some way, since they are out and they have come off. In this way, we can feel the corresponding feelings, that is, darkness, depression, fear and anxiety while these denser energies surround us for a short time.

If we can remember that these feelings are only temporary, and result of something quite amazing and truly holy that is occurring, it can sometimes make the process a little easier to digest. When we remain focused on positive and happy things, and remain in the company of caring and caring people, then these things will be magnified when these new energies arrive and accelerate things. For sensitive people, these massive movements of energy can really shake things up. For me, being almost with a Rescue Remedy serum in these times is what is needed!

When the energies are that intense, we can also create almost in an instant. So again, what we keep in our minds comes almost immediately to us, what we are being is going to reach us very quickly, and what we are feeling is going to magnify. It can be of great help then, if we are aware of who we are and what we believe, since it will come to us sometimes as a locomotive.

In conclusion, these earthworks are placing us much more fully in our new and legitimate spaces. We are getting closer and closer to being in a very new groove. So far, many of our projects are still midway as energies continue to arrive in start-stop waves, therefore we can only create parts of things. Our projects then never seem to be completed! We line up, and then create a little more. We create just what we need to sustain ourselves in these small and new increments.

Since the light is now consolidating itself as the new and legitimate administrator of the planet, what is rightfully ours will return to us again. On the upper levels, this means our power and our position here, along with the position of the new earth. There are many different levels too. My daughter just received a clothes she had exchanged with another mother many years ago, and it was her first son's original clothes. Now you can pass it for your younger children to use, so they can wear their older brother's clothes. Her eyes filled with tears when she saw the twins in her brother's clothes, for she had thought that these clothes had been lost forever.

As these huge shocks continue, and as we continue to align with our new space in the cosmos and on the planet, we can come to know that the time has finally come for light to fully incorporate this very new land. The arrival of the light and the movement it creates, or for what we have been preparing subconsciously by placing ourselves during the last weeks, is very close.

With much love and gratitude,

New site of Karen Bishop "Emerging The New Angels of the Earth"

All your material can be downloaded in Word file from your site in Spanish

Thanks Margarita López !!!

Translation: Margarita López

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