2nd. Part “Let's talk about Akashic Records - Akashic Healing by Alma Rosalía García Aguilar

  • 2014

In the first part of this article we talk about the meaning of Akashic Records, remembering and as a summary we will say that the Akashic Records are: Large energy libraries that in a multidimensional way, collect, and safeguard all the vibratory Records that settle and are recorded in the field of energy of the trip that each soul made of all their lives and are protected in the Records or personal files of each soul in evolution, It is the USB that contains all their experiences, actions, thoughts, emotions, intentions, facts and thoughts of each soul throughout its evolutionary journey, until its return back to that origin. Considering all the characters in their different incarnations, as well as in their three levels, past, present and possible future scenarios.

And the Global Registries of the planet are, the collective of the human race, the collective unconscious and everything that exists in it, every event, all decisions, all history, all vibrations, in short, no fact is lost; It also co-exists in the three levels past, present and potentially possible futures that are existing simultaneously and your query is a journey through a multidimensional line.

We also speak of La Akasha, that substance or primary energy of which everything that exists and formed in the universe. It is the first state of energy of origin, before being affected by our actions, thoughts, feelings etc. And it is also a quality of the Light. And as I mentioned in the first part of the article, it is recommended to understand from the perspective that you are energy, Divine essence leaving aside the beliefs previously acquired, to understand the multidimensional plane.

Well, how is it that Akashic Healing occurs? There are several techniques and everyone can learn to read the Records to heal, but what is real is that it must be done by connecting with the Higher Self or Self with that Divine part of us that is on another Higher plane; Thus, we can request permission from the Guardians of our personal Akashic Records. Any technique that is followed to perform a healing is first required to establish those two contacts.

The goal of having to read personal Akashic Records is, to help understand and find clarity, depth in those complex aspects of the life of a being. And from that moment of understanding, the effect and healing process begins as it has a domino effect. Because one life touches another life in that multidimensional line healing not only this life but also in the near lives.

For this reason, a reading of Akashic Records is the way to heal the Soul and that healing occurs at other multidimensional levels. Healing the Soul on all three levels, present, past and future lives.

Kryon in one of his channels tells us of a first step: “You have to believe that it is possible and you have to believe it so strongly that it is real, and this seems like a good start because if you believe it, believe it., another phrase that Kryon shares in a channeling where he speaks of the arrival of a fourth method of healing (after energy healing, allopathic medicine and Alternative healing is related to quantum healing and tells us how to achieve it: claiming energy within your own Akashic Record and taking the health they had in another life! - making reference that all lives are in the present because each being is one with them, with all their lives, but seeing it from a multidimensional perspective.

The next step that is the key to the process is to understand and believe that you have always been accompanied by a unique being your I Higher, keep in mind that you are a multidimensional being, since you understand that it is our belief system that limits us, the one that puts distances between the dimensions that exist, we co-exist in them, they are not outside but within us in our own DNA. And another inclusive factor is: The fundamental fact of acting from the heart and abandoning the previous belief system for greater understanding.

The disease is not something that arises simply from nothing, it is the consequence of the misuse that is made of the breath, which is the main energy fluid to nourish the cells, that is why the energy Because we emit through negative thoughts, emotions and actions, however insignificant they may seem, they create their own reality, consequently their own negative energy thus generating a disease; which is reducing the energy system and influencing health. We are becoming weak beings as we focus our power, our attention and awareness on false realities and beliefs, and only focus on the external, on everyday life, on schedules, in haste, on the tasks, in the stress, in the fears, fears and concerns for having, in fulfilling others, in death and that make us act in a mechanical and automatic way, without meaning, accepting social conditioning; which eventually lead us to become mentally, emotionally and physically.

But it is through that wrong perception that we see life improperly, that limits us, ties us to a role of victims; and to heal it is necessary to change the focus, it is necessary to empty all of the above to accommodate a clean space, to house a new way of seeing life, with a new consciousness, where our Higher Self can create other realities, where there is certainty of a multidimensional being where strength is love as the energy of transformation

This channeling of Kryon also tells us about three levels of difficulty in changing the Akasha; The Easy level is the one that allows us to easily eliminate certain aspects and refers to Fears, phobias and blockages. The second degree of difficulty refers to the change in the Immune System, the allergies included and finally the most difficult level of changing the future. That is why Kryon tells us: _ you have to be able to use the Quantum, Your innate energy - I Superior -, he will do it for you, but only if you get out of the way and do not intellectualize everything. It's time for you to join him ”_. He adds - “That - I Superior - is hidden in trillions of pieces of DNA, all working together to create the person you are. Your Higher Self is not an angel in heaven. It is within you, embedded in your cellular structure ”_.

