Are fiber-rich diets recommended?

  • 2015

Is a diet rich in fiber recommended?

At present, there is a quite controversial debate regarding the benefits that fiber consumption has on our health.

On the one hand, some studies strongly confirm that increasing fiber intake can be really positive for health.

On the other hand, there are studies that deny these beneficial effects and claim otherwise.

Let's see how much fiber is healthy and what types of fiber are the most recommended when it comes to improving our health.

What types of fiber are there?

Dietary fiber is the carbohydrates present in food and that our body cannot digest.

There are two common ways to classify fiber according to its solubility in water and its ability to be fermented by bacterial flora:

  • Soluble / insoluble fiber
  • Fermentable / non-fermentable fiber
Why is fiber important?

Dietary fiber serves as food for the bacteria that inhabit our body.

Most of these bacteria lodge in the large intestine and are called intestinal flora.

While most nutrients are absorbed and digested before reaching the large intestine, the fiber arrives virtually intact.

And, as I mentioned earlier, the human body is not able to digest the fiber we eat.

What is the role of bacteria with respect to fiber?

Intestinal bacteria have a type of enzyme that digests fiber that has not been digested and absorbed by other bacteria.

And by feeding these “good” bacteria, the bacterial population increases and, therefore, improves our overall health.

What benefits does fiber give us in our health?
  1. Decrease blood sugar highs and lows

Foods that contain fiber usually have a low glycemic index.

This means that they contribute to lower blood sugar ups and downs after a meal rich in carbohydrates.

However, if you suffer from a disease related to blood sugar, do not use fiber to reduce the effects of carbohydrates. Just avoid them.

  1. Contributes to weight loss

Depending on the type of fiber we consume, it can decrease appetite and increase the feeling of fullness after a meal.

By feeling satisfied for longer, the consumption of other foods is automatically reduced and therefore it is easier to lose weight.

  1. Reduce cholesterol to some extent

According to numerous controlled trials, a consumption of between 2 and 10 grams of soluble fiber per day on average reduces total cholesterol by 1.7 mg / dl and LDL cholesterol by 2.2 mg / dl.

Although the effect is not so surprising, some studies have revealed that increasing fiber consumption significantly lowers cholesterol levels.

However, the results are conflicting and it is not yet known with certainty whether these effects occur in the long term.

  1. It can be effective against constipation

Most health experts agree on the effectiveness of fiber in reducing constipation.

However, the studies carried out in this field do not shed light on the matter.

While some studies confirm that a diet rich in fiber can help alleviate the symptoms of constipation, others indicate that a diet without fiber has the same effect.

For this reason, it is still too early to say that fiber can fight constipation, as it can be effective in some people and be totally counterproductive in others.


There are still doubts about some benefits of fiber in our health, but we must bear in mind that fiber is an essential part of the diet.

Although, in general, fiber-rich foods are healthier than the rest, their healthy effects are not so much due to their high fiber content but rather that they are mostly natural and unprocessed products.

However, we cannot forget that fiber is the food that nourishes our intestinal bacteria, of utmost importance for the proper functioning of our body.


Are fiber-rich diets recommended?

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