The New Earth Surge: November 2010 - "The Flowers of Peace, Grace and Compassion and the Waves of Diamond Light" ~ AA Miguel through Celia Fenn

  • 2010

Mandala by Diana Cadena Muñoz and members of the Om Shanti Healing Center in Bogotá, Colombia. Om Shanti Paz Center

Translation: Margarita López

Dear Family of Light, it is with Great Joy that we come to you at this time to talk about the New Energies that are flooding your Planet and the New Forms that are coming to the Manifestation at this time. At the opening of the Portal or Stargate 10/10/10, you as a Family of Light, held the space to anchor the new energies of the Shekina or Cosmic Mother, and allowed the Formation of the New Grids of Light that link the Oceans and Earth in a Planetary Unit as One. Now, you are in the next phase of Molding and Physical Form, to these New Energies.

So, now let's talk first about the New Energy of Peace, Grace and Compassion that is entering the Earth after the 10/10/10 Portal. We call it the "Flowers of Peace, Grace and Compassion" because they are anchoring themselves in the most beautiful Sacred Geometric forms that are giving a Higher Consciousness to the grids of the "Flower of Life" that shape their Planet and also to the manifestations of Social Structures and Human Interactions. These new Flowers include the energies of Peace, Grace and Compassion that are the gift and expression of the Shekina Light of the Great Mother Earth. The Shekina light has been anchored in the Earth's field and is pulsing the frequencies of Unconditional Love, Grace and Compassion.

The energy of Compassion creates a deep sense of connection with their peers on the Planet and a desire to support the emergence of the Light of Higher Consciousness for All. This, in turn, creates a desire to shape a society where everyone is supported and loved, and where everyone can share the abundance of material life. Compassion is a gift from God the Mother or Divine Feminine who makes sure that all her Earthly Children know that they are Loved and Supported at all times.

The energy of Grace follows Compassion, Dear Ones. It is the full confidence and acceptance of the Divine Will and the belief that Miracles can occur and occur, when Love and Compassion are present. Grace is also a gift from the Divine Mother and supports those who choose to flow with the energies of Cosmic Love that emanate from the Cosmic Heart.

In recent years, Dear Ones, we have often spoken to you of the need to live in the Present Moment and be willing to accept the Divine Will as it manifests in your life in the flow of Creation and Synchronicity. Now is the time when you will need these skills while the Powerful New Energies that are flooding the Planet bring profound changes to their lives and their social structures. Dear ones, know that Grace, Compassion and Miracles are here to support you if you Open your Hearts and Accept these gifts of Divine Love.

In order to support your processes at this time, Dear Ones, we will explain how these energies will flow into the form in the coming months.

On 10/10/10, they passed through an energy portal that allowed them to expand into Higher Consciousness. You can compare this with the energy of a Bridge. Those of you who are the Family of Light awake were ready to pass through this Bridge of Light. His Higher Self had been preparing to make this great Change of Consciousness. So, many of you felt the need to get out of situations that were not in alignment with these new energies, even if you were not sure what the next step would be and how They will shape and express these New Energies in their lives.

In Portal 11/11 of November 11, you will begin to integrate these new energies more fully and you will have a better understanding of how you should move forward to express yourself and His light in Love and Compassion. You will understand each other better and what you need to achieve in this new phase of your life. Dear ones, you will begin to align yourself with a new phase of personal growth and expansion in Love that will also support the expansion and growth of the Planet.

For the 12/12 Portal of December 12, you will be ready to shape this new address in your life. The energies of Higher Consciousness will manifest in New Directions for Work and Relationships.

Dear ones, if you feel confused and lost in these powerful new energies, know that you are supported in this Great Process of Transformation and that you will be brought to form and in alignment with the Divine Will for end of the year Remember to use the gifts of Compassion and Grace with yourself and expect Synchronicities and Miracles in the Flow of Divine Love.

The Waves of Diamond Light and the Next Phase of the Adventure igo Crystal in the Light

Dear Ones, on 10/10/10 and the opening of the Star Portal, the Waves of Diamond Light that are coming to the Planet intensified. These have the effect of activating a Higher Consciousness and increasing the Fields of Love and Peace on Earth.

But they are also supported and facilitated by the arrival of the Crystal Diamond Rose Children. These are the next ola of Crystal Children, and these are born in full Cosmic Consciousness and fully awake and connected to the Spark of Divine Light within. Their energy field shines like Diamonds, as they sow the New Energies in the Collective Fields of Light on Earth.

At the same time, the Indigo-Crystal Beings on the Planet are being activated and directed towards the Next Phase of their work in accordance with the Divine Plan as expressed through the Codes of Light. This is the job of being Channels and Expressions of the New Energy and helping to create a sustainable partnership with Nature so that the Planet has a viable future in Peace, Love and Sustainability.

Many of the Indigo Beings of the First and Second Waves that arrived on the Planet in the 70s and 80s will move on to this New Consciousness and this New Work of Love. They will feel called to work in Groups and in Projects that support the emergence of a sustainable and compassionate way of life on Earth. This is also going to be felt by all Beings that have passed through the Indigo and Crystal Transformation stages and are ready for the awareness of the Diamond Rose of Cosmic Wisdom as expressed on Planet Earth.

This is a deeply rooted Consciousness that aligns the Soul Star Chakra with the Earth Star Chakra. At the level of the Soul Star Chakra, the Akasha of the Soul is awakening the memories of Who You Are and your Cosmic Connection with the Stars. At the level of the Earth Star Chakra, you are awakening deep memories of Collective Past Lives on earth and accessing the wisdom of these lives from the Earth Akasha.

Together, these two streams of Wisdom mean that they are receiving Light Codes and Information from the Highest Sources available, and they are expanding in perception and awareness. The waves of pure Diamond Light that enter the Planet have the effect of “updating” the information through New Forms of Geometry of the Sacred Light. These transmit a new impulse to evolve into new ways of being. Dear ones, it is not surprising that you feel exhausted and confused as all this new information flows to your Light Bodies and your cellular memories and DNA. Your mind is not able to process this information. The mental level and the mental body are given to process your experience in today's life and pass this information to the Earth and the Akasha of the Soul. The Mental Center is limited. Only the channels and meridians of the Higher Consciousness in the Body of Light that have developed in recent years are able to process this information in connection with their DNA.

Dear ones, the job of the Mind is to allow the rest of the Multidimensional Body to process and direct, and be aware of the "instructions" that come from the Heart and through the Body. When they align with these instructions, they will flow to Greater Forms of expression and love with Ease and Grace and Joy.

We truly wish you Light, Joy and the Blessings of the Flowers of Peace and Compassion and Grace in this month of November.

You can download the pipes and logs of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in

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