22 ways to achieve tranquility and inner calm

  • 2016

Many times we feel overwhelmed, tired and what we most want is to achieve tranquility and inner calm, to be better people with others and of course with ourselves.

Here are the best options for you to achieve.

Ways to achieve tranquility and inner calm

  1. Listen to music

No matter what gender it is, the time you like it and that makes you feel relaxed. Music is the food of the soul and in an instant way you can recover your calm.

  1. Go for a walk

Going out in the fresh air can make a world of good and promote peace of mind. Take a break and get the blood pumping, especially when the sun is shining.

  1. Enjoy nature

Excess concrete is never a good thing. Spend time away from the city, listen to the birds singing and enjoy the peace and tranquility.

  1. Play with a pet

Having a pet to play with is a great way to eliminate stress. Touch is a powerful sense and can relieve tension and promote peace of mind.

  1. Acceptance

Acceptance is essential for your peace of mind. Accepting that there are few guarantees in the world and learning to tolerate uncertainty is a big leap in peace of mind bets. Differentiate between what you can and cannot control.

  1. Mindfulness

When we are aware, we are fully present in the moment and very aware of our five senses: touch, taste, sight, hearing and smell . Involve your senses. This leaves less time for your mind to worry, so think about "what will happen if".

  1. Be love

Other options to achieve tranquility and inner calm is this, the more we like ourselves, the greater our peace of mind. We accept ourselves more and feel comfortable in the world, no matter what situation we are in but we experience less insecurity and, as a result, our inner peace intensifies .

  1. I am true to you

This is another vital component of peace of mind . When congruence practice, they behave similarly to the way we feel and think. When the way we see ourselves and the way the world sees us is the same, we are practicing congruence.

Problems arise when we see each other in a way (for example, as a loving mother), but they behave in ways that disagree with the way we would like to see ourselves (for example, abandoning our children because we are too busy) Finding ways to maintain our internal ideals and the way we behave similarly is one of the keys to peace of mind.

  1. Sense of humor

Laugh a lot . The world is a better place instantly when you can see the fun side of life. Laughter is a great antidote to stress and releases hormones that help us relax.

  1. Unconditional love

When you don't expect anything in return, you make it easier to love without fear . When we love with the conditions set, our unmet expectations can create confusion and feelings of internal resentment. Insecurities destroy the peace of mind.

  1. Go to periodic health checks

It is worth keeping track of your health and taking care of yourself . Stopping going may indicate a lack of self-respect, and this in turn will affect the way we see the world and the way others interact with us. Be kind to yourself.

  1. Make a balance

From time to time, it is a good idea to check if you are satisfied with the quality of your life. You like your job? Your relationship? Are you on the right path? Make the necessary adjustments to restore peace of mind.

  1. You have goals

This is related to the number 12. Objectives to continue on the path in the right direction and give us a sense of purpose. Make your goals "SMART": S = specific, M = measurable, A = achievable, R = realistic, T = Time bound.

  1. Don't take yourself too seriously

Learn to be more flexible in your approach to life. The more rigid our thinking is, the easier it is to experience situations that contradict our rigid ideas.

  1. Live in the moment

Instead of worrying about the past or panic about the future, really enjoy LIFE . It is all we have this moment in time. When we live in the present, the concerns of the past and the future cannot concern us.

  1. Be assertive

You have as much right to be here and have an opinion as any other person. When we become passive or submissive, we do ourselves a bad service. Being assertive is not about your needs ahead of others (aggressive) or your needs ahead of yours (passive). Rather, it is about compromising a win-win situation.

  1. Speak your mind

Don't be afraid to say what you are thinking. This goes hand in hand with being assertive. Ask for what you want in life. If you don't ask, you don't receive.

  1. Let it go

There are some things that simply cannot be changed, no matter how hard you try. Knowing when to cut your losses and separate is one of the steps to achieve tranquility and inner calm

  1. Resist Guilt

Guilt is a negative emotion that removes peace of mind. Although it can motivate us (in the opposite direction), it is still a toxic emotion. Challenge the reasons for your guilt to make sure you are not going to put unnecessary pressure on yourself.

  1. Adopt an attitude of gratitude

Focusing on all the things in our lives that we are grateful for, it promotes peace of mind and reminds us that there are always positive aspects . Sometimes we just have to push our conscience.

  1. Connect with others

One of the true pleasures of life is to share life with others and know that others have us . We feel less alone and feeling understood allows a fantastic feeling of well-being.

  1. Reduce speed

Why do you have to do everything today? Often, we put realistic pressure on ourselves when there is no need to do so. Challenge your impatience, be aware and enjoy life in the moment.

The most important ways to achieve peace of mind involve being true to yourself, accepting that life is uncertain and seeing your way of thinking. Many of us mentally "torture" ourselves every day with the things we say to ourselves.

Trust your positive thoughts, pay less attention to the negative ones and concentrate on what you are grateful for in life, and you will be well on your way to the inner peace of mind.

Put into practice all these tips and you will see how you can achieve tranquility and inner calm effectively, thus improving your whole life.

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the hermandadblanca.org family

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