And I want to share a text message from Kryon on the subject that says: - "I want you to join in benevolence to create health and a Human Being with a long life " _. _ “ Dear cellular structure, I want my metabolism to reflect my magnificence. Help me have the right size for the best health. Change what is necessary, turn to Akasha if necessary, in memory of who it used to be. Change my feeding preferences if necessary. May my body crave what it needs and not what I want it to need. Bring him to a place of balanced divinity and I promise that I will speak to you every day, because I love you . ” _

_ ” Now, if you analyze this message, you will realize that your true consciousness never told the body something specific, because the Innato knows what to do, he is just waiting for your call that gives him the freedom to act in what is best . You are asking for balance, and the Innato knows what to do. The intelligent part of your body can even come into contact with your Akasha; it can bring the precise parts for your health, for the change, to leave the habits that you have and you should not have ”_.

And to conclude with what Kryon says about the Akashic Records, I share with him this comment of his channeling: _ ” Miracles are only things that are outside your normal beliefs. Change the belief and miracles will become normal. Sometimes, when those miraculous things happen, human beings raise their hands towards God and say: "Thank God." They do not understand that they themselves have activated their own DNA with such force that they have received healing for their own life ”_.

From Linda Howe's point of view, it tells us that the sanction by reading the Akashic Records is a spiritual healing that can be defined as "Healing from the point of view of the soul." And he also comments that there are two requirements for healing by reading the Akashic Records: First, the little importance or uselessness of considering the old ideas to our problems and that what has been trying with them does not work. The second that this consideration does not represent any danger of abandoning and detaching ourselves from those old paths and allowing ourselves to open up to new horizons, because there is a healing power that is much greater than us.

Then he mentions that there are three components in the healing path through the reading of the Akashic Records: The first part is about Our Sacred Wounds as points of power in the Relationship with ourselves. Where the Consciousness of the Self is the main actor as well as the acceptance of Himself. She considers the wounds as the scars marked by any type of damage from the emotional, mental to their appearance in the physical, that throughout our existence we have suffered, suffered, lived and are based on those ideas, thoughts and negative feelings that we generate and form about ourselves, also of others and of the environment and life in general that we live.

Linda Howe comments that they are Sacred because they are presented as a sacred opportunity that leads us from ordinary to the sacred to Divine reality, as part of life's lessons. The second part takes us to the path of peace in everything that refers to our relationships with others, family, friends, acquaintances, co-workers or social circles; where there is the overcoming of resentment, acceptance and forgiveness and abandonment of judgments and criticisms of others. Finally, the third part takes us to the platform for transformation and transcendence, where the relationship is generated and established with a greater awareness of who we really are with a new internal structure, renewed with all the capacity and security of expressing and relating through of our "True Self", where the most conscious integration with the Divine is manifested; where all those patterns that limit us and enslave us of freedom are released to finally enter the Ascension matrix where the greatest attributes are gratitude, grace and generosity; manifesting a spiritual expansion that is the precursor to effective healing.

Linda Howe proposes certain guidelines for the healing process, which will help to obtain good results in the process of reading the Akashic Records such as: do not use drugs or alcohol for greater effectiveness of contact with the Higher Self, you should use Your legal name is the one that is registered in the official documents, making good use of time with a great responsibility on it while reading the Records etc. It also proposes as important aspects the tradition of the Sacred Prayer and the process of the Prayer of the Path which consists of an Opening Prayer to the Registries and the Closing Prayer as a mechanism of thanks.

Linda Howe after many years in search of absolute truth, I believe this method that she considers effective to access the Registries and ascend to a divine plane of the consciousness of Being. Thus being able to work together with the Masters and Guides, the healing of lives of any soul that requests it, freeing it of burdens that have diminished its physical, mental and emotional health. This work of the readings of the Akashic Records can be done by any person individually or also to help working for their loved ones or for other beings.

David Topi mentions about healing through reading the Akashic Records that. _ ” Healing is done through an awareness of the problem, followed by a request to our Higher Self, in the form of conscious intension, but if we are not sure what problem we have encountered, this request for cleanliness will have regular effects, while which will be very effective, on the contrary, if we are clear in our head what we are healing, the clarity of information on problems we discover is VITAL for its subsequent solution ”-

In his method to access the reading of the Akashic Records planet make a mental projection, to project to the Akashic archives this through the practice of concentration, a state and peace through the practice of meditation and thus reach the connection with our Higher Self, thus becoming a channel of our Higher Self. An important support is the use of the pendulum and to achieve 100% accuracy in what we ask to obtain direct and concrete YES / NO answers. It suggests in this way to learn to ask the right questions to obtain better answers with the support of tables that allow the identification and accurate explanation of the origin of all types of blockages. He comments that when the connection with the Higher Self is secured, and the person has certain extraordinary powers, the pendulum is not necessarily indispensable.

