Message from Master Djwal Khul: The way of life. Channeled by Fernanda Abundes

  • 2017

Wondering about the invitation ...

When you feel a human body again you remember that there are very fascinating things about the existence of those who complain about being there and that is that when one is human, consider that there are many things on the other side that everyone describes but that nobody understands that they are good. And that's when I also thought: what about the other side? Surely the tunnel will be, it will surely be a garden, maybe it is true that there is a river, or maybe you really walk among the clouds, or maybe there may be a lot of heat if I have to go downstairs. Will it be down ?, will it be up? ... When you suddenly do bad things, you think it is true that you will have to go to a place with too much heat and then you will not feel happy and regret the things you did and then some think No, if you're good you'll go upstairs. Up or down, what a complex!

Many times, the situation is not valued and then how to understand it? Really what follows after ..., is it something that is understood as above and below ?, Does it fit into a philosophy ?, Is it more open ?, Is there really something or is it just a sphere ?, Are you just a sphere of energy or are you something else ?, or parts of an All and return to the All or do not return to anything ?; Well, it's all that results after ...

But how do I know if I'm human now? Surely I must remember if I come from there, but how to understand it in my mind?

It is very simple ... suddenly being there, walking, walking, walking with that great being, the Master, the one who said that things were simpler than they seemed; but that should be valued as if they were the most complex. That was not understood at first; but how to know ?. Well, He said it this way: the simplest things must be valued, they are the simplest but they must also be understood as if they were the most complex.

It was very difficult, but He told me:

- You have to have a great mission ...

- And how was it a great mission?

- Understand what's on the other side.

- But, as you understand what is on the other side, do you want me to die and come back? Then do you want me to be the spokesperson for what you say is so wonderful?

And He said:

- No; you have to go from the other side, to the true existence.

- So, do you want me to die and come back? Then I can write books and say: he is the first human to return. But you can give me something so that I can record the images so that they see that it is real and that it is not only a situation that I want to be recognized.

And He said:

You are thinking a lot as a human, you still think that you need them to believe you so that they really see that you already were.

Are you talking about going to there, to paradise?

No, I want you to go beyond what you know.

Do you want me to die and come back?

And he said:

Well, you have all the characteristics of a human, you ask too much and you understand little.

Are you telling me that I enjoy little wisdom?

No, you enjoy wisdom but you lack intelligence.

is the same.

No, you enjoy wisdom but you lack intelligence. You have to go there; But look at the details.

how to look at the details?

It will be very simple to arrive and to find. The situations are going to be much simpler but complex.

simple and complex? Sure you're kidding.

And it was easier than one imagined but had to be valued as if it were the most complex. And that is life and I will understand it.

I will try to explain it to those beings who enjoy wisdom but lack intelligence.

Well, he said he had to go on the other side, on the other side? Well, he told me he only had to go on the other side of a hill.

of a mountain?

Yes, of a mountain. There you will find a friend, a friend who will also chat with you later.

a friend who later chat with me?

Yes, he is from Mt.

And I said: well, then you have to get to the mountain. You had to get to the mountain where he was going to be.

- He is also a great teacher, he told me, and he will teach you; but he has not yet reached the mountain.

- Do you want me to reach the mountain where he has not arrived, to wait for him to see when he will arrive?

- Yes, I want you to do ...

I decided to go to the mountain to wait for someone who didn't know who he was; that he was a great teacher, but he didn't know when he was going to arrive; I could spend an eternity of life waiting there!

Then I decided to go, I decided to go to the mountain. What did I come across?

With great things but I didn't like many ...

To start, I started with a big sun, the sun was there, I liked it but not so much, not so much because it burned and what I had was not fresh enough to keep walking.

And suddenly, what happened? My shoes have broken! And now what do I do? Then I saw a small ribbon there, maybe it was from someone, maybe it was from those who transport water with the animals. I used it, it didn't look very good but at least I could keep walking ...

And that heat continued, but not only was that enough, suddenly something terrible began, it started to rain! Then everything got wet, I thought the shoe was going to break again, nothing else could happen!

Yes! something could happen ... the jug was broken where it carried water! Could something else happen ?, if something happened, someone came, crossed my path, was a man who carried water, transported with what I had found: a small ribbon. It carried water with an animal, a slow animal and he was also slow, it was already large and then they complemented each other to walk on par.

I told him that he could give me some water and he said yes, and he said that if I was the wise man on the road. The wise man of the road? Is there a wise man of the way?

- Yes, this path is called "the path of wisdom",

- And where does it lead? Does it take you to the beyond?

- No, it doesn't take you to the beyond, it takes you beyond the beyond.

