Spiritual Activism

  • 2016

A spirituality that is only private and self-absorbed, lacking an authentic political and social conscience, does little to stop the suicide giant from history. On the other hand, an activism that is not purified by a deep spiritual and psychological self-awareness and rooted in divine truth, wisdom and compassion will perpetuate the problem that Try to solve, despite his just intentions. When, however, the more spiritual and profound vision is connected with a practical and pragmatic unit to transform all existing political, economic and social institutions, a divine force, - the power of wisdom and love in action - is born. This force is defined as Sacred Activism. Andrew Harvey

What is Sacred or Spiritual Activism?

Sacred Activism is a transforming force of compassion in action that is born from the fusion of a deep spiritual knowledge, of courage, love and passion, with wise action. No radical in the world. The large-scale practice of Sacred Activism can become an essential force to preserve and heal the planet and its inhabitants. The Institute for Sacred Activism is an international organization focused on inviting interested people to take on the challenge of our contemporary crises in order to become inspired, effective and practical agents of institutional change and systemic, in order to create peace and sustainability.

Andrew Harvey

Why is it crucial for our future?

The global political, economic and spiritual crisis we are currently in is a call to action. It is an opportunity to understand the realities that surround us and we mobilize together to do something different. We have before us the possibility of using this current crisis to empower ourselves, and others, to really put the planet to work. In welcoming an uncertain future, it is necessary to support the leaders, who are inspired and, are brave and effective to get up. It is necessary to renew the energy of people who are exhausted and apathetic of institutions and corporations. If we lead individuals to an internal compass that renews their passion, there is hope for real solutions and inspired creativity. Everything that is needed is already there, it just has to be taken advantage of.

Both contemporary spiritual seekers and activists have not been connected to a vision of action that is stimulating, hopeful and rooted in deep spiritual wisdom and compassion. Some spiritual seekers, for example, use spiritual knowledge as a subtle way of dissociating themselves from the real practice of social, economic and political commitment in the world, ensuring that the world and its inhabitants are abandoned in their time of dire need.

American natives

Activists, on the other hand, are prone to wear out, wear out, and weaken; as well as to divide and, are generally separated from the healing and transformative wisdom of spiritual traditions, simple techniques, prayer and practices that could sustain, inspire and nurture their heroic efforts.

It has been observed that in the heart of the chaos of the modern crisis, a lineage of ordinary people has emerged that has merged a deep spiritual knowledge, experience and practice, with the wise and incessant action of justice and peace. Having emerged against all odds, they have achieved the unimaginable.

The vision of Sacred Activism is dedicated to honoring and continuing the enormous work of ordinary people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks and Desmond Tutu. Each of these individuals stood up to face the challenges of their time with great spiritual grace and an internal contemplation integrated with decisive action.

The work of Hope by Andrew Harvey, Paul Ray and Paul Hawken reveals that in our contemporary world there is a derivative of different groups of people concerned and anxious for change. Sacred Activism can offer these people a system of traditional thinking and wisdom practices to help maintain the kind of transformative change that is necessary for the world to be preserved.

“I believe that the only hope for the future is Sacred Activism: the fusion of deeper spiritual knowledge and passion with a clear, wise and radical action in all areas of the world, interior and exterior. We have very little time to wake up and transform ourselves, in order to preserve the planet and heal the divisions between powerful and powerless. Let's move forward now with firm determination and deep dedication. ” Andrew Harvey

Translation: Laura Gamboa-Cavazos, editor of hermandadblanca

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