It is important to consider that only what we are allowed to heal can be healed. The Masters who guard the Akashic Records are those who make available only that information that is important for the Being at this moment, that is, what can be done at that time. heal. David also mentions that consultations or readings of the Akashic Records cannot occur consecutively or frequently, it is recommended as appropriate every 4 or 6 months; the reason is that time must be allowed for the energy system of the being to adapt again to that new sensation of lightness, of stripping of blockages and then healing.

As part of the study and work with the Akashic Records, David Topí proposes to acquire certain bases and knowledge on aspects such as: Organic life on the planet; Generation of blockages (giving and receiving energy, from what we think, say and act, to what is related to external energies); Study of the energy system, including information on the etheric matrix, the system of energy channels (Meridians, Srotas, nadis, marmas) since the human body has thousands of channels responsible for flowing or transporting Chi or Prana energy. Three of that main channels that connect all the farms to each other that are Sushuma, Ida and Píngala and that in that great energy network there are all kinds of main and secondary and minor channels; the twelve regular meridians.

It also raises the knowledge of the main energies that feed the human body: the Energy known as El Prana or Chi (the vital energy of the universal principle that is obtained from the sun, food, elements and breathing); Jing Energy (which is obtained by genetic inheritance, related to Karma) and Shen Energy (it is Spiritual energy is cultivated through meditation).

It is also important to study the three Tantiens (Lower Cauldron, Middle Cauldron and Upper Cauldron), energy centers on which it depends largely to increase or decrease the level of personal vibration. Include the study of the seven main Chakras that are the main vortices responsible for the electromagnetic field surrounding the physical body and that are related to the layers of the aura; They are also associated with a specific type of function related to specific qualities.

The knowledge of the external systems of the human being (subtle bodies, the four bodies of the third density: ethereal body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual body) the sum of ethereal body, emotional body and mental body It is what we call Alma and its study is inclusive.

The important thing for reading the Akashic Records in addition to previous studies is to focus on the practice of Meditation and the state of consciousness to connect with the Higher Self for this process. Relying on his proposal of appropriate questions and the use of the pendulum to confirm not only contact with the higher Self but also the responses of the Readings made.

On the other hand, Federica Zosi tells us that in the reading of the Registers the recorded information of past lives is not always relevant, when these lives are present it is in order to heal the origin of a person's current problems, if the permit given to heal these problems will cease to be repetitive problems in future lives.

This also allows the work to be carried out from the consciousness of Light where the help of the Great White Brotherhood, of the Karmic Board, of the Kumaras who are the custodians of the Akashic record represented by Sanat Kumara, and that once the permission for reading has been granted; The process of contact, reading and Akashic healing will facilitate the process that manifests the response data, which is a great informational load that works not only in a few days but in the successive months where a root healing can be done.

That with a new perspective of our life, after the readings we will make better decisions, we will understand others and especially life will be much better. After this step we are preparing to experience the new realities that are presented. The healing that occurs through the reading of the Akashic Records is presented at the level of the soul's memory and consequently radiates to all other planes and bodies.

In this method of Federica Zosi you have to make initiations to people who want to learn the method, this in order to deliver the keys of knowledge for the opening and reading of Akashic Records. There is a preparation with exercises of meditation, observation and pronunciation of mantras, whose objective is to open awareness to a deeper vision that facilitates the connection n with the Masters; Work is being done on the reactivation of the pineal gland for greater connection.

Federica Zosi suggests in the Meditation of communication with the Akashic Records, a cleansing of the body with aromatic waters to purify the physical plane or use pink jasmine essential oils, stay in a quiet place, emptying the mind and visualize the process starting with a trip through a proposed meditation until the meeting with the Master of Records.

I want to conclude this article to share from the book of Federica Zosi a text message from the masters of the Channeled Ak shicio Registry

Dear humanity, we are here, as always, at all times and places invoking your consciences for a joint work of harmony and peace. We accompanied the entire process of planetary transformation, always respecting their free will; That is why we ask to be summoned by you to help you solve your lives, healing your karma and helping you to prove your golden essence. We are the new golden race, the race of the sixth sun. There will be no end of the world, but some will live the splendor of the dawn of this new race and others will choose to experience in other places of Creation. You always choose, you always decide on a planet with free will. We are united to you in love, in peace and in service. We only act upon your request. Know that we are here because of the unique awareness. We are the custodians of the planetary registry of the Earth, Gaia, pressing from the single heart ”._

Sources consulted:

"Healing through the Akashic Records"

Linda Howe

Obelisk editions

"Transition Now"

Edited by: Martine Vallé

Obelisk editions

"Akashic Records"

Encounter with your past lives.

Federica Zosi

Kier editorial


Akashic Records, David Topí.

Alma Rosalía García Aguilar

2nd. Part “Let's talk about Akashic Records - Akashic Healing by Alma Rosalía García Aguilar

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