- That is, whoever goes through this dies?

-No, it's not that, just ... you need water right?

Yes, and he gave me another jug ​​with water. I told him that if I needed anything and all he said was: Enjoy the journey.

Surely it was what he picked up from somewhere and that's why he gave it to me ... anyway.

I kept walking and suddenly I saw something that in some way made my eyes happy, they were flowers, abandoned flowers, they were freshly cut because they looked fresh, they were on a blanket. I guess someone would take them somewhere but I didn't see anyone. I thought about taking them but it was as much as stealing them, although if they were flowers, they were from nature, so to not take everything since the blanket was not mine, I only took two.

Someone suddenly said: don't take my flowers!

- I didn't take them, I smelled them. Of course I did not intend to take them, it seems to me a total disrespect for those of us who are wise in this path of wisdom.

- Are you a sage? I was told by a somewhat large woman, a large woman who was told she was knew.

She told me: they say that I am wise.

I thought that perhaps he had forgotten who he was, because he could no longer say anything more than that, and he told me: they are for you if you want them, you do not need to take them in a painful or shameful situation for you.

- I wasn't going to take them! I can cut them too.

- No, you wouldn't cut them, because you have to get to the road, right?

- I'm already on the road, right?

- No, you have to get to the road, you have to get "beyond the beyond".

I thought: everyone here has a problem or everyone is a fortune teller, because everyone knows what one is looking for.

And he said to me, are you thinking why we know it, right?

Maybe they aren't even real, I thought. They might come from beyond and then they are making fun of me because I will never get there, because I am still alive.

And I said quietly I have to go; the flowers are beautiful but I can't load them right now and he said: it's okay at some point you will value them.

At that time I was no longer thirsty so I left the vessel, the pitcher with water; Although it was beautiful, I should have taken it, but no, it was quite heavy and I felt exhausted, so I left it. It finished raining and they were only small drops but the sun came out again.

The sun came up again! I had already dried my clothes, but it was still burning! I kept walking and walking and I saw that the ribbon was working and I kept walking ... something happened and from so much walking without wanting I stepped on the other foot with the other foot and I fell, I fell on a stone, a stone that when I saw it on the floor seemed fascinating I wanted to lift it and I saw that it had something down, what did it have? it wasn't a common stone it was a stone with quartz, I said it's wonderful! Alas but it weighs a lot! I will have to leave it ... but I bring a small bag to carry, I could carry it, but maybe it weighs, better not.

Then I continued valuing and complaining about that ribbon that I had on my foot, it helped me with my shoes but it was not visually attractive enough so I did not like it and preferred not to look towards the ground. And I kept walking and saw a tree with a fascinating trunk and there was something there, someone idly had done something, with an object that could cut had left a symbol on the tree. I tried to find out what it said but it was an unknown symbol, I wanted to record it in my mind but I was very upset, by that heat, so I decided to keep walking and then, I finished the mountain.

I finished the mountain and there was a table, a slightly old table with two chairs. I said: sure is going to come who they say is a great teacher and sure will be late and not even find this because if it cost me work, he will arrive. Well, I sat waiting, it was night and I said: sure it didn't come; when suddenly some steps were heard, some strong steps, some important steps and then I sat there, waiting for a being to arrive, the concrete situations were ready for me ... oh what wisdom!

I thought it was that being, but no, it wasn't; It was that Master again and he said: you arrived, but you did not arrive well.

I'm here, I'm waiting for you.

No, you did not understand that path of wisdom.

Well, I came here and if you saw everything that happened, I had to.

Yes, I do.

The Grand Master told me that he knew, and said: but you did not understand anything, you will have to return the same way and you will value the situations and then you would have wanted to take everything into account and be back here, but it won't, and you'll have to stay there.

Is this the one over there?

No, this is m s beyond the beyond, but you did not value it.

c mo? Yes, I am already here.


The great Master told me something:

To get to the m beyond there, you must not only arrive as if nothing happened, you did not value the small details, you only passed long, you even denied the things that were presented to you in life so you could support yourself. At the end of everything you complained, the little things that happened did not like you, so you are not ready to get to the beyond there from beyond there .

And the thing is that beyond you there is not what you understand as a wonderful world, but is to make your world wonderful.

And then I didn't understand what he wanted to say, if nothing wonderful had happened to me on that path, so many misfortunes had happened to me that I was already quite upset and then I said:

You must value it, I will tell you each of the things you let go.

And I said to myself: it is going to start with great philosophies, which is not true, what he does not want is for me to know that, because he does not want me to be famous as a human reaching beyond there . .

