We assume that you have already read and studied book No. 1 of this Series, entitled:



To fully understand these New Age teachings, and to fully obtain the benefits they contain, it is advisable to start at the beginning, which is The Principle of Mentalism, because the entire Universe, everything in Creation, is based on that Principle, and without knowing it he goes blind. Look it up, get it, it won't weigh you.

These studies, talks, conferences and consultations are offered for free. You are not obliged to pay anything if you cannot, or do not wish, to contribute anything. But as soon as you begin to see the amazing benefits and demonstrations that occur in your life, you will wish that everyone can enjoy them equally, and willfully want to provide a loving offering to help pay for the Printing of literature and rent of the premises where you attend conferences.

In one way or the other, welcome. You can bring whoever you want.

Thank you for your attention.


1- Write on a paper, and in order of importance to you, all the things you want and without fear of asking too much, because the force that I am going to make known to you does not know of limitation.

2- Read your list when you wake up and before bed.

3- Think often of your desires. Enjoy imagining them, and whenever you remember them say: Thank you Father that you have already given the order to be conferred on me!

4- Do not tell anyone what you are doing. This is very important because if you discuss it with someone, all the strength is dissipated and you will not see your wishes fulfilled. That's it. Now

For your satisfaction, it is splendid with yourself. Do not say on your list that you want a little house Even if it is a small girl . Ask for the size that suits you and please you fully. If it is money, mention the sum, if it is work, indicate what class, the salary to which you aspire, the conditions and the location most convenient for you.

In your first list put simple things so that you get used to seeing fall and wonders happen, because as you have never done this, you will not believe it is possible, and I warn you that this doubt can cost you The one who doesn't see what you've asked for. It is natural for you to have doubts and distrust because the idea is very new for you. But when you feel skepticism, pessimism, etc., take out your list, reread it and say thanks again. Thanking for what has not yet been seen is the most positive way of manifesting faith. It was recommended by Jesus Christ on several occasions, as you will remember, notably before feeding five thousand people with five fish and five loaves, when he looked up at the sky and thanked at the time of leaving the First bread roll.

Ah ..., you will be surprised that every time you read your list, you will first have to cross out some points because they will already have been made. Then you will have to do it again, putting other points in the most important places. Do not worry about this. It is natural, it happens to everyone. What happens is that your Higher Self indicates that many of these desires are already at your fingertips, while there are others that are not so.

Ah ..., do not get to "judge" about the way they are going to give you because this is counterproductive. The Great Spiritual Force is beyond your human understanding. Accept what it gives you with gratitude, do not interrupt it or stop it, and above all, do not think to think or say or exclaim when you see your wishes fulfilled: “How will it be! This does not seem possible! If it seems that all this was going to be done anyway! "NOTHING OF THAT!!! What happens is that the Great Spiritual Force (whose real name, in parentheses, is "The Law of Precipitation") is completely impersonal and places its gifts in the most harmonious, most natural places, taking advantage of the channels already established in your own life . She is not interested in exhibitionism or surprise. It only fulfills its task of giving you what you ask, where it is best for you.


Matthew 7.7 to 11.

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I give you whatever you want

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