An Healing Exercise, by Peter Danov

  • 2014
Put your hands in front of your mouth, as if you were going to pray. Relax, throw out all the worries. Breathe gently over your hands, as if with them you wanted to catch your breath . Do it three times. Blowing in this way, you regulate your magnetic currents. Each finger of the hand is connected to a certain center or organ of the brain, and each organ is connected with specific forces.
These forces are linked to the regions and worlds of the mind. It is enough for you to lift one of your fingers to contact the appropriate organ through which the energies of the mental world flow. Each finger is, therefore, a conductor of a special energy or current. A certain cosmic energy emanates from each finger.
When you're not well, when you don't know what to do, hold your thumb with your right hand, then hold your forefinger, heart, ring and little finger. Be aware of the change taking place in you.
The thumb represents the divine world. When you don't feel well, experiment with your thumb to get to master the hidden powers in it. Caress the upper part of the thumb, starting from the third phalanx to the nail. Then he caresses the bottom, from the beginning. See if your indisposition disappears. Be aware of your thoughts and feelings while practicing these exercises.
If at first you don't get results, repeat the exercise. The one whose fingertips are sharp, uses a lot of energy due to a large external flow. The more rounded the fingertips, the less energy will come out.
Source: "Man: A system of energies and forms, " ​​Peter Danov shares Inner Harmony in:

An Healing Exercise, by Peter Danov

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