And he said to me: I listened to that mind that makes so much noise but says nothing in particular. You are wise but you lack intelligence.

I will tell you the details, said the Grand Master:

You started a journey not expecting to find you, hoping to find something, it means that you do not understand the concept of life well, it is not what you get but what you do for yourself.

- Good point! I thought and said:

There are things that you did not value, your shoes were broken and you said, “what will happen with that, I will not be able to continue” but someone, some human, someone left a ribbon there, just for you. Life puts you things that are fair to you and that you should value, it's just a matter of seeing them. They are not lost to anyone, it is a contribution to the world, something that someone no longer needed, someone else was going to need it and that is why it appeared in your path. And instead of valuing it as being from someone else wise, you said, "Well, at least this is and it was from some animal." You never valued that it was the product of the work of that being that carried water. Some time later you found him and you did not value who that being was.

I want to tell you that that being was represented as a God, like a Magno, something like me, I want to tell you that that being was telling you that even when you are tired it slaps you to move on. You were thirsty and he represented in water what you needed; you did not value it, you even said: "what do you need in return". He told you that this was the path of wisdom that would take you to "beyond the beyond" and yet you did not value it; you could have asked him more things but you materialized in the water, you only saw your very human situation, your thirst; but you didn't see the depth of his wisdom. He not only appeared on your way to give you water but to teach you a lesson, that when you even feel abandoned, life, circumstances and the Great, you get the optimal situations for you to continue, yet you did not value it.

You continued, you realized that there were flowers and you didn't even give yourself time to appreciate them, because you said only: "someone just cut them and they are fresh"; but perhaps you started to think who that someone may have been and why he was cutting them.

- Well Master, I didn't have time to think so many things ...

- No, it's not the point. The point is this ... Someone cut them, nature, she was represented in nature, she was like Mother Nature. Of course she cut them, she didn't need to cut them for you, she just cut them and put them there for you to see, because otherwise, you don't even turn to see the wonder of nature; you get to see the things that have already undergone a modification. Why didn't you see the flowers that were all the time around you and you noticed until the moment someone cut them. Did you wonder why he had cut them?

- No, I suppose I was going to use them for an ornament ...

- No, it wasn't what I was going to occupy them for, but all the magic that came up with that. You needed a great modification of nature so that you would notice and that is that you value the processed but you do not value the natural.

- what processed?

- Yes, you value what they show you as something important but you don't realize that the important thing is there all the time, in every moment. You could have taken part of the flowers.

- But that was stealing them ...

- No, she offered them to you later, she said you could take them away and you still didn't want them. And you know why you didn't want them? Because you know they are always there and you still don't value them, you don't value them when you can see them. You valued them until they were gone and when you gave them you said, no. Do you know why you don't wear them? Because you know that at any time you can have an equal.

- Then you do not value those small details of life that arise and suddenly, you denied the fall. You did not realize that it helped you to see that there was also something important that if you had not fallen you would not have seen. You realized that there in the lower part of your journey there are important things that your distraction from so many questions does not allow you to see and especially something that you denied all the time: the sun.

- The sun was lighting you up, of course I didn't want to burn you, it was lighting you up to see where you had to go and you still refused. So you don't understand that it was there so you could move on. And then when we sent you the rain, you refused because you were getting wet, we wanted to cool you down, then you complained because you were wet and we sent you back the sun to dry your clothes and you complained again because you were hot again.

- Then you came here and saw that the table was already waiting for something but never waiting for yourself, don't you know that the date is with you too?

And that is the true meaning of the "beyond the beyond", not to go to what is known as unknown but to what meets you with yourself.

And I want to tell you and I want to tell you now what the Grand Master said:

To truly get to the great journey you need to value the small details that are there.

I did not wonder why that ribbon was someone's magnificent, something that suddenly lost someone, served for me.

It means that those things that we even leave as “gifts” to life, someone else will be happy for it. Also what I denied, life itself puts you in situations to be able to continue but you still complain. Once you have what you need, you complain about everything you do not have, it never looks like a situation to be achieved, it looks like something that does not continue to favor you and we do not listen to those great sages who cross our path ; Many times they are the ones who least expect but give us great lessons.

Why not value everything you have? one does not value that the sun exists; neither that you have water, that you cool down; neither are those small things that really are bigger and that is a true existence.

It is true that the wise are wise since they are born, I mean that humans are wise since they are born, it is true, because they have all the conditions to continue their life but they do not have the intelligence to realize that all those things that cross in Your life are valuable.

In the end, the journey was not only to arrive, but to realize, everything that is valuable in that way and that is the true existence of humans, not only is the objective but everything that crosses your path.

