Your pain tree feeds on things that you think come from the other

  • 2018

Dear brothers and sisters, from our world we see that they are continually evolving, and we also observe that they suffer frequently and in certain cases, allow that suffering to blind them, which is demonstrated directly in the way they treat who are around you, whether people and / or animals .

Know, we understand your suffering and want to help you overcome it by offering you a new light

They often believe that it is the other who produces their internal sufferings, as if that other will be rooted deep within you. Imagine a tree with each of its roots. What do they see? The image they visualize on earth is very similar to what is in the sky and it is that in order to live, it is necessary that the trees are rooted to the earth from which they sprout, to become an almighty being, who obtains the vital energy that you need through these branches.

Understand, beloved beings of light, that the same thing happens with you

In the same way, the tree of suffering, that which causes you so much pain is rooted in you, since the origin of your birth is within you . Your pain tree feeds on those things that you think come from the other, but we tell you again, the roots of your pain are in you, not in the other. Understand with that image that we want to convey to you, that whenever you suffer from the attitude of others, it is not in them that you should look for the roots that cause you pain, but within you.

Understand that your sufferings are not caused by others, but by yourselves, so that in you there is freedom and power, to decide if you want to uproot that tree and give the Universe to transmute into the ground within a fertile ground, of which will sprout seeds of joy and serenity, or if they wish to keep it inside and continue to experience the feeling that causes them.

Pain is a breeding ground, it is the soil that does not allow them to find their own love and achieve the Rebirth of their Loving Being. Every time you experience the suffering, think about what we have just told you and visualize how to deliver that pain to the earth, so that it transmutes your energies and turns it into seeds of Love, which will grow in the fertilized soil, giving life to beautiful plants and beautiful flowers inside, which will fill their lives with bright colors and allow them to love each other unconditionally. Through this simple visualization, you will be able to make the suffering you experience come out of you and become Light.

Accept it and order your bodies and minds to let it go without resistance. In this way, they will be taking the first step towards their total internal transmutation and at each step they take, we will be by their side accompanying and helping them if they wish. Do not doubt, beloved brothers, in invoking the Archangel Raphael and the Archangel Michael, since their energies and the infinite love they feel for you will help you achieve this more easily and quickly.

Through the acceptance of their experiences they can reach their own Sun and defeat their fears

Beloved beings of light, we invite you to stop thinking that others are the cause of your sufferings, since that is only a manifestation of the ego and, to ascend you must be able to let it go. Remember that we love you and we are with you.

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