Why not value the sun then, or why not value the drops, why not value that water man, why not value his gift, why question why he did it, why not value what was represented as Mother Nature . She had to change the condition of what I saw because if I hadn't realized they existed.

And that is how things happen, you value the absent, you do not value the presence of great situations, you miss the sun when you are cold, you like the cold when you are too hot; they would like the rain to exist when there is a drought, but when it arrives they say it has rained too much. And that is how they are everywhere and all humans think the same. What they have does not please them, they would like to return to what they had before and once they return, they consider that then what was already good was good; and then what is already gone, they would like to return it; but many times things don't come back.

The way of life must be understood from the beginning, many things may return, others will not return and the opportunity will be gone. There are opportunities in life that are only once, there are situations in life that are perpetual and are no longer valued, so the opportunity is latent.

Who will value the sun now? No one does it because it always exists; Who values ​​the scent of flowers? nobody does it because they know they are always there. If there is anything, nobody wonders why? Has no sense; The sky is blue, why? Who knows, it occurred to someone, it occurred to someone because it is the best color that adorns our great existence.

I want to tell you that the way from there and from beyond is to realize the small details; Even when defeats make you come down, very down, there are things that you can only see from below, because above you cannot see. Those humans who suddenly feel that they have sunk into failure, surely they are not failing, are having another view of life. Not everything is in the air, many times you have to visit the ground and there you will realize that there are things that you cannot see, such as that rock that was not a rock, was a quartz and not I took it because I thought it was heavy and I would see it later.

And for that table I needed the flowers to decorate and wait for my friend, I needed the list not only for my shoes but to put the flowers, I was also going to need the vessel that was there left there on the road and the gift was that, the rock. And what do you think? I arrived without flowers, I arrived with the list for my footwear nothing more, I left the vessel, so he said:

You go back until you have the ability to understand that many things are indispensable in your existence, it is the small details, the simple moments, that are more complex; ys ; You are wise but you lack intelligence.

I had no other choice but to return, I thought I was going to cross with everything but as I was moving forward nothing was the same and life itself was that, what I had already lived before seemed When the times had turned, I was returning to my own reality. I knew that at some point I was going to have to go back to that road from there beyond and the only thing I did was remember and try to remember What did he have to do?

That is why I now try to remind those beings who still go on that journey of the path of life, which are the small details, those that are simpler and insignificant, which are the more complex and often the most important. Of course, the goals of life are fascinating, but it is also very important those little things that we consider we do not need, those little words of the beings that give us, that we consider insignificant, vague, of more, but that are those great lessons and learnings

The path "from beyond" is not only to reach a wonderful place, it is to reach all existence from the present and that is valuing every detail; the one who is next, the one who is in front, not only evaluating what he has and what he does not, but assessing all the pleasant, magnificent questions that may exist and then are in his journey. Do not forget that the things that appear there appear just for you, that when they are exhausted they are also sent incentives to be able to continue, that when they are moving away from the road, beings are sent to them so that they can remind you what the road is and where they are .

And those beings who are no longer there and who go to the "beyond the beyond", have to remember it, because existence is also based on memories and that is when they will value everything. And when they are down and feel that they are failing, realize that they have another vision from there, from very below, that above is seen as an objective but while here, at this point there are things that previously went unnoticed, suddenly the “excess of success "- as the human calls - does not see those details that also help you grow, like the rock.

And we also don't hear the things we always have there, like the flowers, she wanted me to see that they were always there but that I still didn't see them, I realized until they were cut.

And now the Grand Master is sitting there but I am no longer sitting, and if the other arrives, he will say that I am not the wise. I wanted to ask the teacher if he had arrived and he said: “later you will know”… well, it doesn't matter if he arrived, what matters is what I am going to do now, so my mission will be to remind them, to remind them to value every detail of the life. If the sky is blue, don't just wonder why someone came up with it, and why? Because that's wonderful; And why are the flowers cut? Because a great sage wanted to adorn my sight, since I do not realize that they exist, he brought them here, since I do not go to the mountain to see them they came to the mountain to visit me, so it is true, many times if you do not They go to the mountain, the mountain comes to you, it is real. Life gives us certain gifts so we can see them; I had not gone to the mountain, I had to see the rock, until I was down and only then did I understand that there are great gifts in life.

Value the little things that seem insignificant and simple but they are the most complex and those are the ones that will help you live and remember, if you enjoy wisdom but lack intelligence, it is intelligent that you look at the details.

Wonderful to be here.

Djwal Khul

Message channeled by Fernanda Abundes ( ) (Puebla, Mexico)

Published by Geny Castell, editor of the great family of the

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